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Arctic Aerosols and Radiation*: Results from ARCTAS Spring and Summer 2008. Phil Russell NASA Ames Research Center. With contributions from:
Arctic Aerosols and Radiation*: Results from ARCTAS Spring and Summer 2008 Phil Russell NASA Ames Research Center With contributions from: Jens Redemann, John Livingston, Yohei Shinozuka, Tony Clarke, Eike Bierwirth, Sebastian Schmidt, Ralph Kahn, Charles Gatebe, Alexei Lyapustin, Rich Ferrare, Chris Hostetler, Sam Hall, Ed Eloranta, Norm O’Neill, Bruce Mcarthur, Richard Brandt, Omar Torres, Pepijn Veefkind, Ben Veihelmann, Steve Howell, Cam McNaughton, Jeff Reid, Mian Chin, Thanos Nenes, Terry Lathem … *incl Surfaces & Satellites POLARCAT Workshop2-5 June 2009Durham, NH
Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) A NASA contribution to IPY and the international POLARCAT initiative http://cloud1.arc.nasa.gov/arctas Conducted in spring and summer 2008 with the following foci: 1. Long-range transport of pollution to the Arctic (including arctic haze, tropospheric ozone, and persistent pollutants such as mercury) 2. Boreal forest fires (implications for atmospheric composition and climate) 3. Aerosol radiative forcing (from arctic haze, boreal fires, surface-deposited black carbon, and other perturbations) 4. Chemical processes (with focus on ozone, aerosols, mercury, and halogens) April 2008: Fairbanks and Barrow, Alaska; Thule, Greenland July 2008: Cold Lake, Alberta; Yellowknife, NW Territories NASA DC-8 NASA P-3B NASA B-200 Partners: NASA, NOAA, DOE, NSF, Canada, France, Germany Slide courtesy Jim Crawford, HQ Mgr TCP
DC-8 P-3B B200
Chemistry and Aerosols Radiation, Aerosols, Tracers Aerosol satellite validation 9 Instruments HSRL – CALIPSO RSP – GLORY 21 instruments See Ferrare Talk Satellite Teams: CALIPSO, MODIS, TES, OMI, AIRS, MISR, MOPITT Model Forecasting: GEOS-5, GOCART, STEM, MOZART ARC-IONS: Ozonesonde network in cooperation with Environment Canada The ARCTAS science team includes over 150 scientists and support personnel representing 8 NASA installations, 12 Universities, and 3 Government Labs
P-3B in ARCTAS Joint POLARCAT-ARCTAS objectives • Vertical layering of Arctic pollution, associated optical properties and the related physiochemistry of Arctic aerosol • Direct radiative effects within pollution and smoke layers in the Arctic • Size resolved properties of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and interactions of aerosols with clouds and their impact on radiative forcing • Reflectance &albedo of snow, ice & other surfacesand compare to available surface-based measurements of snow albedo/reflectance • Study impact of boreal forest fire emissions on the composition of the troposphere and on concentrations of soot, organics and ionic species • Determine the lofting, transport and evolution of smoke aerosol physiochemistry and associated optical properties • Validate aerosol, trace gas, and cloud products of space observations from polar orbiting satellites
P-3B in ARCTAS • Science objectives (long list) required: • - Measuring • -- Aerosol chemical, physical & optical properties • -- Aerosol radiative effects • -- Arctic surface albedo & bidirectional reflectance • -- ++ • Testing, interpreting, & extending satellite retrievals • Testing & refining chemical transport models (CTMs) • Approach • Fly a balanced suite of radiometric & in situ instruments on a single platform. This enables: • All the above • Climate forcing assessment in terms of emissions and/or mitigation strategies See Clarke Talk
