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Media Abby Awards – 2010 A COMPILATION OF CASES. Case Studies. BEST USE OF TELEVISION Gold: Big Pictures – Paa Movie Silver: Vodafone Bronze: Gillette Mach 3 BEST USE OF CINEMA Silver: Tata Sumo Victa BEST USE OF NEWSPAPER & MAGAZINES Gold: Tata Nano Bronze: Volkswagen.
Case Studies BEST USE OF TELEVISION • Gold: Big Pictures – Paa Movie • Silver: Vodafone • Bronze: Gillette Mach 3 BEST USE OF CINEMA • Silver: Tata Sumo Victa BEST USE OF NEWSPAPER & MAGAZINES • Gold: Tata Nano • Bronze: Volkswagen BEST USE OF OUTDOOR & AMBIENT MEDIA • Gold: Aircel • Silver: Tata Nano • Bronze: Domex BEST USE OF SPECIAL EVENTS & STUNTS/ LIVE ADVERTISING • Gold: Aircel BEST USE OF RADIO • Silver: Nokia 5800 Xpress Music
Case Studies BEST USE OF INTERNET & DIGITAL MEDIA • Bronze: Gillette Mach 3 BEST USE OF BRANDED CONTENT • Bronze: Big Pictures – Paa Movie BEST USE OF MIX MEDIA • Gold: Tata Nano • Silver: Tata Docomo • Bronze: Cadbury Dairy Milk BEST USE OF NEVER BEFORE MEDIA • Silver: Tata Nano BEST USE OF YOUTH MARKETING • Silver: Axe
Big Pictures – Paa Movie BEST USE OF TELEVISION Award: GOLD BEST USE OF BRANDED CONTENT Award: BRONZE CAMPAIGN The film god speaks on India's biggest religion AGENCY Mudra Max
THE CHALLENGE • Drawing people to the theatres after the first week of movie release. • To attract the cricket junkies hooked on to the TV set during the ongoing India-Sri Lanka series. • SOLUTION • Give life to the central character of the movie • Auro – AmitabhBachan magic … • Auro makes his cricket commenting debut in the T-20 match between India and Sri Lanka • Promoted through SMS, In the News & resonated on You Tube • Auro talks to the Prince of T20 – Yuvraj, who says he would certainly go watch Paa.
THE RESULT • Auro ‘s commentary echoed beyond the Neo Sports studios. • Auro’s small-screen debut was orchestrated on a paltry budget of Rs.Zero! • Box-office collections improved by 23% over the previous week.
Vodafone BEST USE OF TELEVISION Award : SILVER Campaign Zoo Zoo Marathon Agency Maxus
THE CHALLENGE To introduce the ZooZoo character in IPL 2, a special character created specifically to convey a different VAS offering in each of the newly released commercials THE SOLUTION ZooZoo invasion the Vodafone ZooZoo hijacked the television screens… 29 Zoozoo ads aired back to back on 21 regional &national channels over the weekend for about 700 seconds
Results A differentiated and memorable way of driving salience to the brand.
Gillette Mach 3 BEST USE OF TELEVISION Award: BRONZE BEST USE OF INTERNET & DIGITAL MEDIA Award: BRONZE Campaign Gillette Mach 3 Shave India Movement Agency Mediacom
THE CHALLENGE • Shaving is a huge industry in India: a major chunk of it is left for the crude and unbranded products. • Amongst the urban dweller, not all of them think of shaving as a priority. • Idea was to ‘get the men to shave’ • THE SOLUTION • Launch of 'Shave India Movement' • ‘Women Against Lazy Stubble (W.A.L.S)’ • Bollywood actresses MinisshaLamba, NehaDhupia and MugdhaGodse joined the league. • W.A.L.S invited women from across the country to write in their stories on an interactive platform. • A mass shaving event was organized
RESULT • 2000 men gathered in an attempt to create India's first shaving record in the Limca Book of Records. 1858 men shaved together (Guiness potential!) • Extensive PR buzz and brand resonance
Tata Sumo Victa BEST USE OF CINEMA Award: SILVER Campaign India’s first Lyricode Agency Maxus
THE CHALLENGE To create recall of “Victa” as a product extension of Sumo and not to be confused with Sumo itself - amongst its potential customers in UP and Bihar. Put Victa in the top of the tounge… • SOLUTION • In-film placement and a full integration in movie including placement in promotions. • Victa was integrated in the song of Bhojpuri movie starring Bhojpuri superstar ManojTiwari. • Victa was incorporated in multiple scenes in the movies as Manoj Tiwari’s car of pride.
