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CHARACTER COUNTS! SM. What is it all about?. Purpose of the Curriculum. Fortify the lives of America’s Youth with ethical values called the “Six Pillars of Character.” These values transcend race, creed, politics, gender and wealth. Six Pillars of Character. Trustworthiness Respect

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  1. CHARACTER COUNTS!SM What is it all about?

  2. Purpose of the Curriculum • Fortify the lives of America’s Youth with ethical values called the “Six Pillars of Character.” • These values transcend race, creed, politics, gender and wealth.

  3. Six Pillars of Character • Trustworthiness • Respect • Responsibility • Fairness • Caring • Citizenship

  4. In 1992 the Josephson Institute of Ethics released a report based on a survey of 9,000 high school and college aged youth that found cheating, lying, stealing, and drunken driving were commonplace. Birth of Character Counts!

  5. In 1998 survey of 20,000 Middle and High Schoolers they reported that… Almost 50% Steal 70% Cheat 92% Lie to their Parents More Recently...

  6. Aspen Declaration! • The Institute convened a conference of educators, ethicists and nonprofit leaders in Aspen, Colorado to share ideas on character development and ways to work together to educate youth. • In Aspen a Declaration was established and the pillars of character developed.

  7. Aspen Declaration! • “Character education is, first and foremost, an obligation of families and faith communities, but schools and youth-service organizations also have responsibility to help develop the character of young people.”

  8. CHARACTER COUNTS!SMthe Program • In 1993 the CHARACTER COUNTS!SM Coalition was organized to develop a “common” language of Character. • Peggy Adkins, currently with Tennessee Cooperative Extension Service, developed the curriculum, “Exercising Character” based on the Six Pillars of Character.

  9. What is the Josephson Institute? • A public -benefit, nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization founded by Michael Josephson. • Designed to improve the ethical quality of society by advocating principled reasoning and ethical decision making. • CHARACTER COUNTS!sm is a project of the Institute.

  10. How large is the Coalition? • The coalition is nation-wide. • 300+ member organizations strong. • Over 40 states and 500 municipalities, school districts and business groups have endorsed CHARACTER COUNTS!SM

  11. CHARACTER COUNTS!SM is ... • A Framework, Common Language • Nation’s Most widely used Character Development Framework • Based on Shared Beliefs and Consensus Values • Based on Six Pillars of Character

  12. CHARACTER COUNTS!SM is not ... • Political (No Political Agenda) • Religious • Designed to Be an Add On Program • A Quick Fix

  13. Holistic Approach Valued Based Taught Across the Curriculum Supported by Parents, and Community Supported by Media Business Schools Community Family Let’s Look at the Research

  14. Together... "Kids are 27% of our population but 100% of our future. Which way they go depends on us” Michael Josephson, CHARACTER COUNTS!sm Coalition

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