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Resuscitate the Staff Meeting

Resuscitate the Staff Meeting. Doing away with the stiff meeting. Prayer. My days are so crowded and my hours are so few, There’s so little time and so much to do. My work is unfinished and my desk is piled high And my unanswered mail seems to reach to the sky.

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Resuscitate the Staff Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Resuscitate the Staff Meeting Doing away with the stiff meeting.

  2. Prayer My days are so crowded and my hours are so few, There’s so little time and so much to do. My work is unfinished and my desk is piled high And my unanswered mail seems to reach to the sky. I’m pressured and pushed until I am dizzy There’s never a minute I’m not crazily busy. And sometimes I wonder as I rush through the day Does God really want me to hurry this way? Why am I impatient and continually vexed, And often bewildered disturbed and perplexed? Perhaps, I’m too busy with my own selfish seeking To hear the dear Lord when he’s tenderly speaking. I’m working so tensely in my self-centered way, I’ve no time to listen for what God has to say And hard as I work, at the end of the day I know in my heart I did not pay my way. But God in His mercy looks down on us all And though what we’ve done is so pitifully small He makes us feel welcome to kneel down and pray For the chance to do better as we start a new day. by Helen Steiner Rice

  3. What We Will Do • The goal today is how to take the meeting from a stiff meeting to an effective staff meeting. • Not all ideas will be perfect or will fit for you, but hopefully they are helpful.

  4. The Agenda • Get it our early • Link it to the Mission • Show times • Stick to It!

  5. What goes on the agenda? • Always begin with prayer • Include a Year Long Staff Incentive • Professional Development

  6. What does NOT go on the agenda? • Calendar- save that for staff note • Reminders- Staff Meeting is not for things that could be read

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPLgilx0WLU

  8. Know why you are having a meeting • The purpose of having any staff meeting is to inspire teachers to achieve the mission of the school. • You want them to achieve higher, faster, and better • Meetings should be important and valuable

  9. Rapport • Establish how a meeting will run (timeline) • 2-way communication • Trust • Rules for all to respect

  10. Follow the same timeline • Prayer and Essential Piece • Old Business • New Business • Committee Reports • For the Good of the Order

  11. Our rules • We will be on time • Come prepared • We will not grade papers • We will make meetings a priority • We will be respectful to each other • We will not have our cell phones out • We will listen to everyone’s ideas

  12. Efficient and Effective Every one is busy, just like the prayer says. Establishing an agenda ahead of time allows staff members to see the value in the meeting. Publish the agenda at least three days prior Don’t waste time, teachers want to get home. Everything at the meeting must have a purpose.

  13. Problems come with Solutions • If you are presenting an issue for the staff… be prepared with some solutions • Make it understood that anyone presenting an issue presents a solution. • Don’t allow your staff meetings to be gripe sessions. Staff meetings have to be seen productive for everyone.

  14. Minutes • Someone should take minutes • These help you and anyone who might have been absent • Minutes should be made available within one week of the meeting

  15. Dream • Brainstorming sessions are great to have at staff meetings. • If you have to, divide the meetings into two for progress • Allow time for creativity and spontaneity • Make sure that use tools to help with the brainstorming • Note cards • Post its

  16. Inspire • People aren’t living the mission? Inspire them… Teachers

  17. QUICK • Staff meetings need to brief. Look at anything from 60-70 minutes. • Anything longer is seen as a waste of time

  18. Other Helpful Hints • Door Prizes • Get people up an moving • Model and coach new skills • Don’t do all the talking • Call on staff experts to help • Bribe them with food

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