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Explore the pioneering work of Professor LIN Chao and the innovative research, education, and society initiatives at the Digital Lin Chao Geomuseum. Discover the rich history of global earth science through interactive activities and geo-diversity collections. Witness the intersection of geography, art, and space exploration through unique displays and exhibitions.
Digital Geo-Museum – A Platform for Innovative Research, Education and Society Prof. LIU Chuang Institute of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences Director of Executive Committee of Digital Lin Chao Geomuseum, Geographical Society of China The 5th China-US Roundtable on Scientific Data Cooperation 27-28 October 2011, Beijing, China
Background and Partners • Major Halls of the Digital Lin Chao • Geomuseum • Memory of Geography in China and the • World Else • Platform for Innovative Research, Education • and society • Conclusion CONTENTS
Background and Partners 中国地理学会走向世界第一人 - 林超教授 Professor LIN Chao - Pioneer of Chinese Geographers in IGU 林超(1909-1991),北京大学教授,广东省揭阳人,1938年获英国利物浦大学博士学位,曾任中山大学地理系主任、中国地理研究所所长,中国大百科全书地理卷第一届主任。1949年作为中国代表团团长参加第16次国际地理联合会世界大会并成功申请会员资格,开启了中国地理学会走向世界的新纪元。他对中国地理学科学研究、地理教育、国际合作等诸多方面均做出过卓越和特殊的历史贡献。林超教授的地理学思想与成就是中国地理学的宝贵财富。 林超教授代表中国在国际地理联合会第16次世界大会(1949)上成功申请会员资格 China became IGU member at the 16th IGU Congress in 1949
The Digital LIN CHAO Geomuseum Team Phase I ( 2011-2015) Joint Partnership Sponsor Partners OKDE WGISS Technical Support
More than hundreds of Chinese geographers made great contributions to the earth science and environment, a few of them are known worldwide More than 40k geo-stamps from more than 140 counries were collected which recorded the geo diversity and earth science research history in the world Geo diversity paintings and photos The Digital Lin Chao GeoMuseum with the initial products will be ready online at the CODATA 45th Anniversary Ceremony on 30th October 2011 at: www.geomuseum.cn BACKGROUND
Geographer oriented halls (Chinese geographers, international geographers, scientists on earth sciences …) International cooperation programs Earth science achievements halls Earth Observation Satellites World Heritatges and Geo-diversity Endangered Species and Biodiversity Earth Science Equipments, Infrastructures and Research Bases Contributors Hall MAJOR HALLS
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAMS HALL 1 IPY (1882-1883)2 IPY (1932-1933) 3 IPY – IGY (1957-1958)4 IPY (2007-2008)IQSY (1964-1965)……
EXAMPLES 2 – 2ST IPY(1932-1933) Russia 1932 The First IPY Stamps
Memory of Geography in China and the World Else1. Memory of geography in China and the world else in content2 Memory of geography by integrating earth science and art with the valuable heritages3 Memory of geography with interactive activities
Platform for innovative research, education and society (example) The Role of Flying Apsaras of China in Aerospace Science Fiction --- Take Stamps Cooperation between Flying Apsaras in Frescoes and Space Walk of Astronauts as example
Focus: The Flying Apsaras in Frescoes is the most earliest of Aerospace Science Fiction in Art 本文论点:中国壁画“飞天”和汉画像石“嫦娥奔月”是我国最早的宇航科技幻想艺术作品
Novel: Jules-Verne: ”From Earth to Moon”1865, France Film:”Le voyage dans la lune” (travel to Moon) September 1, 1902, France Art ----- ? SCIENCE FICTION
Stamps comparation bewteen Flying Aprasas and Space Walk of Astronauts -- tools 2 邮资品中古今升天工具姿态对比, 2.1 升天工具对比(1) Stamp published in 1952, China on Flying by Tiger in Dunhuang Cave No. 329 , Tang Dinisty , China 壁画“唐·乘虎天人”:1952年中国发行特种邮票 敦煌壁画第329窟(初唐) FDC on Edward H. White IISpace Walk on June 3, 1965 by Gemini 4, USA
Published by Cek 1965年3月18日苏联宇航员列昂诺夫完成人类首次太空行走 Flying apsaras in Dunhuang Cave No. 320, Tang D. published in 1953 1952年我国发行敦煌壁画(T)特种邮票 第320窟唐代壁画飞天
Russia and Kampodia Flying Spsaras in Tunhuang Cave 39, Tang D. published in 1994, China 1994年我国发行敦煌壁画(T)特种邮票, 第39窟唐代壁画飞天
“Chang’er to Moon”PK Amstrong Chang’er to Moon in Han Dynasty PK Amstrong
China historical achievements in aerospace sciences from 2nd to 14th century Zhang Heng and his space observation instruments (78-139) 张衡与浑天仪
Space science in China (100-1300)中国古代科学家对太空的观测与研究(2-14世纪) SU Song and his time and space Observation instrument (1020-1101)
6.1 中国古代科学家对太空的观测与研究(2-14世纪) GUO Songjing and his space observation instrument (1231-1316) 郭守敬与浑天仪
GUO Songjing and his space observation instrument (1231-1316) 郭守敬与浑天仪
Wanhoo Rocket Test in China in the 14th Century , stamps issued by Benin, Yemen, Germany
Shenzhou Series achievements in 1999, stamps issued by China and PR Korea
Conclusion The Digital Lin Chao Geomseum is online and openly available platform on memory of geography It is platform for innovative research, education and broad wide society It is a inclusive system with the function of contributors hall and active system with the interactive halls It is a joint effort between CODATA and IGU