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W.H.S. Comprehensive Guidance & Counseling Program. Who We Are… What We Do…. Counselor- Deanna Hogan 10 th & 12 th Counselor- Lemecia Lindsey 9 th & 11 th CTE Director & Career Specialist- Marsha Spencer Career Assistant- Sharon Watts Highly Capable Coordinator- Rhea Bohlin
Who We Are… What We Do… • Counselor- Deanna Hogan 10th & 12th • Counselor- Lemecia Lindsey 9th & 11th • CTE Director & Career Specialist- Marsha Spencer • Career Assistant- Sharon Watts • Highly Capable Coordinator- Rhea Bohlin • Registrar- Debbie Curtin • Counseling Secretary- Michele Chilcote
Counselor for classes of 2009 and 2011. Running Start and Skills Center counselor for the class of 2009. Counseling department head. AP coordinator. Deanna Hogan10th and 12th grade Counselor
Counselor for class of 2010 and 2012. Running Start and Skills Center counselor for class of 2010. Lemecia Lindsey 9 & 11th grade Counselor
As the CTE Director Marsha manages the budget, state reports, grants, class approvals, articulation agreements with Clark College , organizes and coordinates activities in the Career Center , and serves as the area leader for Clark County CTE Directors Marsha’s work as the Career Specialist includes working with students in each grade level regarding interest and skills assessments, career research, job acquisition, college, scholarship and all post high school options. Marsha nd Sharon plan and coordinate students who attend the Clark County Vocational Skills Center and the STAR Mentor Program. Students at each grade level meet at least once each year with the Career Specialist - twice for sophomores and seniors. They organize on-campus college, vocational/technical school and military visits, numerous fairs and tours as well as a Volunteer Fair yearly and Opportunities Fair every other year. Marsha SpencerCTE Director & Career SpecialistSharon Watts- Assistant
Processes and maintains student’s enrollment and withdrawals, and prepares monthly enrollment reports. Prepares yearly reports and graduation data, including Honor Roll Rank. Creates custom reports for district personnel and establishes and maintains student records (i.e. health and demographics). Grading set–up per WHS calendar including progress reports, report cards and transcripts. She also evaluates and converts academic credits and completes grade changes. Other forms she produces include - Senior Diplomas, health /welfare, Social Security, Military, car insurance forms, as well as “will grad” and enrollment verification letters. Debbie CurtainRegistar
Greets and directs all students, parents and community members to the appropriate specialist. She updates college and guidance information in the counseling center. Communicates with teachers administrators and schedules appointments for the counselors and registrar. She trains student’s aids and takes their attendance Directs mail ,facilitates copying and orders supplies and materials for the counseling office staff. Prints schedules and transcripts for students to assist them with colleges, scholarship and job opportunities requirements. Requests records for new students and sends the cumulative files and portfolios for withdrawn students. She administers and collects withdrawal forms. Places records into cumulative files such as WASL reports, grade change forms, Running Start college grades, court papers and other important documents. Michele ChilcoteCounseling Secretary
Works with high school students and their parents to support and guide students to identify and achieve their academic goals and future aspirations. Researches and develops information for students and their parents in regard to post-high school options. Coordinates training in differentiated instruction strategies for elementary staff. Implements and manages the cognitive testing program for second and fifth grade students, from which accelerated learners and highly capable students are identified. Joins the assistant superintendent in designing the Highly Capable Parent Advisory meetings and leads their book study. Maintains the district’s Highly Capable data and assists the assistant superintendent in the annual Hi-Cap report to OSPI . Rhea BohlinHighly Capable Coordinator
What We Believe • The mission of the guidance and career department, in partnership with parents, teachers and community, is to provide opportunities that will assist students in their transition toward becoming responsible, self directed, caring and contributing members of an ever-changing global society. These programs are designed to enhance learning, assist decision-making, and facilitate personal, academic and career success. • Our goal is to ensure that each and every W.H.S. student receives counseling services needed for success. • Our counseling program will continually improve through the use of collaboration, reflection and data evaluation.
Services Provided • Academic Development- 4 year course selection, aptitude interest inventories, organizational skills, goal setting, transcript reviews and standardized testing. • Career Development- career interest/selection, vocational skills, career center services, career related learning & interviews. • Personal/social development- personal responsibility, respecting self and others, communication skills, self advocacy, safety and problem solving. • Community involvement- volunteerism, community based program, service, learning opportunities, school leadership and co-curricular opportunities.
Content Domains • Guidance Curriculum • Individual Planning • Responsive Services • System Support • Student Advocacy * Aligned with American School Counselor Association National Standards
Guidance Curriculum • Classroom guidance lessons-Time Management (with STAR mentors), & Suicide Prevention. • Classroom presentations such as- PSAT preparation and post-secondary planning. • Development of advisory lessons through Navigation 101.
Individual Planning • Academic, career, post secondary and transition plans. • Goal setting, problem solving, understanding self, strengths & weaknesses. • Service learning/employment guidance. • Forecasting/scheduling • Running Start & Skills Center coordination. • 504 plans • File reviews • Graduation status/reviews for 11th and 12th graders. • Staffing student/parent/teacher meetings and conferences. • Excelsior transition meetings and middle school transition meetings.
Responsive Services • Behavior plans & interventions. • Threat assessments, suicide screenings & school crisis response. • Staff referrals • Parent consultation • Abuse reporting • Crisis counseling • Small group counseling-personal/social, academic and drug/alcohol/tobacco. • Peer mediation • Community agency referrals.
System Support • Development of a Counseling Advisory Committee. • Program coordination • Professional development • Staff consultation, collaboration and teaming. • Community outreach • Needs Assessment • School wide activities- Senior and Junior Info. Nights, PSAT coordination and Score Reporting Night, College 101, Career Planning Night, 8th grade Parent Information Night.
Student Advocacy • Assist in the identification of students needing equitable access and educational opportunities. • Identify accommodations and modifications for special assistance. • Support each student’s success in school and their transition to the next steps.