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Cosmological Argument for Existence of God

Cosmological Argument for Existence of God. Is Big Bang Cosmology of Relevance?. Cosmological Arguments. One form tries to show that the series of causes can’t go back to infinity Aquinas’s First and Second Way Kalam Cosmological Argument (Craig)

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Cosmological Argument for Existence of God

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  1. Cosmological Argument for Existence of God Is Big Bang Cosmology of Relevance?

  2. Cosmological Arguments • One form tries to show that the series of causes can’t go back to infinity • Aquinas’s First and Second Way • Kalam Cosmological Argument (Craig) • Another form tries to show that at least some being must exist necessarily • Aquinas’s Third way • appeal to a “principle of sufficient reason”, which holds that everything can be explained

  3. Aquinas’s Five Ways • The classical cosmological arguments come from St. Thomas Aquinas’s Five Ways. • The first three are usually called cosmological arguments. • Arguments one and two aim to show that infinite series of causes are impossible • Argument three tries to prove the existence of a necessary being.

  4. The First and Second Ways • The first and second ways have a very similar structure. We will consider only the second in detail • The first way deals with change – the word is sometimes given as “motion.” • It argues that all change must have a cause, and that the series of causes can’t go back to infinity.

  5. Continued • The second way deals with “efficient causes.” • We will take this to mean: causes that sustain things in being – “sustaining causes.” • It may be that the sun (which provides energy to the earth) is a sustaining cause of your existence. • It may be as well that electromagnetic forces are sustaining causes of you

  6. The Second Way Stated • Aquinas’s Second Way: • Some things are caused (sustained) by other things, which are caused by other things... • Nothing is the cause of itself • To take away the cause is to take away the effect. • If there is no first cause, there will be no intermediate causes and hence no immediate causes of what’s here and how. • But what’s here and now has causes. • Therefore, there is a first cause: God.

  7. In Plainer English • Aquinas notes that many things (all things?) that we see around us are kept in being by other causes. • Some of these causes have their own sustaining causes. • He goes on to claim that chains of sustaining causes can’t stretch back to infinity

  8. What Kind of Argument? • Aquinas’s argument is a posteriori in one sense: it starts with observable facts • The proof proceeds by reductio ad absurdum • In other words, Aquinas tries to show that if we believe in infinite series of causes, we end up in contradiction

  9. The Contradiction • Aquinas assumes plausibly: to take away the cause is to take away the effect • If the sustaining causes of what we see around us didn’t exist, neither would those things • If we take away the first cause, he says, we take away all the things that depend on it • This implies that things we know to exist don’t exist: contradiction

  10. The Problem • To say there’s no first cause isn’t to “take away” any cause. • It’s just to say: every cause has a cause in turn • That may be puzzling, but... • Aquinas hasn’t proved that it’s impossible to have an infinite series of causes

  11. A More Sophisticated Version • Aquinas doesn’t seem to have shown that infinite series of sustaining causes are impossible • William Lane Craig might argue: Aquinas made a mistake in allowing that the bare idea of an infinite series of actual things is possible • Craig argues that “actual infinities” are themselves impossible • His argument (based on an older Islamic argument) is called the Kalam Cosmological Argument

  12. A Diagram of Craig’s Argument

  13. In Words: • Craig considers several alternatives • Either the universe had a beginning or it didn’t. He argues that it did. • He argues this because assuming otherwise means assuming an actual infinity of past events • He believes this is impossible • We will consider this in detail, but first...

  14. The Kalam Argument Continued • Suppose the universe had a beginning • Craig says: the beginning was either caused or uncaused • He repudiates the second alternative; he thinks it’s absurd • Finally, he argues that the cause must have been personal: it was God

  15. Three Problems • We will see that • 1) Craig doesn’t succeed in showing that an infinite series of causes is absurd • 2) He doesn’t show that an uncaused universe is absurd • 3) And although his remarks about a personal cause are suggestive, they aren’t a proof

  16. *The Heart of the Argument • The core of Craig’s argument is the “proof” that there can’t be an actual infinite series of causes. • Some may think that talk of infinity is inherently confused or absurd • Craig does not go this far. • He accepts the mathematical theory of infinity.