P-3B in ARCTAS: Payload Flux↑,↓(l), albedo(l) • AOD • Ext • H2O vapor Flux↑,↓, albedo • Cavity Ringdown ext (2l) • Reciprocal Neph sca (2, RH ) Radiance, BRDF • Nenes CCN • PVM cloud drop reff, vol • TECO O3 COBALT:CO
Aerosol-Radiation Connections in ARCTAS Example Science Results- 2 Spring Flights (of 8 P-3B)- 2 Summer Flights (of 13 P-3B)(See also other talks & posters)
P3 Data Flight #9, 15 Apr 2008 AOD, 0Z,7/8 • Accomplishments: • Comparison w NOAA WP-3D under B-200 • Radiation stack with NOAA WP-3D under B-200 (with sufficient AOD & no hi/mid clouds) • Cascade impactor sample during 1, 2 for Raman & SEM analysis • Radiation leg along CALIPSO track (before overpass) • Albedo & BRDF measurements at Elson Lagoon over surface-based albedo & snow collection measurements • Zero ozone over open leads N & W of Elson Lagoon (2x) • Overflights of special albedo sites F1, B3, G4(x2), B4, F4, L1 (with variety of cloud conditions) • Extra radiation legs along return to Fairbanks Elson Lagoon 6 5 7 Albedo sites 4 CALIPSO track 8 P-3 B-200 1,2,3 WP-3D Fairbanks
NASA P-3 Flight 9, 15 Apr 2008 SSFR SSFR, AATS
20080415 – “Golden Day” (Spring) [Bierwirth, Schmidt et al., ARCTAS]
20080415 – “Golden Day” (Spring) [Bierwirth, Schmidt et al., ARCTAS]
P3 Data Flight #9, 15 Apr 2008 AOD, 0Z,7/8 • Accomplishments: • Comparison w NOAA WP-3D under B-200 • Radiation stack with NOAA WP-3D under B-200 (with sufficient AOD & no hi/mid clouds) • Cascade impactor sample during 1, 2 for Raman & SEM analysis • Radiation leg along CALIPSO track (before overpass) • Albedo & BRDF measurements at Elson Lagoon over surface-based albedo & snow collection measurements • Zero ozone over open leads N & W of Elson Lagoon (2x) • Overflights of special albedo sites F1, B3, G4(x2), B4, F4, L1 (with variety of cloud conditions) • Extra radiation legs along return to Fairbanks Elson Lagoon 6 5 7 SpecialAlbedo sites 4 CALIPSO track 8 P-3 B-200 1,2,3 WP-3D
Surface Albedo Experiment Objectives GSFC, Boston University, P3 and Surface Science Teams • Lower Boundary Condition for Boreal MISR aerosol retrievals (R. Kahn) • Validate MODIS/MISR Semi-empirical surface BRDF model (C. Schaff) • Validate MODIS Ice Extent algorithm (Dorothy Hall) • Validate First-principles surface BRDF model (Alexei Lyapustin) • Contribute to Ice-albedo Feedback modeling -- Satellite-derived surface albedo absolute accuracy ~3% at best -- Need ~1% or better to be constraining for this application -- Hierarchy of Surface Aircraft Satellite measurements to extrapolate most accurate measurements to larger scales
ARCTAS: Barrow/Eslon Lagoon 15 April 2008 Lat 71.3˚ Lon -156.7; SZA 61.1˚ [Terra at 22:30 UTC] Coincident Snow Albedo & BRF from Surface, Aircraft, and Satellite Best ever multi-scale observations Elson Lagoon 4/16 00:00 UTC SpecialAlbedo sites 4/15 23:00 UTC 4/16 01:00 UTC P3 Aircraft 4/15 22:30 UTC SSFR Albedo Spectra From: Schmidt, Bierwirth Surface Albedo Spectra (Elson Lagoon) From: Brandt, Pedersen… 4/15 22:00 UTC P-3 Flight Path Barrow AERONET Site 4/15 21:00 UTC Ground Measurements 4/15 20:00 UTC Terra Satellite/ MISR CAR Spectral BRF From: Gatebe
Snow Albedo: Airborne vs Ground Wavelength (µm) See Tony Clarke Wednesday talk re soot deposition to snow Gatebe, Lyapustin, Brandt et al.