THE RESULT • Movie ran for 3,000 shows and 85 hours of brand mention on TV & radio. • Potential customers requested for a demo of “Victagaadi”. • Sales increase of 11% post the movie release and an overall increase of 32% during the three months post the launch of music of the movie.
THE CHALLENGE To create an excitement around Tata Nano – and make the launch a success. • THE SOLUTION • To etch the Nano in the consumers’ mind as being synonymous with anything small and compact - Thus creat ‘Nanovations’! • The Nanovations were carried out on 35 Publications, 380 Editions, 41 Radio Stations and 80 TV Channels. • Headlines in newspapers began using ‘Nano’ as an adjective. • Marketers launched products on the Nano theme (e.gNano Butter from Amul).
THE RESULT • 500000 bookings in two weeks • 5.4 million hits on tatanano.com • within 24 hours of launch • Unprecedented PR
Volkswagen BEST USE OF NEWSPAPER & MAGAZINES Award: BRONZE Campaign The day Volkswagen took India by Storm Agency Mediacom
CHALLENGE • To build brand awareness in India. • To familiarize Indians with the 70 year old car maker. • SOLUTION • To take over all the ad space in The Times of India on November 11, 2009. 16000 SQ CM. • All editions of the English daily on November 11 had only Volkswagen ads. • A cover on cover was also part of the newspaper – 3 full pages, 5 half page & 1 quarter page.
THE CHALLEGE To make Aircel’s presence felt in Mumbai • THE SOLUTION • Monsoon floods hit Mumbai every year. Aircel saw an opportunity. It became “emergency kit” and went beyond just information. • Aircel identified subways that were in areas infamous for flooding. • Installed rafts on billboards with a 6-word instruction manual – In case of emergency cut rope.
THE RESULT • Raft came in handy one fateful evening when heavy rains lashed on Mumbai. • Front page coverage in The Times of India, Hindustan Times, Economic Times, Maharashtra Times, Mid-day. • Live coverage on at least 4 news channels. • One email forwarded to countless friends around the country and blogs that helped the Aircel boat fly all over the world.
Domex BEST USE OF OUTDOOR & AMBIENT MEDIA Award: BRONZE Campaign To do or not to do is the question Agency Mindshare
Nokia 5800 Xpress Music BEST USE OF RADIO Award: SILVER Campaign Nokia 5800 – Midas Touch Agency Maxus
THE CHALLENGE To engage the youth with the device giving an experience of Touch to Music. • THE SOLUTION • To let youth run his favorite station, in his way. • The whole programming of the Radio Station was loaded onto a huge touch screen replica of the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic instead of the regular studio. • The music playlist of the radio station was touched & altered by the listeners themselves & what they touched went live on air signifying the POWER of TOUCH!
THE RESULT • Nokia 5800 XpressMusic station had close to 10000 RJs every time it went live. • 10.1 million listeners were a part of this station. • Extensive brand and product awareness.
Tata Docomo BEST USE OF MIX MEDIA Award: Silver Campaign Do the new Agency Lodestar Universal
Cadbury Dairy Milk BEST USE OF MIX MEDIA Award: BRONZE Campaign PehliTareekh – A Must on the First Agency Madison Media Infinity
THE CHALLENGE To promote the brand in innovative ways. • THE SOLUTION • To remind the consumers on the 1st of every month that it is salary day and therefore time to celebrate with Cadbury Dairy Milk. • An SMS alert was sent to consumers on the first of every month. Plus a tie up with BSNL’s Missed call alert • A CDM was kept on the desks of employees across the offices of Ogilvy India, Cadbury's and Johnson & Johnson. • CDM also tied up with MTV to promote the campaign.
AXE BEST USE OF YOUTH MARKETING Award: SILVER Campaign Axe – “Call me” Agency Mindshare
THE CHALLENGE Drive differentiation for Axe and make it the definitive brand in the male mating game fantasy through consumer engagement. • THE SOLUTION • Engage and Participation with the brand • A fictional disease called ‘Numberitis’ causes girls to uncontrollably give out their phone numbers to guys –offering tangible proof of the Axe promise! • Launched with TV, outdoor & collaterals breaking simultaneously. • Once people called the number they were greeted by a sexy voice of an ‘Axe Angel’ who flirted with them. • To make the experience even more memorable the sexy Axe Angel offered a free wake-up call service.
THE RESULT • Received 4 million calls. • 1 million wake up calls. • The campaign period showed a share gain of 3.2% (March to June’09 vs March to June’08).