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What’s Up?. Staff gathering 17 March 2011. RESEARCH AND INNOVATION POLICY GUIDELINES FOR 2011-2015 Research and Innovation Council 17 December 2010. Guidelines for necessary national actions and funding solutions starting from the next governmental term of office (2011-2015).
What’s Up? Staff gathering 17 March 2011
RESEARCH AND INNOVATION POLICY GUIDELINES FOR 2011-2015Research and Innovation Council 17 December 2010 • Guidelines for necessary national actions and funding solutions starting from the next governmental term of office (2011-2015).
DEVELOPING AN INNOVATION SYSTEM THAT SUPPORTS THE NATIONAL STRATEGY REQUIRES THAT: • Structures are reformed and organisational, operational and regional decentralisation is decreased • The utilisation of research, education and innovation activities is promoted • Universities, universities of applied sciences and research institutes become profiled and specialised according to their areas of expertise; research quality is improved • Multilateral collaboration is increased and the division of labour betweenhigher education institutions, research institutes and businesses is clarified • A long-term infrastructure policy is created and the utilisation ofpublic information resources is rendered more efficient • Assessment competence and the utilisation of assessment data are improved • The funding base for research and innovation is diversified • The internationalisation of the research, innovation and education activities of the entire innovation system is expedited
Strategic development guidelines • Higher education institutions, research institutes and high quality competence clusters will be improved with resources that become available when present structures and operations are dismantled • Incentives towards business collaboration will be created for higher education institutions • The efficient utilisation of the research results of the higher education institutions is improved: The research and innovation support services of the higher education institutions will be reorganised into larger wholes that improve competence • The share of EU funding of the entire research and innovation funding of universities and research institutes will be doubled in the 2010s (5,8 % in 2009)
Structural development 1/3 • The supervision and incentives of higher education institutions and research institutes will be developed. • The funding models of universities and universities of applied sciences will be reformed (the models will support the improvement of the quality of research and education, internationalisation, the utilisation of research results, effectiveness and the profiling of higher education institutions in their competence areas) • The importance of research in the supervision and the funding model of universities will be increased • The number of study places will be decreased in multidisciplinary universities that strive for international top levels and the resources thus gained will be allocated to research
Structural development 2/3 • The need to decrease study places: Art and Design (industrial arts); Communication and Information Sciences; Information Processing Science; Electrical and Automation Engineering; Tourism • Study places should be increased: Social and Health Care; Medicine; Mechanical Engineering, Metal and Energy Technology • Doctoral education should be decreased: Culture and Art; Economics; Administration; Electrical and Automation Engineering; Information Processing Science; Health Care • More doctoral education is needed: Medicine; Law; Chemistry; Process and Material Technology
Structural development 3/3 • Forming stronger alliances between higher education institutions • The activities and resources of the Centre of Expertise programme will be reallocated after the programme period ending in 2013 • In research and innovation policy and regional policy, efficient tools and collaboration platforms will be created based on the strengths and needs of the regions • The Strategic Centres for science, technology and innovation will continue to operate • An infrastructure organ will be established
Intellectual resources • The education level of the population will be raised • A research career system and tenure track will be implemented • The quality of research training will be increased to international top level • Higher education institutions and research institutes will build long-term strategic partnerships • Recruitment practices of higher education institutions will be altered to attract international students and researchers • Legislation concerning higher education will be amended to support the exportation of education
Developing funding • The national goal is to keep the GDP percentage of research and development in 4 % in the 2010s • Public investment must be 1,2 % of GDP • The share of the private sector must be at least 2/3 • The increase of public R&D funding in 2011-2015 (from the level of 2011 and according to the 2011 value of money) will be 370 million euros in total. R&D funding will be increased in real terms at least 4,0% per year.
The fundraising situation of universities on31 December 2010 (290 Meur in total) The University of Oulu will, in collaboration with Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Yrittäjät and Oulu Chamber of Commerce, arrange a challenge campaign directed at SMEs to raise funds for the University. The campaign was launched on 17 February 2011 and will end on 12 May 2011. The goal is to raise 0,5 Meur.
