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Protocol Task Force. Developing guidelines for student-run events. Goals for Today. Get everyone on the same page Discuss 1-2 policy proposals to work on Agree on Group Membership Set next meeting time. Further Questions:.
Protocol Task Force Developing guidelines for student-run events.
Goals for Today • Get everyone on the same page • Discuss 1-2 policy proposals to work on • Agree on Group Membership • Set next meeting time Protocol Task Force
Further Questions: • May ‚radical‘ speakers be generally allowed? Who should discuss & decide this? • Should an elected Dean or Professor sponsor a controversial event? • May expertise from outside be consulted to assess events in their academic quality? Protocol Task Force
Solution: Student Run Events in General • time-frames for all student-events with regard to budget and time-line are desirable for CAIA, the Colleges and other funding parties such as GSA or USG • different categories for events suggested: depending on the audience, budget, topic etc. different parties, deadlines etc. need to be met in order for the event to take place • list of questions for the organizer to figure out easily which category the event falls into • more controversial events need more guidance, e.g. Global Issues Forum can just take place like this in the Common Room • one shared document (incl. funding) and one shared planning calendar as a result of this • core mission of Jacobs is leadership development – leadership is taught through giving responsibility for organizing something, the guidelines should facilitate and not discourage this • hard to say no to events for the admin & CAIA USG & GSA should support these guidelines fully in order to be effective
Solution: Controversial Events in General Implementation Process Evaluation Process One Process Owner: looks at the workflow (see slide 4) and sees that the deadlines and necessary people are met in order to prepare a final decision by the Extended Managment Board or Academic Board on whether the event takes place, e.g. Academic Affairs the final decision is based on final speakers / program list and happens prior to advertising, funding and implementation of the event • One Process Owner: looks at the master document of the event and sees that the deadlines and necessary people are met according to the category in which the event falls, e.g. CAIA
Solution: Academic Events • academic quality ensurance entails faculty involvement distinguish events that involve academic education /educated discussion vs. other events, e.g. cultural events faculty • mainly academic events need faculty guidance
Group Membership • Fixed to those having attended and volunteered during the EMT Forum + College Masters (Martin Freres is to invite them) • Further contributions and ideas are welcome • minutes to be sent to community (Martin Freres)
To-Do for Next Meeting • Gohr, Illenberger, Deutsch: draft evaluation process owner proposal including deadlines for speaker lists etc. • Gohr: revises work-flow draft and includes CAIA in the work-flow draft • CAIA: suggests typology of events and drafts guidelines for budget and deadlines for events in general • Brockman & Freres: consult the student representation to suggest additional points to the work flow & master document • Freres: invites College Masters, sends edited minutes to the community