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Oral Language Development: Engaging Approaches. Title III conference September 2010 Presented by: Diane Gutowski Maura Sedgeman Nadra Shami. Objectives:. Content: Explore how pictures and photos are used to activate prior knowledge and support oral language development before writing
Oral Language Development:Engaging Approaches Title III conference September 2010 Presented by: Diane Gutowski Maura Sedgeman Nadra Shami
Objectives: Content: • Explore how pictures and photos are used to activate prior knowledge and support oral language development before writing • Illustrate the connection between oral language, reading & writing Language: • Discuss strategies for developing and expanding oral language • Retella story using picture cues • Orally tell a story to a partner using pictures and prompts • Retell an article using an oral retelling technique
Question to Ponder . . . Talk to your partner about instructional practices that you would expect to observe in a classroom that enhances students’ oral language.
“We expand our language by using it and hearing others use it.”
Teaching Strategies for Oral Language • Set the climate for learning, including discussing & modeling proper behavior: • Gathering space • Taking turns • Speaking clearly • Respecting others’ ideas • Listening to other students
Connection Between Oral and Written Language • What I think about I can talk about • What I can say I can write • What I can write I can read • I can read what I write AND What other people write for me to read. R. Van Allen
Picture Strips abcteach.com
Using Picture Strips • Students use their imagination to fill in gaps (like setting or characters) • Students create their own ending • What may have happened next? Resolution? • Students use Linking Words to retell story orally • Include key vocabulary that you’d like students to use (new vocabulary, key words, etc.) • Cut apart & have students sequence and share story with a buddy • Extend to writing
First Second Next Then Finally At first But then Along the way Shortly thereafter About (time) into (event) About 3 days into our journey About 5 minutes into the game About 1 week into summer Soon after After that Following that At the beginning At the end In the end Sequencing Linking WordsFlow Map
Tell story to your partner, using the key words Bee hive Bow and Arrow Target Swarm of bees
Setting & CharactersWhere? Who? Plot-What happened? Resolution Lesson Learned
Research concludes that high-quality reading instruction alone is insufficient to support equal academic success for English Language Learners. Teachers need to increase “the scope and sophistication of these students’ oral language proficiency”.
Oral Retelling Task • Students read text(1-2 paragraphs or pages) • Students underline 1-2 key words (or phrases) from each sentence to help accurately retell the text. • Students list underlined words on a clean sheet of paper or index card. • Students partner or in a small group, retell the text, using their list.
Also…. This Retelling Task can help students with • Paraphrasing… • Writing Great way to steer students away from copying everything on the page and avoid plagiarizing!
ABC Brainstorming—an Oral Language way to Build Background • Students individually brainstorm on topic thinking of words beginning with a letter of the alphabet– 1 minute • Students pair up and brainstorm together- 2-3 minutes • Students team up with another pair and continue brainstorming— 3-4 minutes 4. Teams report out 3-4 words to whole class
ABC Brainstorming—continued • Teams compose a summary paragraph using at least 7 of the alphabet words, phrases or sentences from the brainstorming sheet. • Teams report out summary paragraphs.
Topic: Fall • Work in pairs! • You can use-- • Nouns • Action words • Phrases • Adjectives