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EU Delegation in Serbia

26/05/2012. EU Delegation in Serbia. 2. EC Delegation mission. facilitate the development of political and economic relations between EU and Serbia assist progress and reforms needed for the conclusion of a SAA that will give new momentum to the accession process. Help Serbia to integrate into

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EU Delegation in Serbia

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    1. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 1 EU Delegation in Serbia

    2. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 2 EC Delegation mission

    3. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 3 EC Delegation Organization

    4. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 4 102 staff 3th in the World ˜ € 200 million / year in centralized management 1st in the World

    5. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 5 Current portfolio of projects € 430 million contracts ongoing ( number of contracts: 478) € 420 million tenders ongoing or about to be launched (includes IPA 2009 and IPA 2010) € 850 million in total

    6. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 6 European Partnership by European Council Multi-Annual Indicative Programme by Commission Annual programme: draft by Serbian Authorities adoption by European Commission Financing Agreement signed by both

    7. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 7 New IPA programmes IPA 2011 – IPA Committee of November 2010 IPA 2012 – Programming should start in last quarter of 2010

    8. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 8 Implementation of IPA Currently by EU Delegation After gap analysis Gap plugging Certification Will be by country systems

    9. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 9 Current situation Political Momentum Visa liberalization Interim Agreement Serbian application for membership Financial Crisis Reduction of staff in Serbian Administration Higher unemployment slow economic growth Rotation of staff / low salaries

    10. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 10 Priorities - Accession to the EU Rule of law and good governance Predictability and fair treatment for citizens & econ. operators. Fight Organized crime and corruption Efficiency of the Administration for citizens & econ. operators. Transparency on functioning and public procurement Human rights Economic development Acquis communautaire

    11. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 11 Reforms – 1. Strategies Strategies exist (some 60), though: Need update in a number of cases Need more focus on ultimate results Benchmarks Indicators Follow-up mechanisms – reliable information

    12. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 12 Reforms – 2. Laws Clear legislative progress In Judiciary, Public Administration, Environment, etc Though remains to be completed: a lot on By-laws and regulations Introduction of performance indicators (e.g. judiciary) Improvement of efficiency of the administration (all sectors) Improvement of strategic planning and management

    13. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 13 Reforms – 3. Implementation is the most difficult needs reinforced capacity Results of reforms need to be felt by Citizens Enterprises Instruments: Twining, Technical Assistance

    14. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 14 Economic development Danube basin (corridor VII) Motorway North South (Corridor X) SMEs Development at Municipal level Training – VET , High Education Instruments: tenders for TA, Supplies, Works

    15. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 15 Support to Civil Society Support to Media Support to Human Rights Instrument: annual call for proposals

    16. 27/05/2012 EU Delegation in Serbia 16 Future Help Serbia in its choice to join the EU Reinforce areas required for future EU accession negotiations Complete the legal framework for reforms Reinforce implementation capacities Support economic, social and infrastructure development SWAP – Sector Wide Approach Strengthening strategic planning, management and monitoring

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