  17. *Mathematics and Infinity • We first need to ask: when to two sets have the same number of things? • The mathematician’s answer: when their members can be paired one-one: • {a,b,c,d,e} • {v,w,x,y,z} vs • {a,b,c,d,e,f} • {v,w,x,y,z}

  18. *Infinity • We can compare infinite collections in this way. This implies: the number of counting numbers equals the number of even numbers: • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10... • 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20...

  19. Continued • Note what mathematicians mean here • The phrase “same number” originally did not apply to infinite collections • Mathematicians found a way to extend the definition: to use the phrase consistently in a new context • The new use agrees with the old use, but extends that use

  20. *Craig and Infinity • Craig agrees that the mathematical theory of infinity is consistent • He agrees that we can say things like • The number of even numbers equals the number of counting numbers • The number of counting numbers is less than the number of real numbers • He believes that we get absurdities only when we talk of concrete infinities

  21. *Absurdities? • Craig brings up an example from the mathematician Cantor • Imagine an infinite bookshelf with books alternating black, red, black, red, black... • Now imagine borrowing all the red books • How many books are left? Answer: the same number as there were originally • Craig says: this is clearly absurd

  22. *A Reply • The claim that there are just as many books left may sound absurd. However, • All it means is that there is a one-one function pairing the total set of books with the set of black books • Craig’s admission that the mathematical theory is consistent requires him to agree that this is consistent

  23. *Further... • We can still make sense of our feeling that there are “fewer” books left. • We simply need to speak carefully. • It is still true that the remaining books are a proper subset of the original collection • This captures an important sense in which the set of remaining books is "smaller"

  24. *A Worse Absurdity? • Craig continues: suppose all the red books have been removed. We can fill in all the gaps in the shelf with the remaining books • How? Move the 2nd black book to where the first red book was. • Then move the 3rd black book to where the 2nd black book was • And so on and so on and so on • The result: all the gaps are filled • Craig’s judgment: this is absurd

  25. *What Kind of Absurdity? • There is no contradiction in what has been described. It is mathematically consistent. • It is certainly surprising and puzzling. • However, a good deal of what we have learned from modern science is surprising and puzzling • This is different from saying it is absurd

  26. *Furthermore • We may think that we could never fill in the gaps this way, and • This may be perfectly true. • (It might require infinite time and infinite energy) • However, the idea that an omnipotent God couldn’t do it is much less clear

  27. *The Kalam Argument and Omnipotence • Craig’s argument contains a theological danger • It appears to rule out the possibility of God doing things that on the face of it seem possible for divine being • For example: couldn’t pick out a straight line in space, and put a stone every mile along the line? • If not, why not? Is this really absurd?

  28. *Absurdity Again • If we can show that something is internally contradictory (a square circle, e.g.), it is absurd • Craig hasn’t shown that • If we can show that something contradicts a known fact, we have an absurdity • Craig hasn’t done that either. • Therefore, the first step of Craig’s argument is at best highly inconclusive

  29. Recap • Aquinas’s First and Second Ways try to prove that certain kinds of infinite causal chains are impossible • The arguments seem weak: either confusing denying a first cause with taking away a cause or simply assuming what needs to be proved • Craig tries to prove that actual infinities are absurd • All he succeeds in showing is that they would have some surprising properties

  30. Craig Continued • Suppose we agree with Craig that the universe has a beginning • We can ask: does the rest of his argument work? • Does he show that the beginning must have been caused? • Does he show that the cause must have been personal?

  31. The First Cause • Craig seems to think that if the beginning of the universe wasn’t caused, then the universe must simply have “popped into existence” • He thinks that no reasonable person would accept this • There is a problem with this way of putting things

  32. The Beginning of Time • If the universe “popped into existence,” that would suggest a time before the appearance of matter • This ignores a different possibility: there is no time “before” the beginning of the physical universe • The universe could be nothing more than the sum total of the events and objects it contains

  33. A Personal Creator? • Suppose we agree that it’s plausible that the beginning of the physical universe had a cause • Something Craig doesn’t stress: that cause couldn’t be physical. • Why not? Because if it were physical, it would simply be another part of the universe, and Craig would say that it needs a cause

