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"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Seuss. Building Strong Locals. A strong Local is effective in meeting its commitment to its members.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."- Dr. Seuss Building Strong Locals
A strong Local is effective in meeting its commitment to its members. To have the resources and power necessary to be effective, a strong local must have a membership base that continues to grow. What is a Strong Local? Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
ICEBREAKER • How did you come to be a member? • Why did you join? • Why do you think membership is important? • Why are you still a member? These words tell your story. This year, tell your story. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
We are important ... • because political issues like vouchers continue to threaten us and our legislators need our help. • because our life as educators is good, but it can be even better! Much of what makes our day to day life as an educator a challenge can be changed at the local level, which means The SCEA can be a powerful player in bringing about change. • because our school board needs our point of view…they need our perspective .... (we’re the ones on the “inside”) ... about how their decisions impact educators. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
We are important because ... • the district office should be working with us in making decisions that affect us. • we benefit when we belong to our professional association and we want to make that possible for all educators. • everyone who works with children should be insured. • bad things can happen to good teachers. • you won’t find a long line of people standing behind you, just waiting to give you support, but The SCEA is. They have your back. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
Membership Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
Membership Teachers and school employees view membership differently. Our approach must vary. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
Don’t sell membership. Tell your story.
Our surveys and first hand experiences in the schools tell us that a vast majority of educators have never been asked to join. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
Tips & Techniques… • Project enthusiasm. If you don’t believe in your association, you won’t be able to convince anyone else they should. You must believe in what we stand for and our ability to represent members better than anyone else. Anyone! • Be prepared to handle common questions and objections. • Be prepared to answer the question…What’s in it for me? • Don’t argue. (conversation vs. debate.) • Have access to a form …. • Tell your story. Speak from the heart. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
When you speak from the heart... • ...your sincerity does the convincing • ...it feels good; it’s comfortable • ...you don’t have to worry about knowing what to say • ...your conversation is instinctive • ...you can do it on the fly...spur of the moment...don’t need preparation • ...you have the ability to reach them where it matters to them…giving them an instant connection Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
Handling Tough Questions & Awkward Moments Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
No one likes being put on the spot • Questions you can’t answer can cause you to feel stupid or embarrassed and no one likes to feel that way. • When a colleague says “no” it may offend you, hurt your feelings. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
these challenges are no more than a bump in the road and you can successfully work around them ....
DEALING WITH OBJECTIONS • Bad faith objections: This person made a decision not to join the association before you approached them. They may have been influenced by incorrect information or someone in their personal life. Their demeanor and cues tell you that you probably aren’t going to change their mind. Don’t argue or push it. Make a reasonably effort and then leave them to consider it on their own. • Good faith objections: This person may actually be interested in joining but he or she has a nagging concern or question and YOU can probably address it successfully. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
At the root of Good Faith objections… • My spouse / principal won’t like it, etc. • Don’t see a reason / need to join • May have a false perception of the association • Futility: Nothing can be done to change things … to make thing better. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
Strategies for Dealing with Objections: • Demonstrate respect. • Use firsthand knowledge, your personal experience, what you have come to know. Feel Felt Found • If you cannot answer from firsthand knowledge, find someone who can. Do not make up answers! Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
Feel, Felt, Found • Feel: “I understand how you feel .... .” • Felt: “I felt that way once too. ” • Found: “However, over time I found that ..... Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
What do I get for my dues? This question should not be answered as if the member were buying consumable goods because membership is not a purchase. Membership is an investment in the profession and the future of public education. Through dues, members pay the costs that are necessary to advance and protect that investment. Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
What do I get for my dues? “What do I get for my dues?” must be balanced against similar questions that someone could raise, for example: • What do I get for my life insurance premiums? An estate for my relatives when I die. • What do I get for my home insurance premiums? Nothing, unless my home burns down or if I suffer some other covered loss. • What do I get for my car insurance premiums? Nothing, unless I have a car accident Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.
Membership… • Can make your job more rewarding • Insures your career, protects your employment rights • Provides us with the resources to lobby for improved salaries, benefits, threats to the retirement system, promoting and safeguarding good learning and working conditions, and defeating bad legislation. Without those resources, we are powerless and you have no voice. • Provides a VOICE at the local, state and national levels • Provides opportunities for leadership • Provides professional development opportunities • Helps us in our effort to building support for schools and public education Property of The SCEA. Do not distribute without permission.