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ASM General Meeting 11/8/2011. Icebreaker-Telephone. Everyone get in a circle Someone will say a sentence, then whisper it to the person on their right, and so on. Icebreaker- Tell A Story. Someone will start the story by saying two words For Example: 1 st Person says: “I went”
Icebreaker-Telephone • Everyone get in a circle • Someone will say a sentence, then whisper it to the person on their right, and so on.
Icebreaker- Tell A Story • Someone will start the story by saying two words • For Example: • 1st Person says: “I went” • 2nd Person says: “for a” • 3rd person says: “run and” , etc.
ASM Appropriation Committee • Need 3 members • Will write and submit Appropriation Bills to SGA • What is an Appropriation Bill? • Contact Jazmin after the meeting if interested
ABRCMS next year • SGA has given opportunity to students to ask for funds for travel to conferences • Group of 3 students minimum • SGA Appropriation Bill must be submitted for all 3 with time and approved by ways and means committee • Then you need to submit receipts
Past Fundraiser: Bake Sale • Thank you to everyone who participated in the bake sale • We made over $300 and also received an offer for sponsorship!
Future Fundraiser: IHOP Night • ASM will be hosting a night at IHOP • Sometime next week • What day is best-ideas? • The ASM officers and members will be servers for the night • From whatever profit we make that night, ASM will receive 20% • We will need help from you guys to get the word out and have people go to IHOP that night
T-Shirts • We will be taking the 2nd order of t-shirts • Applies to members who pay either Local or both Local and National Dues, not National • Contact any officer after meeting • Possibility of a new design for t-shirt • White and red –National ASM colors • Stand out on campus • Only if we reach sufficient funds and members willing to pay a small portion
Comments/Suggestion Box • Take an index card • Write a comment/suggestion on what you think ASM : • Should change • Is doing well • Any other comments or concerns Write down at least 1 out of the 3 and then place it in the Comments/Suggestion Box
Social Event: Harry Potter Movie Night • ASM will be going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 on November 18th /19th at 12:01am • If you would like to join us please give your $9.00 to either Liz or Katie • West Side Cinemark • We would like to buy the tickets in bunch so that we can make sure we all can go • Please make sure to do so before Thursday, November 11th– the tickets will sell out quickly
Community Service • Collect canned goods for the West Texas Food Bank or Homeless Shelter • Bring to the office
End of year Banquet • December 4th (Saturday) at 6:30 PM • Dr. Maldonado’s house • Potluck
Next (and Last) General Meeting • When: November 22nd at 4:30pm • Where: ACES Building Room 1 and 2 (usual place) • Presenters: • Dr. Aguilera • Dr. Garza