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Chapter 21: The Cup of Consummation. John 15. JC = vine Father = vinedresser Humanity = branches Branch is fruitful = pruned by Father Branch is dead = cut off and burned in fire (hell)
John 15 • JC = vine • Father = vinedresser • Humanity = branches • Branch is fruitful = pruned by Father • Branch is dead = cut off and burned in fire (hell) • Branch can’t bear fruit by itself, must be part of the vine = we must be part of Christ in order to cultivate
The Last Supper • Matthew 26:1-5 - Caiaphas was high priest - Arrest Christ after Passover • John 13 - washing of disciple’s feet - Peter wouldn’t allow - Jesus told to Judas to do his action of betrayal quickly - New commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you” – John 13:34 • Matthew 26:14-16 - Judas betray Jesus; 30 pieces of silver - “The one who has dipped their hand in the dish with me, will betray me”
The Last Supper Passover was celebrated with 4 cups: • After blessing, 1st cup was drunk followed by bitter herbs that symbolized the bitterness of captivity in Egypt • Passover story read from Exodus 12, Psalm 113 sung and 2nd cup drunk • Main meal of lamb and unleavened bread, after which the 3rd cup, “cup of blessing” was drunk • Psalms 114-118 were sung and Passover came to its climax when the 4th cup the “cup of consummation” was drunk
The Last Supper • Jesus changed 3rd cup “this is my body…” • V. 28“Blood of this covenant” (Ex. 24:8) ratification of covenant btw Israel and God; Jesus introduces new covenant ratified by His blood • V. 28 references Isaiah 53 “The Suffering Servant” • Jesus is the Passover lamb of the new covenant • He establishes a new covenant from His body and blood this anticipates his death on the cross
Agony in the Garden • Matthew 26: 30-46 • 4th cup: “Cup of consummation” - sung psalms but then left to mount of Olives - Gethsemane “olive press” - took Peter, James, and John to keep watch - v 39 “if possible let this cup pass from me” - 4th cup = his death on cross was to be consummation of his Passover sacrifice - 3 apostles fell asleep 3 times Matthew 26:47-57 - Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss and arrested - taken to Sanhedrin (the council of Jewish elders)
Trial and Denial • Matthew 26:57-75 - Annas sent JC to son-in-law, Caiaphas - charged with blasphemy - blasphemy = crime of insulting God or of claiming Godlike attributes. - Peter denied Him three times - Judas hanged himself Peter’s and Judas sin is the same- both betray Jesus. What is the difference between the two?
Pontius Pilate • Matthew 27:11-44 - Pilate was persuaded JC was threat to Rome - sent to King Herod Antipas because Galilee was under his jurisdiction - custom of releasing one man, Barabbas - Barabbas= “Son of the Father” - mock Christ with crown, robe, title - Simon of Cyrene forced to carry the cross
Crucifixion of Christ • John 18 & 19 • Golgotha = place of the skull • “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews” • “Jesus of Nazareth, this man said I am King of the Jews” • Tunic – seamless garment, same as a Jewish high priest wore; cast lots • Veronica – wiped face with veil, left image • Gesmas – bad thief • Dismas – good thief
Last words of Christ 1. "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." 2. "This day you shall be with me in Paradise.“ 3. "Woman, behold your son. Son behold your Mother" 4. My God, My God why have you forsaken me? 5. "I thirst." 6. "It is finished." 7. "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit."
John took Mary into his home – Ephesus • Christ was on the cross for 3 hours • Offered Jesus sour wine on a branch of a hyssop --- same used for sprinkling blood of the Passover lamb in Exodus • “It is finished” = the 4th cup he said he wouldn’t drink until the time came • Veil of Temple was torn • tearing pre-figured end of Old Covenant; outer curtain was decorated with pictures of whole creation • Broke knees of criminals before Sabbath • Psalm 22 (page 398) – The Crucifixion Psalm
PassoverJesus Christ • He is unblemished lamb • No broken bones during crucifixion • Blood was on the cross • Flesh of Christ is eaten under form of bread and wine in the Eucharist. • Hosts is made of unleavened bread • Last Supper- Jesus makes memorial feast 1. Mass reenacts Last Supper 2. we truly believe we are part of the original event - Mass = Last Supper (meal), Crucifixion (sacrifice), Resurrection (God’s saving blessing) • One yr. old lamb w/o blemish • No broken bones • lamb’s blood smeared on doorposts • Lamb’s flesh would be eaten • Unleavened bread was to be eaten • Memorial feast is established. 1. when event is reenacted 2. participants are truly part of the original event. • Passover = sacrifice, meal, God’s saving blessing • If Israelites don’t eat lamb’s flesh, then they are not saved
Isaac Jesus Christ • Miraculous birth (Virgin Mary) • Only Son • Calvary- SAME MOUNTAIN! • Arrived on a donkey • Carried cross (wood) on his back • Christ was laid on cross before being nailed • Christ was arrested • wore crown of thorns • Christ, while on cross cries, “Father” • Miraculous birth (Sarah) • Only Son • Mt. Moriah “up a hill and sacrificed” • Arrived on a donkey • Carried wood on his back • “laid him upon the wood” • Bound Isaac • Sacrificed ram instead; stuck in thistle • Isaac called for Abraham, “My Father”