1. Co-morbidity and skin disease: The psoriasis model Joel M. Gelfand, MD, MSCE
Medical Director, Clinical Studies Unit
Assistant Professor of Dermatology
Associate Scholar, Center for Clinical Epidemiology
and Biostatistics
University of Pennsylvania
3. Fitzpatricks Dermatology in General Medicine Fitz wanted to show the dermatology was relevant to medical practice
Key aspect of this was internal diseases which presented in the skin
Can skin diseases present internally?
6. Historical Overview of Psoriasis
7. Why might psoriasis be a systemic inflammatory disease? Immune abnormalities are profound
Psoriasis severity is associated with greater levels of systemic inflammation (e.g. CRP, Th-1 cytokines)
Inflammation may be a common pathway to a variety of diseases including atherosclerosis, obesity, and insulin resistance
8. Natural history of psoriasis Disease severity
85% Mild, 10% Moderate, 5% severe
Control of severe disease
50% of patients intensively treated continue to have very active disease (PUVA cohort)
75% of patients with severe disease are not receiving appropriate therapies (NPF survey)
Pathways affected and possible outcomes
Inflammatory atherosclerosis, thrombosis
Angiogenesis EPC & endothelial dysfunction
Metabolic oxidative stress
9. Paradigm of the Natural History of Psoriasis and Co-morbidities
11. New Standard of Care At the very least, dermatologists, who may be the only health care provider for psoriasis patients, must alert these patients to the potentially negative effects of their disease as it relates to other aspects of their health.
National Psoriasis Foundation clinical consensus on psoriasis co-morbidities and recommendations for screening
12. Cardiovascular Disease and Psoriasis Psoriasis associated with excess risk of CVD since 1960s
Th-1 inflammation is central to pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and MI
13. Psoriasis is Associated with Cardiovascular risk factors
14. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors
15. Diabetes is independently associated with psoriasis
16. Psoriasis: a risk factor for CAD and MI?
17. Key Question Is the association between psoriasis and MI
Indirect (confounding)
Bias (study design)
If the association is not explained by confounding or bias then psoriasis is a RISK FACTOR for MI
Risk factors may be in the causal pathway of an association
19. Study Design data source General practice research database (GPRD) is a medical records database established in UK in 1987
Data is recorded by GP on diagnoses and medications
Diagnoses and treatments by specialists well captured
Over 9 million patients and > 40 million person years of follow-up data from 1987-2002
Use of GPRD has been validated for numerous medical conditions (psoriasis, MI, smoking, and other co-variables)
20. Validation of Exposure/Outcome Psoriasis
Epidemiology and treatment patterns very similar to UK estimates
90% of patients with a psoriasis code were confirmed to have psoriasis 3-4 years later based on questionnaire sent to GP (N=100)
90% of patients with a code for MI were confirmed to have MI based on having 2 of the following criteria: characteristic chest pain, characteristic changes in the electrocardiogram, characteristic serial rises in the concentrations of cardiac enzymes, an arteriogram documenting a recent coronary occlusion, or fibrinolytic therapy (N=400)
21. Study design Study Design: Cohort study
Age 20-90
Severe psoriasis (received systemic therapy)
Control no history of psoriasis code matched from same practice and start date
Start date: max psoriasis, registration
End Date: min endpoint, death, transfer
22. Conceptual Underpinning of Case-control, Cohort, and Clinical Trials
23. Characteristics of Study Population
24. Systemic therapies received by patients with severe psoriasis
25. Risk of MI in psoriasis
26. Adjusted relative risk of MI in psoriasis patients based on patient age
27. Excess risk of MI due to psoriasis
28. Stroke risk in psoriasis patients Our primary analysis for risk of stroke in patients with psoriasis showed a modest increased risk for stroke in our mild psoriasis patients with a HR of 1.07. However, our severe psoriasis pts had a more clinically significant increased risk of stroke with a HR of 1.44. When adjusted for the known stroke and cardiovascular risk factors, these risks did not change significantly.Our primary analysis for risk of stroke in patients with psoriasis showed a modest increased risk for stroke in our mild psoriasis patients with a HR of 1.07. However, our severe psoriasis pts had a more clinically significant increased risk of stroke with a HR of 1.44. When adjusted for the known stroke and cardiovascular risk factors, these risks did not change significantly.
29. Sensitivity Analyses Information bias
Patients seen at least once per year
End of observation was last visit to GP
Directionality of association
Excluded patients with h/o MI or stroke
Excluded events occurring within the first 6 months
Disease/Treatment effects
Exclusion of methotrexate treated patients
Exclusion of cyclosporine and retinoid treated patients
Exclusion of PsA
30. Limitations Unknown or unmeasured confounding variables
Mild group is heterogeneous
Skin severity not measured directly
Use of methotrexate in severe group may underestimate the relative risk of MI
Mechanism not investigated
31. Psoriasis: An Independent Risk Factor for Atherosclerosis
32. Psoriasis and Atherosclerosis: Study Design & Methods Design Cross-sectional study
32 psoriasis patients treated in an inpatient setting & 32 matched controls
Prior history of CVD was exclusionary
Non contrast-enhanced 16-row spiral CT performed and Agatston score was calculated
33. Prevalence and Severity of CAD in Psoriasis Prevalence of CAD greater in psoriasis patients
59% vs. 28%, P=0.02
Severity of CAD associated with psoriasis
Mean CAC 78 in psoriasis vs. 22 in controls, (P=0.02)
Severity of psoriasis (based on # of treatments/yr) correlated with CAC score (r=0.29)
34. Psoriasis: An Independent Risk Factor for Atherosclerosis Psoriasis independently predicts atherosclerosis
Controlled for age, sex, hypertension, lipids, FH of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, smoking, BMI, and CRP
Psoriasis explained an estimated 8% of the variance
35. Limitations Small study in highly selected psoriasis inpatients vs. controls who were outpatients
Could not determine impact of disease vs. impact of therapy
Mechanism not investigated
36. Late Breaking News Psoriasis is independently associated with carotid atherosclerotic disease and impaired endothelial function
Balci DD et al, Increased carotid artery intima-media thickness and impaired endothelial function in psoriasis JEADV ISSN 1468-3083
In patients with PsA, psoriasis severity is an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease
Gladman, DD et al. Cardiovascular morbidity in psoriatic arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2008.094839
37. Conclusion Evolving literature identifying:
Burden of cardiovascular risk in patients with psoriasis
Independent effect of psoriasis on DM and CV risk
More research needed to determine how psoriasis severity and activity and psoriasis treatment alters the risk of cardiovascular events
Important implications for the management of patients with psoriasis
38. New Questions and Directions Which other skin diseases confer excess CV risk?
What additional approaches can be used to confirm existing data?
What is the role of "unconventional" CV risk factors in explaining the risk of CV disease in patients with psoriasis such as depression, stress, physical inactivity, etc
What is the magnitude of CV risk in order to inform treatment decisions such as ATPIII
What is the risk of CVD in patients with severe disease who are not being treated
39. New Questions and Directions Can the risk of CVD attributable to psoriasis be modified with treatment - observational vs. experimental approaches
What CV pathways are affected by psoriasis activity - endothelial dysfunction? endothelial precursor cells? cardiac load? metabolic demand and oxidative stress, etc
What surrogates of cv risk would be most useful to study?
What existing US data sources could be used to investigate these associations - who could fund these studies?
How can existing post marketing studies be combined to address these questions?
40. Acknowledgements Funding through NIH/NIAMS K23 Career development support from Dermatology Foundation, the Herzog Foundation and the American Skin Association