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Sida-Amhara Rural Development Program(SARDP)

Sida-Amhara Rural Development Program(SARDP). A Rural Development Partner to improve the lives of the grassroot community sustainably. SARDP. Key Objectives of SARDP: To strengthen decentralized development planning, implementation, management & use of the required services.

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Sida-Amhara Rural Development Program(SARDP)

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  1. Sida-AmharaRural DevelopmentProgram(SARDP) • A Rural Development Partner to improve the lives of the grassroot community sustainably.

  2. SARDP Key Objectives of SARDP: To strengthen decentralized development planning, implementation, management & use of the required services. To bring about sustainable increase in agricultural productivity & production, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. To diversify the economy and increase income of the households through off-farm income generating activities with credit access. To improve rural roads which enhance input supply, marketing of products and social services. To improve good governance.

  3. Strategies of SARDP: • Involving concerned stakeholders at each stage of the project cycle. • Creating the required linkage among stakeholders. • Provision of training for program beneficiaries at each level.

  4. Key lessons learnt during the PPME training • M&E plan formulation based on the program document • Participatory M&E system establishment • Facilitation for participatory learning • The data journey (objective hierarchy to decision for change) • Creating learning environment through realizing participation • Conflict management • PLA as management tool for development • Individual and organizational learning • The importance of Data base • Change management

  5. Objectives: What would you like to change? • To improve the M&E system of SARDP • To facilitate PPME training in order to institutionalize among the implementing agencies. • To create data base system. why? • To contribute for the program success.

  6. Stakeholders: Who will be involved and bring about these changes? • Program coordination Unit (PCU) • Sector offices • Technical assistants • Communities • Donor

  7. The role of stakeholders: • Program coordination Unit- Involve, facilitate & coordinate the planned activities. • Technical assistants - provide technical backups. • Sector offices – Involve in PM&E training, designing their PM&E system, implementation and M&E of the plan. Provision of required information. • Communities - involve in the provision of information. • Donor: Feedback.

  8. How do you intend to get the other stakeholders involved in creating these changes? • Through continuous discussion and training on the PM&E system at each level.

  9. Constraints: What problems do you expect when trying to bring about these changes? • Resistance from some implementing institutions due to: • Less attention to M&E. • Lack of skilled manpower and low institutional Capacity • Financial limitation

  10. Measures to be taken: • Through arranging discussion forums at each level • Introducing incentives (Training) • To use PM&E system exercise as precondition to approve the fund request. • Institutional support

  11. Alliances for the change • Support from the program Director. • Support from the donor (SIDA). • The valuable input(skill) on PM&E from IAC.

  12. M&E: monitoring and evaluation of the PM&E plan? • How : Based on the planned activities and set objectives. • Who will be involved: • Program coordination Unit (PCU) • Sector offices • Technical assistants • Communities • Donor

  13. What are your key evaluation questions and indicators? key evaluation questions: • How is the improvement and continuity of the system? • How many institutions establish & practice the M&E system? • How many staff trained on MIS?

  14. Indicators: • Frequency of revision based on facts /realities. • No of institutions which establish and practice the system. • No of staff trained on MIS.

  15. Resources: Resources needed to implement the plan • Finance • Material • Time • Skilled manpower

  16. Time schedule of activities

  17. Thank you!

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