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Ymwybyddiaeth O falgar er L les Rhieni P lant ag A nableddau Deallusol a D atblygiadol Mindfulness-Based Support for Parents of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Dr Leah Jones Yr Athro / Professor Richard Hastings Dr Vaso Tostika.
YmwybyddiaethOfalgarerLlesRhieniPlant agAnableddauDeallusol a DatblygiadolMindfulness-Based Support for Parents of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Dr Leah Jones YrAthro / Professor Richard Hastings DrVasoTostika
Ymwybyddiaethofalgarerllesrhieni plant aganableddaudeallusola datblygiadolMindfulness-Based Support for Parents of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities • Pam foangencefnogi’rrhieniyma? Why do these parents need supporting? • Pam ymwybyddiaethofalgar? Why mindfulness? • Datblygucwrsargyferrhieni Developing a course for parents • Cynnal y cwrsyngNgogleddCymru Hosting a course in North Wales • Gwerthuso’rcwrs Evaluating the course
Pam foangencefnogi’rrhieniyma?Why do these parents need supporting? • Rhieni plant aganableddau- ynenwedigawtistiaeth- ynadroddlefelauuchel o ofid, yncynnwysstraen, gorbryder ac iselderParents of children with disabilities- autism in particular- report elevated levels of distress, including stress, anxiety and depression • Gofidyngysylltiedigagymddygiad plant, ynogystalâffactoraueraill, e.e. statwseconomaidd, rhwydwaithcefnogol, brwydro am wasanaethauDistress associated with child behaviours, as well as other factors, e.g. economic status, support network, battling for services • Nidpobrhiantsyddyndioddef;mae’nbwysigdarganfodsutfodrhaiynaddasu/ymdopiynfwyeffeithiol nag eraillNot all parents experience negative outcomes; it’s important to understand how some paretns adjust more effectively than others • Tystiolaethfodprosesaugwybyddolsy’ngysylltiedigagymwybyddiaethynchwaraerhanmewnlles y rhienisyddynaddasuyn well (Jones et al, 2013) Evidence to suggest psychological processes associated with mindfulness are involved in better adjusted parents
Beth ywymwybyddiaethofalgar?What is mindfulness? • Talusylwynfwriadol at brofiadaucorfforol (meddyliau, ymdeimladaucorfforol, emosiynau, ymddygiad) fel y maentyndigwyddyn y foment Deliberately attending to our bodily experiences (thoughts, sensations, emotions and behaviours) whilst they unfold in the present moment • Ynchwilfrydig a gydag ‘meddwldechreuwr’ With curiosity and a ‘beginners mind’ • Hebfarnu Without judgment • Hebgeisionewidy profiad Accepting without trying to change the experience • HebymatebynawtomatigWithout reacting automatically
Sutifeithrinymwybyddiaethofalgar?How to cultivate mindfulness? • CaiffeiddatblygudrwyymarferionmyfyrdodIt is developed through meditating
Wrthfeithrinyrymwybyddiaethymagallem:By fostering a mindful approach we are able to: • Gweldeinprofiadauynglir, a dewissutiymateb,ynlleymatebynawtomatigSee our experiences more clearly and choose how to respond rather than react automatically • Troituag at anawsterau a sialensiau Turn towards difficulties and challenges • Adnabodpatrymauymdeimladaucorfforol, emosiynau, meddyliau, ac ymddygiad Recognize sensations, emotions, thoughts and behaviours • Cydnabod, caniatau a derbyneinprofiadau Recognize, allow and accept experiences • Camu’nôl Take a step back • Sylwiar a gwerthfawrogiprofiadaudymunol Notice and appreciate positive experiences
