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Welcome to Our Class!

Welcome to Our Class!. Ms. Doty E-104. What will we be studying this year?. IWAH 1 is a sampling of both world and early American History. This year we will examine: Geography Ancient Rome The Middle Ages Origins of Islam Advanced Empires of Asia and Africa Renaissance Exploration

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Welcome to Our Class!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Our Class! Ms. Doty E-104

  2. What will we be studying this year? • IWAH 1 is a sampling of both world and early American History. This year we will examine: • Geography • Ancient Rome • The Middle Ages • Origins of Islam • Advanced Empires of Asia and Africa • Renaissance • Exploration • Protestant Reformation • Colonization/Colonial America

  3. What will we be studying this year? • IWAH 2 is a sampling of both world and American History. This year we will examine: • The Enlightenment • The French and Indian War • The American Revolution • The Constitution • The French Revolution • The War of 1812 • Westward Expansion • The Civil War • Reconstruction • The Gilded Age

  4. How will I be graded? • Each marking period, your grade is broken down as follows: • Homework 10% • Classwork 20% • Quizzes 20% • Projects and Tests 50%

  5. How will I be graded? (HON) • Each marking period, your grade is broken down as follows: • Homework 10% • Classwork 10% • Quizzes 20% • Projects and Tests 60%

  6. What are the classroom rules? Rule#1: Please be in your assigned seat and working on the DO NOW of the day when the bell rings.

  7. Do Now Assignment Daily Agenda Do Now– 9/6/12 What are the rules of this class? • Do Now Assignment • Review of Do Now • Overview of the Class • Practicing of procedures Daily Objective: To learn the guidelines and procedures in Ms. Doty’s class.

  8. Rule#2 • Bring ALL necessary supplies to class (book, binder, writing utensil, etc.) AND take these items with you when you leave. • Your binder should contain four sections: • Do Nows • Notes • Homework/Classwork • Graded Work

  9. Rule#3 • Please do not take out any electronic devices (phones, iPods, MP3s).

  10. Rule #4 • Treat each person in the room with respect. • No name calling/put downs • No foul language • No interruptions while someone is talking

  11. Rule #5 • Follow ALL rules as outlined in your LHS student handbook.

  12. What are the classroom procedures? Entering the room • Please enter quietly and have a seat. • The seat you are now in will be your seat for the first few weeks of the marking period. • Take out your materials. • Sharpen your pencil. • Review the day’s agenda. • Begin your Do Now assignment.

  13. Entering When you are Late • Enter the room quietly. • Sign the late sheet in the front of the class folder. • If you have a pass, please leave it in the front pocket of the folder. • Take our your class materials and begin working.

  14. If You Finish your Work Early • If you finish an assignment early, you are welcome to do any of the following: • Work on any unfinished HISTORY assignments or tonight’s homework. • Read your assigned novel. • Work on extra credit.

  15. Classroom Discussions • I want to hear what you have to say and I encourage you to speak up! • To be sure all participants have a chance, please raise your hand and wait until I call on you. • If your question is off-topic, please write it down and discuss it with me after class or after school.

  16. Heading your Paper • Please use the following heading format on ALL papers. • Your Name • My Name • Period • Today’s date

  17. Moving around the Room / Leaving the Classroom • You must ask permission to move around the room. • If you need to go to the lavatory, nurse’s office, or water fountain… • Please do not interrupt teaching or discussion time unless it is an emergency. • Put the hall pass on my desk. I will sign your pass book. • You will not be permitted to the lavatory unless you have YOUR agenda. If you don’t have it, your pass will be a detention slip.

  18. After you have returned from an absence • Go to the Class Mailbox • Take YOUR handouts from the mailbox (handouts will have your name on them). • All tests or quizzes must be made up within one week. If you are unable to take the test/quiz then, it will remain a zero.

  19. Class Captain/Laptop Manager • We will have one class captain and one laptop manager per quarter. • The class captain will be responsible for attendance and gathering work for absent students. • The laptop manager will be responsible for ensuring that all laptops are plugged in, turned off, and in the right place. • You must be passing the class to maintain an office.

  20. Dismissal of class • I dismiss you, rather than the bell. Please wait until I have finished speaking and have officially dismissed you. • Please do not start packing up prior to the bell.

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