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ONE-PARAMETER MODEL FOR THE SUPERWORLD. Dimitri V. Nanopoulos. International School of Subnuclear Physics – 50 th What we would like LHC to give us Erice , Sicily, Italy 23 June – 2 July 2012. Minimal Supergravity ( mSUGRA ). M 0 Universal soft scalar mass
ONE-PARAMETER MODEL FOR THE SUPERWORLD Dimitri V. Nanopoulos International School of Subnuclear Physics – 50th What we would like LHC to give us Erice, Sicily, Italy 23 June – 2 July 2012
Minimal Supergravity (mSUGRA) M0 Universal soft scalar mass M1/2 Universal soft gaugino mass μHiggsino Mixing Parameter A0 Universal Trilinear Coupling B0 Higgs Bilinear Coupling tan β Ratio of Higgs VEVs |μ| and B0 term can be determined by the requirement for REWSB, so we are left with only five parameters: M0, M1/2, A0, tan β, and sgn(μ)
No-scale Supergravity (nSUGRA) Choose a specific form for the Kähler potential: K = -3ln(T + T* - Σφi*φi) At the tree-level Furthermore the gauginomass m1/2 remains undetermined. Thus, the soft terms are not fixed (at the classical level) close to the Planck scale. So, m1/2=m1/2(Ti) with <Ti> determined by radiative corrections. m1/2, m0 = 0, A0= 0, B = 0 Thus, in principle all soft-terms may be determined in terms of only one-parameter, m1/2 The One-Parameter Model
Relation to String Theory • The no-scale structure emerges naturally as the • infrared limit of string theory. • In particular, • Heterotic M-theory compactifications • Type IIB flux compactifications – Flipped SU(5) • F-theory compactifications (non-pertubative limit • of Type IIB)
The nSUGRA ‘One-Parameter Model’ Strict No-scale Moduli Scenario:m0 = A = B = 0 Special Dilaton Scenario: These ansatz combined with the no-scale condition define the so-called one-parameter model since the soft-terms are now all defined in terms m1/2 Highly constrained, but predictive! Subset of the mSUGRA parameter space ______________________________________________________________ Ellis, Kounnas, and DVN, Nucl.Phys.B247:373-395,1984 Lopez, DVN, and Zichichi, Phys.Lett.B319:451-456,1993 Lopez, DVN, and Zichichi, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A10:4241-4264,1995 Lopez, DVN, and Zichichi, Phys.Rev.D52:4178-4182,1995
Key Experimental Constraints • 7-Year WMAP Cold Dark Matter Relic Density Measurement • Experimental limits on the Flavor Changing Neutral Current process b → sg • Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon • LHC Limits on rare decay Bs0→μ+μ- • Proton Lifetime greater than 8 x 1033 Y • LEP limits on the light CP even Higgs mass • Compliance with all precision electroweak measurements (Mz, as, QW, aem, mt, mb) * The Weinberg angle floats mildly according to original program design. 1 1034 Yr
Discovery of No-Scale F-SU(5) Signal at LHC No-Scale F-SU(5) with vectorlike particles (b3 = 0) SUSY spectrum Mt1 < Mg < Mq Prominent decay channels have high multiplicity of third-generation quarks: Pair produced gluinos generate events rich with jets and tau. Considered excellent channel for discovery during early LHC run. Suggested LHC early run signatures for 5-10fb-1@7TeV: ≥ 9 jets • ≥1τ & ≥ 3 b-jets ~ ~ ~
F-SU(5) has peak in number of events shifted to a large number of jets Standard Model and mSUGRA processes have a peak at a lower number of jets This will serve as a very distinct signature of F-SU(5) with vector-like particles However, requires specialized cuts to observe this very distinct characteristic! → Lower minimum pt for a single jet to 20 GeV for M1/2<500 GeV → Maintain pt for a single jet at 50-80 GeV for M1/2>500 GeV → Retain only those events with 9 or more jets
No-Scale F-SU(5) Built Upon Triagonal Foundation of • i. Flipped SU(5) GUT • ii. Extra TeV-Scale Vector-like Particle, or Flippons • iii. No-Scale Supergravity • F-SU(5) Supersymmetry signature at LHC is ≥9 jets • Flippons b3=0 Light Gluino Gluino Decays to Stop • Abundance of Top Quarks Large Multijet Signature • F-SU(5) Fits Recent CMS & ATLAS Multijet Observations at LHC • •M1/2=708 GeV perfectly explains small ATLAS data event excesses for 5 fb-1 • •F-SU(5)M1/2=708 GeV will predict ATLAS Observations for 10 fb-1 • Flippons contribution in F-SU(5) elevates Higgs mass to 125 GeV, in precise agreement with CMS, ATLAS, and CDF/D0 observations F-SU(5) is highly consistent with CMS & ATLAS searches for both SUSY and the Higgs boson SUSY & Higgs boson signals could be statistically significant in 2012 Is F-SU(5) the high-energy framework for our universe? Stay tuned in 2012!