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Family Trees

Explore the heroes and villains, the challenges and encouragements of our faith family tree from Jacob to Jesus. Discover the origins of our lineage in Eden, broken by sin but redeemed by the cross. Inherit God's love, forgiveness, joy, and eternal life.

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Family Trees

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The famous The infamous Heroines and villains Family Trees

  2. Challenging? Encouraging? Or perhaps even sobering?

  3. What about the names on our Faith Family Tree?

  4. Jacob? David?Rahab? Sarah? Ruth? Abraham? Adam?Eve?

  5. All of us can trace our roots back to the rebellion that began in Eden. We stand there with Adam and Eve, broken by the weight of sin and its consequences.

  6. Still, we can have Blazing Hope!

  7. The cross of our Savior is our “faith family tree.”

  8. The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22–23

  9. In Jesus, we inherit . . . God’s love Forgiveness Joy Eternal life

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