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Colleges and Universities as the Hub: Being An Agent For Community Transformation

Colleges and Universities as the Hub: Being An Agent For Community Transformation. SPELMAN COLLEGE PRESENTER: STACI BRUCE. #NCVS #CU1511. Overview. Program model discussion:

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Colleges and Universities as the Hub: Being An Agent For Community Transformation

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  1. Colleges and Universities as the Hub: Being An Agent For Community Transformation SPELMAN COLLEGE PRESENTER: STACI BRUCE #NCVS #CU1511

  2. Overview Program model discussion: Creating and implementing a community engagement and development program model for students, faculty, staff, alumnae, and neighborhood residents through collaborative partnerships.

  3. Discussion Questions How does you organization rate the value of collaborating with colleges and universities? What or who could be considered the major decision makers in your community? Describe your neighborhood? (e.g. transient, urban, etc?) How do outsiders perceive your neighborhood? Why are you here? What is a compelling community need?

  4. Spelman College Spelman College, a historically Black college and a global leader in the education of women of African descent, is dedicated to academic excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and the intellectual, creative, ethical, and leadership development of its students. Spelmanempowers the whole person to engage the manycultures of the world and inspires a commitmentto positive social change.

  5. Bonner Office of Community Service &Student Development (BOCSSD) Mission To foster growth and a spirit of service throughout the community and to encompass the diversity of women who believe in the enrichment of service through service learning, leadership development, community collaborations and civic engagement.

  6. BOCSSD Programs & Services Shepherd Poverty Consortium Internships Bonner Scholars Program & AmeriCorps Civic Engagement Fellows Program & Non Profit Mgmt. Series Campus-wide Community Service Programs (MLK Day, Alternative Spring Break) Training & Development UPS ScholarsProgram 1st and 2nd Year Spelman Student Service Requirement Service Learning Classes Volunteer Leaders Leadership Development Community & Campus-WideService Initiatives Community ScholarsPrograms

  7. Defining the Challenge: Social & Economic Injustice

  8. Strategic Plan Objective: Participate in community revitalization and transformation by being an agent for impacting policies and systems for social and economic change. • Strategic Initiative 1: Increase visibility throughout the community including residents, neighborhood organizations, churches, schools, sister colleges, and government agencies. • Strategic Initiative 2: Become a community development partner with planning and economic development organizations, local businesses, land developers, and environmental initiatives to foster communications and healthy lifestyles. • Strategic Initiative 3: Conduct community-based research to engage local constituents in the community planning and decision-making process.

  9. Vision 1. Sustain a spirit of service and givingfor Spelman College and its constituents. 2. Be a leader and partner in the development and revitalization of the surrounding community. 3. Be an agent for community transformation as it strives to impact policies and systems for social change, while simultaneously creating a learning environment where community engagement and civic responsibility are core dimensions of the Spelman experience. 4. Share its lessons with and learn from the global community, as students, faculty, staff, and other members of the Spelman community work in concert to address issues and interests relating to education, health and wellness, economic development, and environmental sustainability.

  10. An estimated 429,500 residents live in the City of Atlanta • An estimated 33,547 residents live in the 30314 zip code • 30314 is the poorest community in Fulton County • Nearly one-third (32%) of our neighbors lived in households with income below the poverty level • Nearly one out of every five (5) of us (18%) is living in extreme poverty • 90% of our elementary and middle school kids qualify for Atlanta free lunch program • 73% of all our children live in single parent homes • 30314 has the highest crime rate in GA *Community Needs Assessment 12/08 by Morehouse School of Medicine and Neighborhood Union Health Center. ** Parents and the High Price of Childcare 2009 Update report by Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) State Networks.

  11. Neighborhood Planning Units (NPUs) • Zoning • Land-use • Licensing • Other planning issues

  12. Neighborhood Planning Unit - T

  13. Spelman Service Area Foot Print

  14. Community and EngagementDevelopment Goal at Spelman College Community Development Community Service Health & Wellness Global Engagement Community Engagement Alumnae Connections Economic Development Leadership Development Research and Internship Community Partners Service Learning Education Environmental Sustainability

  15. 1.7 Mile Footprint Area with Partners

  16. Interactive: Future Scenarios –Zoom/Gloom

  17. Future Scenarios Exercise Special Edition June 2020 Special Edition June 2020 XYZ Organization: Missed Opportunities and Unfulfilled Promises – What Happened? XYZ Organization: Local Group Transforms Their Community

  18. Future Scenarios Exercise • This discussion will take place in two parts, each with a different focus. • Discussion 1 • Describe a successful future scenario for XYZ Organization. • Discussion 2 • Describe a disappointing future outcome for XYZ Organization. • Using the provided templates, you will: • fill in the top headline and provide a one sentence sub-header. • create a short paragraph with additional details about the headline story next to the template. • using the blank space on the bottom right of the page, you’ll predict one related story about XYZ Organization that might make the cover in 2020.

  19. Scenarios Discussion Questions and Debrief Creating the Scenarios • Describe the scenario your group came up with, along with the paragraph providing additional details • Why did you chose this particular scenario? • What was your secondary headline related to XYZ Organization? How Will We Get There? • What are the characteristics and capabilities that must be retained and changed for XYZ Organization to end in the positive scenario? • What needs to be done to avoid the disappointing scenario? • What are the most critical things to get right?

  20. Steps to Developing your Plan!

  21. Step 1 Define service area • What is the compelling community need? • What is your mission statement? • How does your mission statement fit into the overall community need? • What are your goals? Focus areas? • How does your service area fit into your strategic plan?

  22. Step 2 Identify Your Partners Neighborhood Associations Non Profits President’s Council Residents Government Area Businesses Schools Religious Institutions Land Developers

  23. Step 3 Determine your measurement & impact Questions to ponder… • How was the issue discovered? • What data or learning suggested that there was a problem? • What did, the org. funders & the greater community learn? • What community resources were mobilized? • What lasting changes in community conditions were created? • How were lives improved?

  24. Benefits of Developing a College Partnership Plan

  25. WIN/WIN SITUATION & THE COLLEGE THE COMMUNITY • Greater awareness of community need • Connection with community • Recruitment, retention & resources • Creates social capital • Diversified service opportunities • One stop shop • Cross community collaboration

  26. For additional questions and information, please contact:Staci Brucesbruce1@spelman.eduwww.spelman.edu/service

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