The biggest winners in Finland Percentage point changes in the degree shares of the universities from 2007 to 2009-10 Master’s degrees U of Turku +1.16% U of Oulu +1.00% U of Jyväskylä +0.96% (engineering degrees have been excluded) Doctoral degrees U of Tampere +1.11% U of Oulun yliopisto +0.94% Tampere U of Tech. +0.83%
Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in 2010 • in 2010 Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees were granted at an accelerated rate in comparion to the past (this holds even after excluding the Faculty of Technology) • in particular, the Fall of 2010 was exceptionally productive
Founding of the Graduate School University of Oulu Graduate School - UniOGS - start 8/2011 a planning team is working on operational detals DEAN Director of the Graduate School; Chair of the Management Group; Granting of Degrees MANAGEMENT GROUP AND RESPONSIBILITIES Harmonisation of processes, definition of standards; Rights of students and supervisors, resolution of conflicts; Compilation of common transferrable skills studies; General management of doctoral/post-graduate education, monitoring, conclusions DOCTORAL TRAINING COMMITTEES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Student selection; Admissions; Naming of supervisors; Naming of follow-up groups; Acceptance of full post-graduate plan; Naming of examiners and permission for public thesis; Opponents; Approval of dissertations Life sciences Human sciences Technology and Natural sciences
Milestones reached • The quality assurance system of the University of Oulu passed the audit of the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) • The Commission of the European Union granted the University of Oulu its Diploma Supplement Label • Two new FiDiPro professors • International recruitment program launced • recruitment packages for 12 new research groups • + 5 PhD in selected areas • the posts are being filled
Background for the 2010 figures • The starting point for 2010 was challenging, because the University budget for 2010 was very adverse, approx. 6 M€ • This resulted from the decrease in the level of basic funding compared to 2009 • Previously agreed contractual pay raises of approx. 4 % • The financial situation of the University improved significantly during the accounting period • The improvements in the financial situation result from saving actions and one-time instalments • Co-operation negotiations conducted in winter/spring 2010 commenced the saving actions • Number of personnel decreased in 2010 compared to the previous year • One-time instalments improving financial performance came to a total of 4,5 M€ in 2010
Background for the 2010 figures • In December a great amount of working hours were transferred in SOLE TM –working time allocation system from government`s basic funding to project funding • One-time and unforeseeable instalments affecting financial performance • Decrease of holiday pay debt and its affect on performance approx. 1,7 M€ • Cost-free Certia services (January-April) + returned fees approx. 1M€ • Supplementary budget approx. 1,8 M€ • With the new universities’ collective labour agreement a large number of University employees were transferred under worked-off time => greatly affected the amount of holiday pay debt entered in the balance => decrease of 1,7 M€ in holiday pay debt improved our result last year • Strategy funds were allocated to profit centres late last year => approximately 2 - 2,5 M€ of positive effect on financial result, when some of the money was not spent
Background for the 2010 figures • University personnel costs began to decrease in 2010 compared to 2009 • As a starting point it was known that agreed-upon pay raises of 4 % were coming in 2010 • Approx. 180 persons less in 2010 compared to 2009 • This was due to the great uncertainties in the operation in early 2010; main reasons were the co-operation negotiations and the transfer to new legal status • Another great effect was the decrease of holiday pay debts and resulting entry that improved performance
Income and expenses Basic funding 139 M€ Teacher training school`s community compensation 4,9 M€ Other general subsidies 11 M€ Additional funding 71,6 M€ Operational income total 226,4 M€ Personnel expenses 143 M€ Depreciations 4,3 M€ Material, instruments and goods 11,2 M€ Service purchases 13,2 M€ Facility rents and other rents 35,7 M€ Travel costs 6,3 M€ Other expenses 11,1 M€ Operational expenses total 224,8 M€
Forecast for the year 2011 • The profitability of core operations the most important factor when estimating the level of funding • Current funding model valid until the end of 2012 • Factors defining the level of basic funding known up until then • New funding model for universities will be published at the end of y2011 • The future level of basic funding will also be affected by the general financial situation of the state and the new government`s attitude towards the university sector • The financial status and performance of 2011 are predicted to remain moderately good • Approximately 3 M€’s worth of additional costs in the form of unemployment insurance premiums is forthcoming in 2012
Personnel data 2009-2010 2009 2010 Number of personnel (average) 3223 3045 Man-years 2984 2868 Teachers and research staff 1577 1617 Students/teachers and researcher staff 7,81 6,79 Women 49,2% 48,2% Temporary 57,6% 59,8% Average age of staff 42,1 41,8 Retirement at age 61 59 Disability pensions 12 10 Sick days/man-years 4,7 3,8 Accidents at work 86 57