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10.1: Slavery, States’ Rights, & Western Expansion. How did Congress try to resolve the dispute between North and South over slavery?. Contrast the economies, societies, and political views of the North and the South. Describe the role of the Free-Soil Party in the election of 1848.
10.1: Slavery, States’ Rights, & Western Expansion How did Congress try to resolve the dispute between North and South over slavery? • Contrast the economies, societies, and political views of the North and the South. • Describe the role of the Free-Soil Party in the election of 1848. • Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850.
Contrast the economies, societies, and political views of the North and the South. NOTES
The North and the South had very different views of slavery. Contrast the economies, societies, and political views of the North and the South.
Contrast the economies, societies, and political views of the North and the South. NOTES
Contrast the economies, societies, and political views of the North and the South.
The North and South had different views about new territories. Contrast the economies, societies, and political views of the North and the South. • The North wanted the new territories to be free states. • The South wanted thenew territories to beslave states.
Keeping a balance between free and slave states became the focus of Congress. It was defeated, but it brought the slavery issue into public debate. Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850. In 1846, the Wilmot Proviso stated that all lands acquired from Mexico would be free territories.
In the election of 1848, the two political parties, the Democrats and the Whigs, split over the issue of slaveryand a third party was formed, the Free-Soil Party. Describe the role of the Free-Soil Party in the election of 1848.
The Free-Soil party lost the election but had a large influence on politics before the Civil War. Describe the role of the Free-Soil Party in the election of 1848. NOTES
The Democrats and Whigs were forced to address the slavery issue. Describe the role of the Free-Soil Party in the election of 1848. • Both parties supported popular sovereignty, havingvoters in a territory decide whether their territory would be free or slave. • Having voters decide had wide appeal since it seemed to keep with the tradition of American democracy. It would also remove Congress from the controversy.
Once again, the slavery issue was debated in the Senate by three political leaders. Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850. Henry Clay from the West Daniel Webster from the North John Calhoun from the South
Henry Clay proposed a compromise balancing the number of free states and slave states in Congressknown as the Compromise of 1850. Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850.
Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850. Calhoun and Webster’s positions on Clay’s compromise during Senate debate:
Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850. The Compromise of 1850 finally became a law stating that: NOTES The compromise brought calm to the nation, but larger crises loomed.
North and South torn over slavery. Tension develops over slavery in new territories and states. South threatens to withdraw from Union. Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850. The Compromise of 1850 • California admitted as a free state. • Residents of new territories allowed to vote on slavery. (“popular sovereignty”) • Texas gives up claim on New Mexico. • Fugitive Slave law enacted. • Compromise provides temporary relief from threats of secession. • Slave trade abolished in District of Columbia. Chapter 10, section 1, p.326-329
Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850.
Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850. Positions on Slavery FOr Compromise Against • John C. Calhoun • Zachary Taylor • Lewis Cass • Henry Foote • Fugitive Slave Act • Wilmot Proviso • Free-Soil Party • Martin van Buren • Daniel Webster • William Seward • Popular Sovereignty • Henry Clay • Compromise of 1850 • Stephen A. Douglas • Millard Fillmore What state are these people from? (If idea, who created it? Where from?)
How did Congress try to resolve the dispute between North and South over slavery? The North and South had developed separate economies, societies, and political views since the Revolution. Different economies and viewpoints of the North and the South hindered compromise. Eventually, new political parties emerged. As the nation expanded, the problem of slavery became a divisive and difficult issue to resolve. Contrast the economies, societies, and political views of the North and the South. Describe the role of the Free-Soil Party in the election of 1848. Analyze why slavery in the territories was a divisive issue between North and South and how Congress tried to settle the issue in 1850.