Aerosol retrieval over snow:CAR&AERONET 6 Apr 2008, P-3B Data Flight #5, Elson Lagoon Gatebe et al. AOD 0.5µm: 0.12
P3 Data Flight #6, 8 Apr 2008 AOD, 0Z,7/8 • Accomplishments: • Sampled Asian & N American aerosol composition for model comparison • DC-8 comparison in stairsteps • Spiral over Eureka lidar & AERONETduring CALIPSO overpass • Surface albedo & BRDF DC-8 2 1 4 P-3 3 1 Fairbanks Eureka Thule
April 8, 2008 PEARL CIMEL Eureka (500 nm) N. O’Neill P-3 profile start time E. Eloranta light cloud b [m-1 sr-1] Ed Eloranta's AHSRL profiles (532 nm) P-3 profile end time 4/8 18:00 UTC Pearl 08 April 20:41 UTC MISR Path 062 Orbit 44190 Block 22; Lat 80.05˚ Lon -86.42; SZA 75.2˚ Pearl AERONET Site P-3 Flight Path R. Kahn 4/8 17:00 UTC 4/8 16:28 UTC 4/8 17:24 UTC
Profile over the PEARL lab AERONET site in Eureka PRELIMINARY See Shinozuka Talk Shinozuka, Redemann, Clarke, O’Neill, …
Aerosol-Radiation Connections in ARCTAS Example Science Results- 2 Spring Flights (of 8 P-3B)- 2 Summer Flights (of 13 P-3B)(See also other talks & posters)
ARCTAS P-3 Data Flight #19, 3 Jul 2008 Characterized physics, chemistry and optics of local and long-distance plume in Terra MISR & MODIS footprints PRELIMINARY Typical P-3 maneuvers in ARCTAS 220 km HiGEAR- in situ scattering AATS- AOD profile
Aerosol Radiative Forcing Efficiency by combining SSFR Irradiance with AATS Aerosol Optical Thickness 499 nm Slope is aerosol radiative forcing efficiency strong absorption layer weak absorption layer Net Irradiance [W m-2 nm-1] 3 Jul 2008 Aerosol Optical Thickness Bierwirth, Schmidt, Redemann, Livingston, …
NRL COAMPS PREDICTED SMOKE FROM ATHABASKA FIRES(courtesy Jeff Reid) 18 Z 9 Jul 2008 GEOS5 - Weak Siberia biomass burning plume between 1-6 km in central Canada, Courtesy Mian Chin - Similar features in some other models. CALIPSO Track Turnaround Point P-3B B200
NRL COAMPS PREDICTED SMOKE FROM ATHABASKA FIRES(courtesy Jeff Reid) 2019 Z 9 Jul 2008 from P-3 cockpit 18 Z 9 Jul 2008 GEOS5 - Weak Siberia biomass burning plume between 1-6 km in central Canada, Courtesy Mian Chin - Similar features in some other models. Turnaround Point 2024 Z 9 Jul 2008 from P-3 cockpit
9 July 2008: B200 and P-3B underfly the CALIPSO track sampling smoke plume from boreal fires in northern Saskatchewan. CALIPSO Track Turnaround Point P-3B B200
Typical maneuvers flown by P-3 in ARCTAS To measure aerosols, CO , O3, & radiative effects DC-8 P-3 light cloud
HSRL/In situ Aerosol Extinction Comparison • Comparison of aerosol extinction derived from HSRL (B200) and in situ dry scattering (neph) + absorption (PSAP) measurements while P-3 spiraled up below B200 (in situ data courtesy of Tony Clarke) Extinction Smoke layer Preliminary
HSRL/AATS-14 Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) Comparison • Comparison of AOT derived from HSRL (B200) and derived from AATS-14 Airborne Sun Photometer (P-3B) while P-3B spiraled up below B200 (AATS14 data courtesy of Jens Redemann) • Large variability in AOT associated with smoke plume Extinction Smoke layer Optical Thickness Preliminary
HSRL/CALIPSO/AATS/In situ Aerosol Comparison Ferrare, Hostetler, Winker, Redemann, Clarke et al. Extinction Good agreement in and above the smoke! CALIPSO slightly lower Smoke layer Preliminary
Typical maneuvers flown by P-3 in ARCTAS To measure aerosols, CO , O3, & radiative effects DC-8 P-3 light cloud
Comparison of AATS, OMI, and MODIS AOD spectra See Shinozuka Talk & Redemann Poster Preliminary J. Redemann, J. Livingston, Torres, Veihelmann, Veefkind
Comparison of AATS and MODIS AOD spectra See Shinozuka Talk? Preliminary J. Redemann, J. Livingston
Potential Publications(Aerosol-radiation-surface-satellite connections)* • Aerosol absorption and forcing efficiency retrieval from radiation over inhomogeneous surfaces (S. Schmidt, LASP/CU) • Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and surface properties over snow (Charles Gatebe, GSFC) • The influence of aerosol microphysics and chemistry on spectral optical depth in the Arctic (Shinozuka, Redemann, Clarke, Howell) • Radiative Impacts of Artic Aerosol: Regional Model output constrained by in-situ Microphysics and Chemistry (McNaughton, et al.) • Airborne sunphotometer (AATS-14) measurements in ARCTAS – First insights into their combined use with satellite observations to study Arctic aerosol radiative effects (Jens Redemann, ARC) • Arctic haze and fire plume impact on the actinic flux and photolysis frequencies (Sam Hall, NCAR) *From ARCTAS Science Team Meeting, Jan 2009 http://www-air.larc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/ArctasSciMtg (Aerosol Working Group reports)