  34. Continued... • If the beginning of the universe has a cause, it must be something that it not physical • Plausibly, this also means something not in time. • (Why? Because things in time are arguably physical, though this is controversial) • Therefore, plausibly, the cause of the universe would have to be eternal – outside time

  35. Eternal Cause? • Craig asks: if the cause is eternal, why wouldn’t the effect be eternal too? • Craig’s answer: we can make sense of this if we assume that God eternally intended to create a universe in time

  36. Necessary Beings • So far, we have considered arguments to show that there can’t be an infinite series of events or causes • Another important kind of cosmological argument tries to show that there must be at least one necessary being – a being that couldn’t’ fail to exist • This being, it is argued, is God

  37. Aquinas’s Cosmological Argument • Some things begin and end (we’ll call them evanescent things) • If everything was evanescent, there would have been a time when nothing existed • If there was a time when nothing existed, nothing would exist now. • Since that’s false, there’s something (God!) that isn’t evanescent

  38. An Obvious Problem • Suppose everything is evanescent. • Just because each thing was non-existent at some time doesn’t mean that at some one time each thing was non-existent • Compare: everyone has a mother. But no one person is everyone’s mother.

  39. In short... • Aquinas’s argument doesn’t show that there must be a necessary being. • Still, the intuition Aquinas starts with is interesting: if every single thing is contingent, it’s remarkable that anything exists. • To explore this idea, we need a different approach

  40. A Deeper Principle • Leibniz (1646-1716) said: • No fact can be real or existent, no statement true, unless there be a sufficient reason why it is so and not otherwise. • This is the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) • In short: everything has an explanation

  41. A Problem with the Principle • Some things don’t seem likely to have sufficient reasons • For example: suppose that no one at this moment is exactly 5 feet 10.37821 inches tall • That precise fact (a negative fact) may have no sufficient reason

  42. A Restatement of the Principle • William Rowe suggests revising the principle: • Every thing and every positive fact has a sufficient reason • This avoids the problem described above • (Note: Rowe still ends up rejecting the PSR)

  43. What is a Sufficient Reason? • A sufficient reason must explain whatever it’s intended to be a reason for • That means that it must imply what it’s a reason for: if X explains Y, then Y follows from X; it’s impossible for X to be true and Y false. • Further, in the case where Y is contingent, X can’t just be Y restated.

  44. Comment on Previous Slide • Some things (necessary truths – e.g., 2+3=5) may be "self-explaining" • Contingent truths – things that might not have been so – can't be self-explaining • (If you suspect otherwise, try to find a good example of a self-explaining contingent truth) • So if Yis contingent, and X just restates Y, X can't be the sufficient reason for Y

  45. A Principle • To evaluate the PSR, we need to understand another principle: the Transfer of Necessity • This principle is a matter of logic. It says: • If X is a necessary truth (i.e., couldn’t be false no matter what) and X implies Y, then Y is also necessary.

  46. Why? • Suppose X is necessary, X implies Y and Y is contingent. • In that case, we can imagine a case where Y is false. But since X is necessary, X would be true in that case • Since X implies Y, Y would have to be both true and false in that case – which is absurd.

  47. Put another way... • If X is necessary, and X implies Y, then it’s impossible for Y to be false. • If Ywere false, then the principle we just described would imply that X is false. • That can’t happen if X is necessary • Thus, necessary truths only imply other necessary truths

  48. Problems for the PSR • Consider the collection of all positive contingent truths. This is itself a contingent truth, which we’ll call F • Suppose R is a sufficient reason for F. Then R can’t be a necessary truth (because necessary truths don’t imply contingent truths.

  49. Continued • Suppose that R is contingent (the only other alternative). Then • R can’t be a mere “part” of F because in that case it won’t imply F • R can’t be identical to F because then R won’t explain F • R can’t be a negative (or partly negative) fact, because it’s obscure how a negative fact could explain a positive fact

  50. Putting it another way... • If R is necessary, then R doesn’t imply the contingent truth F • If R is contingent, then R itself needs a sufficient reason, and circularity or regress threatens. • Therefore, whether R is necessary or contingent, R can’t be the sufficient reason for F

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