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NRDS -TANZANIA. STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF NRDS Presented in FAO Workshop on Rice and Aquaculture for Productivity Increase and Market Development in East Africa, Kampala Uganda 13 th – 17 th April, 2009. Basic facts on Rice in TZ.
NRDS -TANZANIA • STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF NRDS • Presented in FAO Workshop on Rice and Aquaculture for Productivity Increase and Market Development in East Africa, Kampala Uganda 13th – 17th April, 2009
Basic facts on Rice in TZ • Tanzania is the 2nd.major rice producer after Madagascar in Eastern and Central Africa Region • Rice rank second after maize as an important cereal crop, widely grown as food and cash crop • Is grown under 3 major eco-systems namely: rainfed lowland rice (72%); Upland rice (20%) and irrigated rice (8%) • About 21 million ha. are estimated suitable for rice cultivation out of 44 mill ha. that are suitable for agriculture • In 2007/08 area under rice production was 664,667 ha
Basic facts ctd… • Current production of rice is 875,000 MT against requirement of 694,000 MT (surplus 181,000 MT) • Per capita consumption in 2008 is 25.8 kg (23.5kg ten yrs avg)
Background to NRDS • At the moment the Government has no NRDS • Drafting of NRS is currently in progress • The NRDS is being formulated within the existing policy framework of NSGRP, ASDS and ASDP • NSGRP envisages to increase the growth of the agricultural sector from 5% to 10% and the number of food insure households considerably reduced by 2015 • The primary objective of ASDS is to create an enabling and conducive environment for improving productivity and profitability of the agricultural sector as the basis for ensuring food security, improving farm incomes and reduction of rural poverty.
Background ctd… • ASDP is focusing on increasing agricultural productivity , profitability and farm incomes. • NRDS will be in line the Government’s commitments to implementing the World Food Summit Plan of Action contained in the 1996 Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as internationally agreed targets of halving poverty, malnutrition and hunger by the year 2015. • NRDS will be in with other commitments by the governnent to implement international and regional commitments and agreements such as the various African Union’s (AU) declarations on improving agriculture and food security, AU Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) on increasing food supply and reducing hunger, and SADC and EAC regional initiatives in that direction.
General objective of NRDS • Is to double rice production from the current production of around 875,000 MT by year 2018 (base year 2008)
To improve rice production through better farmer access to improved varieties, crop management practices and post harvest technologies To introduce and adopt small scale labour saving technologies to improve timeliness and efficiency of farm operations To strengthen seed systems for delivery of the improved varieties to farmers and other end users (public and private To strengthen the capacity of public and private institutions responsible for research, extension and training in rice technology development and dissemination; To enhance agro-processing and value addition To strengthen collaboration and linkages between national, regional and international institutions involved in rice research and development program. Specific objectives of NRDS
Main components of the NRDS • improving accessibility of improved varieties and seed systems; • fertilizer marketing and distribution ; • irrigation and investment in water control technologies; • access to and maintenance of agricultural machinery and equipment; • research, technology dissemination and capacity building, and • access to credit/ agricultural finance.
Identified strategic areas for NRDS Improving seed systems and fertilizer distribution; Developing improved varieties, production and integrated crop management options; Post-harvest and marketing of rice; Improving irrigation and water harvesting technology; Enhancing access to and maintenance of agric. equipment; Improving capacity for technology development training and dissemination systems; Access to credit/agricultural finance Promotion of medium and large scale processing industry
Short term strategies (1-3 yrs) • Increasing production and productivity of rice in selected irrigation schemes • Reducing production and post-harvest losses • Increasing availability of agricultural inputs i.e. improved seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and appropriate farm machineries
Medium term strategies (3-5yrs) • Expansion of areas in low-land irrigation, rain-fed low land and up-land ecosystems • Increasing access to farm machinery and post harvest technologies • Encouraging investment in medium and large scale processing industry
Institutional Framework for NRDS • NRDS will complement ASDS and will be executed within the framework of ASDP • Key actors: • Agriculture Sector Lead Ministries, MAFC, MLD&F, MW&I, MTIM will provide guidance, supervison and coordination and monitoring • Prime Minister’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PMO-RALG) will coordinate implementation of NRDS at regional and district levels.
Institutions ctd… • LGAs will provide technical staff in the implementation of the NRDS. They will also monitor and evaluate NRDS implementation progress at district level. • Service Providers i.e. agro-dealers, traders, processors and entrepreneurs, who will ensure availability of quality agricultural inputs, provide tractor hire, after sale services and repair and maintenance. • Financial institutions – will provide financial support in terms of credit to dealers, manufacturers, importers, processors, farmers and farmers’ organization.
Institutions ctd • Research and training institutions and universities - will conduct research and training on the improved rice production technologies that will benefit the users.
Proposed Financing arrangements for NRDS • NRDS will be implemented and financed under the Medium term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) of the Government Budget • Managed under normal operations of MAFC taking the lead role, main activities been: • Compilation of NRDS budget for each year • Developing NRDS implementation plan • M&E of physical and financial performance of the strategic action areas
Expected outcome of NRDS NRDS is expected to: increase national food security and enhance income generation at household level through production of sufficient quantity and quality rice; and improve agricultural processing with a view to add value to agricultural products and create jobs opportunities improve production of quality products in order to enhance competitiveness of agricultural products in the markets (domestic and external markets) increase foreign exchange savings and earnings from rice
The Way Forward • Finalization of the draft by the NRDS drafting team • Draft submitted to MAFC management for discussion and ownership • Draft distributed to stakeholders for comments and incorporation by the team • Wider stakeholder consultations through national and sub-national stakeholder for further refinement • Approval process and adoption by the government • Launching and implementation