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Contextualise the intergovernmental system. A surprise presentation by Jan-Gustav. The intergovernmental system. The intergovernmental system is surprisingly open and accessible The system is meaningful but not well understood The system offers us opportunities we do not see
Contextualise the intergovernmental system A surprise presentation by Jan-Gustav
The intergovernmental system • The intergovernmental system is surprisingly open and accessible • The system is meaningful but not well understood • The system offers us opportunities we do not see • The system is underused, and often misused
No context? No understanding? So - contextualise
Our focussed arenas Just a reminder: Think globally Focus nationally Act locally
Our focussed arenas • Global civil servants • National governments and national civil servants • Local governments • Markets • Decision-makers
Final arena and target(?) • Rio plus 20 in 2012
Rio plus 20 • Questionnaire for the Major Groups on Experiences, Success Factors, Risks and Challenges with Regard to Objective and Themes of UNCSD
Rio plus 20- questionnaire • To feed into national processes • To feed into the Secretary General’s first report
Rio plus 20- questionnaire • A: Renewing political commitment for sustainable development • B: Assessing the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development • C: Addressing new and emerging challenges • D: Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication • E: Institutional framework for sustainable development
Rio plus 20 • THE ROAD-MAP TO RIO - September 2010 – until June 2012 • An overview of the most Rio-relevant meetings and conferences (the list is by no means complete, and some dates and meetings will be subjected to change)
Rio plus 20 • The first meeting of the Preparatory Committee for Rio Plus 20 was held from 16-18 May 2010 , • November 1-4 (tentatively), Meeting of UN GA 2nd Committee, theme: Rio plus 20; • January, 10-11,UN Headquarters, New York, NY, USA, The first Intersessional meeting on the Rio plus 20 will take place;
Rio plus 20 • March, 28 Feb – March 4, UN Headquarters, New York, NY, USA; CSD IPM – Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for CSD 19, preparing the policy document to be finalised at CSD 19 in May; • 7-8 UN Headquarters, New York, NY, USA; The second meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Rio plus 20 Conference will follow immediately after the conclusion of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for the nineteenth session of the Commission to discuss further the substantive themes of the Conference;
Rio plus 20 • May, 2 – 13, CSD 19, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America, This policy-year session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) will negotiate policy options related to the thematic cluster for the CSD 18-19 cycle: transport, chemicals, waste management, mining and the Ten-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns.
Rio plus 20 • September, 21 – 23, Seventh “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan • This Conference will consider two main themes: “the sustainable management of water and water-related ecosystems” and “greening the economy: mainstreaming the environment into economic development.” Focus: reduction of carbon emissions, energy efficiency, sustainable consumption and production, the reconfiguration of financing and infrastructure to better accommodate environmental considerations.
Rio plus 20 • October, RIMs, Regional Implementation Meetings will become regional preparatory meetings for the Rio plus 20 Conference; (Africa, West Asia, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Americas) • November, 14-15-16, Rio plus 20, The second Intersessional meeting will take place in New York, UN Headquarters. • 2012 • March, 5,6,7, Rio+20, 3rd Intersessional
Rio plus 20 • May9,10, 11,Rio+20, Third prep-com, • May, 14,15,16, Rio+20 conference Rio De Janeiro, Brazil