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According to the Olympic Charter, established by Pierre de Coubertin , “ The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to: building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind
According to the Olympic Charter, established by Pierre de Coubertin, • “ The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to: • building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind • and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding • with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.”
Bronze • Silver • Goldint The Olympic Games Objectives: ALL of you will be able to name at least 5 Olympic Games and spell them correctly MOST of you will be able to name some and explain some of the more obscure games and explain them to your partner MOST of you will be able to name a few greetings of various participant countries MOST of you will be able to recount some of the history of the Olympic Games MOST of you will be able to talk about the music of the Olympic games SOME of you will be able to argue for and against athletes taking drugs for performance enhancement in the games SOME of you will be able to work out statistics of Olympic Games Let’s differentiate!!!
The Olympic Games ALL of you will be able to name at least 5 of them and spell them correctly
Speak: In pairs name as many olympic sports you can think of in 1 minute Athletics Shot putt Gym… V… Success Criteria Name as many sports as you can think of in 1 minute Use the previous slide to help you! (it will appear again in a minute!) Be very specific of the kind of sport not just the genre Think of the obscure sports Mixed Share Pair
How many did you get? • Bronze • Silver • Goldint • Archery • Badminton • Basketball • Beach volleyball • Boxing • Canoe Slalom • Canoe Sprint • Cycling – BMX • Cycling – Mountain Bike • Cycling – Road • Cycling – Track • Discus • Diving • Equestrian – Dressage • Equestrian – Eventing • Equestrian – Jumping • Fencing • Football • Gymastics - Artistic • Gymnastics – Rythmic • Gymnastics – Trampoline • Handball • High Jump • Hockey • Hurdles • Javelin • Judo • Long Jump • (Modern) Pentathlon • Pole Vaulting • Relays • Rowing • Sailing • Shot putt • Shooting • Skating • Swimming • Synchronised Swimming • Table Tennis • Taekwondo • Tennis • Triathlon • Volleyball • Water Polo • Weightligting • Wrestling Most medals of the same colour equals your position
Taekwondo On your whiteboards: Spell it! Taek • wondo Gold for Spelling Rally Robin: Can you spell it backwards? Rally Robin: Can you spell it forwards?
Olympics Articulate:You say we pay! Objective: MOST of you will be able to explain what happens in each sport in the Olympic games Player 1 = Back to the boardwhilst player 2 explains sport without mentioning it (then swap)
Player 1 • 100 metres • Football • Beach Volleyball • Marathon • Shot Putt • Swimming: Freestyle • Skeet • Cycling
Player 2 • 110 metre hurdles • Table Tennis • Gymnastics • Judo • Diving • Kayaking • Darts • Synchronised Swimming
MWB’sObjective: to recall some greetings of participant countries AIM HIGHER: Name the Country also
Look Hands up Pens down Ciao
Check Ciao
Look Hands up Pens down hallo
Check hallo
Look Hands up Pens down ahoj
Check ahoj
Look Hands up Pens down Witham
Check Witham
Look Hands up Pens down Merhaba
Check Merhaba
Speak: in pairs name as many greetings as you can remember(In pairs name as many greetings as you can remember) Hallo (Germany) Whitam Ah… Ah.. Success Criteria Recall as many greetings as you can in one minute Name the country also and give some more that people may know Mixed pair share
Hinge Questions Mathematics
Read the question and answer A, B, C or D • Usain Bolt holds the 100m and 200m Olympic Records for running. • He ran the 100m in 9.69secs. How fast is 100m in 10seconds in miles per hour? • A - 10mph • B - 22.5mph • C - 36mph • D – 18mph Aim higher: Give the formula for converting Miles to Kilometres
The answer was B - 22.5mph • If you got the answer wrong answer these; • If 8 runners ran the 400m what is the total distance ran by the runners? • Change that distance into km. • How many complete laps of 400m do you need to run in the 5000m event? • If you got the answer right answer these; • Usain Bolt also holds the record, with 3 team mates, for the 4 x 100m relay in 37.10s. How fast does each runner run on average? • Usain Bolt’s 200m record was 19.30s what is this speed in km/h? • What is this speed in mph?
Differentiated Group task: Kinaesthetic Objectives:to revise cities & countriesto learn where the Olympic summer games have been held in the last 30 years
Differentiated objectives ALL will be able to match the city to the correct countrySOME will be able to select the correct year the games were held in that city/ country
Differentiation: GnT Extension Which country has won the most medals in the summer games?Aim higher: How many? U.S.A (2189)
Further differentiation possibilities:research cities find facts about the games of that yearmake the cards in to snap cards for plenaryfind facts about the countriesKagan structures – rally robin / coach
History of the Olympic Games Objectives: ALL OF YOU will be able to name at least 3 ancient Olympic Games MOST OF YOU beable to give me 3 facts on the history of the Olympic Games SOME OF YOU will be able to name games first used in the Olympics as well as 5 facts on the History of the Olympic Games Differentiated Cascading group task/ Also can be done as a Co-constructors task
Group work: differentiation Over the years there have been a number of songs associated with athletics and The Olympics Here are a few you may have heard already: Chariots of Fire – Vangelis Barcelona – Freddie Mercury and MonserratCaballe Proud – Heather Small All Write Round Robin In groups of four, you have 30 seconds to write down what musical characteristics you expect from an Olympic song Name as many each as you can They may include sport anthems
Write and name in groups all musical characterisctics you expect of an Olympic song Anthemic (Great composition) Emotional Ah… Ah.. Success Criteria Name as many songs you can think of for past olympics Sport anthems are included Give as many adjectives as you can to describe the song needed to make a good olympic song All write and speak one at a time
Click on the link below to watch the video of Spinnin’ for 2012 by Dionne Bromfield and TinchyStryder. This song has been chosen as the official torch relay song for the 2012 games. Spinnin’ for 2012 Success Criteria: As you are listening, tick anything on your list of expectations that match what you can hear in this song. Further discussion: Aim higher How successful is this song as an Olympic anthem? How does it compare to previous Olympic songs?
SHOULD DWAIN CHAMBERS BE ALLOWED TO REPRESENT THE UK AT 2012? HE HAS SERVED HAS BAN………… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2rvBNqx9BY ‘it is hypocritical for society to encourage consumers to seek drugs to treat all sorts of ailments and conditions but to disdain drug use for sports’ vs ‘the athletes who use them are breaking the rules and getting an unfair advantage over others.’
GROUP TASK DIFFERNTIATION • Background reading (slides 3 & 4) depending on how long you want this element of the lesson to take and how much emphasis is placed upon this learning in the syllabus. • Put in pairs (one strong student with a weaker candidate) • Using prior attainment data, previous lesson task outcomes (white board, multiple choice etc) • The more able student has to argue FOR Dwain Chambers inclusion in the Olympic squad. This is difficult because there are not as many debating angles to use, it is also a skill to win an argument when the odds are stacked against you. • The weaker student has the moral high ground and therefore it is more likely that the debate is balanced Depending on how you want to play this, a 3rd party should listen to the debate taking down the key points, allowing an equal % air time to each students views and ultimately decide upon the winner. NOT THE STUDENT THEY ARGEE WITH BUT THE STUDENT THAT PRESENTED THE MOST CONVINCING ARGUMENT.
Reading before the debate – If there is time the argument would take place at a higher level if the students were given this material to read through before hand. They can then prepare argument & counter arguments for the debate.