Potential Publications—Cont’d(Aerosol-radiation-surface-satellite connections)* • Aerosol optical properties from SP2 (Kondo) • Synchronicity of aerosol optical measurements acquired at Arctic and sub-Arctic sites during the ARCTAS spring campaign (Norm O’Neill, Université de Sherbrooke) • Analysis of aerosol characteristics measured in the Arctic atmosphere during ARCTAS (Andreas Beyersdorf, LaRC) • MODIS aerosol optical depth retrieval validation and improvements over ARCTAS and CARB domains (Allen Chu, GSFC) • Surface albedo heterogeneities viewed from different altitudes (Eike Bierwirth, LASP/CU) • Daily MODIS snow albedo and reflectance anisotropy during ARCTAS (Crystal Schaaf, GSFC) • Snow anisotropy from CAR: Analysis of LSRT, MRPV, and AART BRF models (Alexei Lyapustin, GEST UMBC/NASA GSFC) *From ARCTAS Science Team Meeting, Jan 2009 http://www-air.larc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/ArctasSciMtg (Aerosol Working Group reports)
ARCTAS Aerosols & Radiation: Summary & Future AOD, 0Z,7/8 • 1. ARCTAS-Spring & -Summer 2008 produced a rich data set that links air, surface, & space measurements and addresses all goals • - linking variations in atmospheric radiation to microphysics and chemistry of haze & smoke aerosols + Arctic surfaces. • Needed for • --reliable interpretations of satellite inversions • --refining model products • --assessing climate forcing in terms of emissions and/or mitigation strategies. • 2. See other talks & posters, esp. • Ferrare, B-200 HSRL & RSP • Shinozuka, Aerosol optics, CCN, chemistry, & type • Clarke, ARCTAS aerosol phys-chem-opt. • 3. ARCTAS Special Sessions: AGU Fall 2009
“Stimulus Package”Preliminary Key Findings from Jan 2009 Workshop Arctic Haze/Spring Aerosol Compared to measurements at lower latitudes, much of the aerosols were located well above the surface (Ferrare, Redemann [B200, P3]). Does transport on isentropes explain this? Is there an East-West difference? Look at Barrow lidar (ARM MPL) & other Arctic lidar records (TOPSE, Eureka). Campaign averages from DC-8 lidar, HSRL. Biomass Burning aerosols were the dominant aerosol type (Ferrare) Background of sulfate-dominated haze; smoke was superimposed on this (Brock) Black carbon was generally thickly coated (probably organics, Y. Kondo) Sulfate consistent between TOPSE & ARCTAS (Eastern Arctic, Eric Scheuer) This POLARCAT workshop brings together Eastern & Western components. Above topics should be fertile ground for discussions as we piece together the complete picture of the IPY Arctic aerosol.
Preliminary Key Findings and Contributions Arctic Haze/Spring Aerosol Compared to measurements at lower latitudes, much of the aerosols were located well above the surface (Ferrare, Redemann [B200, P3]). Does transport on isentropes explain this? Is there an East-West difference? Look at Barrow lidar (ARM MPL) & other Arctic lidar records (TOPSE, Eureka). Campaign averages from DC-8 lidar, HSRL. Biomass Burning aerosols were the dominant aerosol type (Ferrare) Ice, either by itself or mixed with aerosols, was often present during ARCTAS 1 (Ferrare) Background of sulfate-dominated haze; smoke was superimposed on this (Brock) Black carbon was generally thickly coated (probably organics, Y. Kondo)
Preliminary Key Findings and Contributions Arctic Haze/Spring Aerosol Accumulation mode mean diameter 0.15 to 0.2 micrometer in number distribution (lognormal) (Shaw) CCN (T. Nenes): - Spring: All particles grow fast; very hygroscopic, very uniform in hygroscopicity - Because chemistry similar, opens possibility to use space remote sensing to infer CCN concentration Sulfate consistent between TOPSE & ARCTAS (Eastern Arctic, Eric Scheuer) Discrepancy between CALIPSO & model aerosols in ARCTIC (vert profile & magnitude)—needs understanding
Limited SOA formation in BB plumes? (DC-8 first look). • BC was internally mixed, heavily coated, and little size increase with age. • Distinct differences between black and white plumes. Explore source, chemistry and optics of black and white plumes. • Water soluble fraction of organics gives good CCN closure. • Strong lambda dependence of absorption in some plumes linked to some organic fraction. • Lidar optical signatures differed among plume types. Preliminary Key Findings and Contributions Fire Plume Aerosol
Preliminary Key Findings and Contributions Fire Plume Aerosol (cont.) * RSP got GLORY prototype measurements of young and older plume * BC/CO ratio was low in relation to spring. * Spectral absorption properties of plumes differ * SSA appears somewhat higher than early eighties data.
Day 105 = 14 April Day 120 = 29 April C. Schaaf