DatblygucwrsargyferrieniDeveloping a course for parents • Mae ynagyrsiauymwybyddiaethwedieusefydlu: There are established mindfulness courses: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) • Gwnaethomni (gydaGanolfanYmwybyddiaethOfalgarYmchwil ac Ymarfer, Prifysgol Bangor) ddatblygucwrsnewyddargyferrieni: We developed a new course for parents in collaboration with the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice: Mindfulness-Based Well-Being course for Parents (MBW-P) • Wedieisefydluar MBSR, ondymarferionbyrrach, a deunyddmwypenodolargyferrieni, a mwy o bwyslaisarhunan-drugareddBased on MBSR, with shorter practices, materials more specific to paretns, and with greater emphasis on self-compassion
CynnwysCwrsYmwybyddiaethOfalgarerLlesRhieniMindfuless-Based Wellbeing Course-Parent Course Content Gweithgareddauymarfercartref bob wythnosynseiliedigargynnwysdosbarthyrwythnoshwnnw / Weekly home practices basaed of content of that week’s session
Cynnal y cwrsyngNgogleddCymruHosting the course in North Wales • 3 cwrsmewn 3 ysgolAnghenionArbennig 3 courses in 3 Special Educational Schools • Dros 300 gwahoddiad- 10% ynymateb Over 300 paretns invited- 10% responded • O’rrhainwnaeth 21 rhiantyngwblhaucwrs (18 mam, a 3 tad; 1 cwpl) Of which 21 paretns completed a couse (18 mothers, 3 fathers, 1 couple) • 17 rhiantyncyd-fywgydaphartner, 4 ynsengl17 parents were cohabiting with a partner, 4 paretns were single • 44.65 mlwyddoedargyfartaleddOn average 44.65 years of age • 16 rhiantyngweithio, 5 ynddi-waith16 parents were employed, 5 unemployed • Canolrifincwmteulu £25,000- £35,000 Modal household income £25,000-£25,000
Cynnal y cwrsyngNgogleddCymruHosting the course in North Wales • Plant y rhieniyn 10.53 mlwyddoed, argyfartaledd Parents’ children were on average 10.53 years of age • Wediderbyn diagnosis 5.11 blyneddyngynharachChildren received their diagnosis on average 5.11 years previously • 16 diagnosis o AnhwylderSbectrwmAwtistiaeth16 children had a disganosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder • 1 x syndrom Down / Down syndrome; 2 x ParlysyrYmennydd/ Cerebral Palsy; 2 x anabledddeallusolcyffredinol/ general learning disability • 13 x bachgen/ boys; 8 x merch/girls • 15 o’r pant mewnysgolangenionarbennig/ 15 children attending a special educational school • I gydynbywgartraheforhieni/ all children living at home with parents
Gwerthuso’rCwrsEvaluating the Course • Rhieniyncwblhaupecyn o holiaduroncyn ac wedi’rcwrsParents complete a questionnaire pack before and after the course • Cyfranwyrynsylweddol: Participants were significantly: Mwyymwybodol/ more mindful (p = .008; d = 0.49) Mwyhunandosturiol/ more self-compassioante(p = .039; d = 0.39) Llaidanstraen/ less stressed (p = .031; d = 0.49) • Erddimynsylweddol, roeddhefydnewidiadaumewnlefelau: gorbryder, iselder a phrofiadaucadarnhaolAlthough not to significant levels, there were positive changes to levels of anxiety, depression and positive gains
Boddhadgydawahanolagweddau’rcwrs Satisfaction with different aspects of the course
Casgliadau/ Conclusions • Mae’nanodddodigasgliadpenodolwediastudiaeth ‘peilot’ It’s difficult to come to definitive conclusions following a pilot study • Mae’rcanlyniadauynawgrymu bod hyfforddiantymwybyddiaethofalgarynfuddiolirieni, ac ynannogymchwiliadpellach The results do suggest that mindfulness-based support is beneficial to parents and therefore warrants further investigation
Adnoddau / Resources www.bangor.ac.uk/mindfulness (CMRP Bangor) www.bemindful.co.uk (Mental Health Foundation) www.bemindfulonline.com (Mental Health Foundation) www.franticworld.com/ (Finding Peace in a Frantic World)
Diolch am wrandoThank you for listening • Am fanylionpellachcysylltwchâ: For further information please contact: leah.jones@bangor.ac.uk