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Focus on Specialized Programmatic Accreditation

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business(AACSB Intl) ... Business Education Week: Weekly summary of news about business education sent to each member. ...

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Focus on Specialized Programmatic Accreditation

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    Slide 1:Focus on Specialized (Programmatic) Accreditation


    Slide 2:Council For Education Accreditation (CHEA) www.chea.org

    Directory of CHEA-Recognized Organizations 2009-2010 (Updated February 2010) The accrediting organizations identified in this directory are recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Recognition by CHEA affirms that the standards and processes of the accrediting organization are consistent with the academic quality, improvement and accountability expectations that CHEA has established, including the eligibility standard that the majority of institutions or programs each accredits are degree-granting. Regional Accrediting Organizations National Faith-Related Accrediting Organizations National Career-Related Accrediting Organizations Programmatic Accrediting Organizations


    Slide 3:Accreditation for Business Schools

    What is specialized (programmatic) accreditation ? Institutional: Process that leads to recognition of institutional creditability. Professional (specialized): Recognition of creditability by a body in the professional field such as business. Generally, an institution must have recognition from a governmental authority before the academic unit becomes eligible for specialized accreditation.


    Slide 4:Accreditation for Business Schools

    U.S. Accrediting Bodies for Business Schools The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business(AACSB Intl) 1,092 members, 555 accredited, 424 members outside the U.S. (96 accredited), established 1897, accreditation process is most prescriptive with focus on research, offers separate accounting accreditation (169 total), offers programs in thought leadership, recognized by CHEA since 2002. Information as of February, 2009. Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) 672 members, 505 accredited, 92 members outside the U.S. (51 accredited), established 1988, accreditation process is based on Baldrige criteria with focus on teaching excellence and continuous improvement, offers associate degree accreditation, separate accreditation in accounting in pilot test, offers individual membership, recognized by CHEA since 2001. International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) 225 members, 163 accredited, 36 members outside the U.S. (21 accredited), established 1997, accreditation process is based on outcomes-based assessment, uses principles rather than standards, offers business related degree accreditation, does not offer accounting accreditation, not recognized by CHEA. Information as of February, 2009.


    Slide 5:Accreditation for Business Schools

    U.S. Accrediting Bodies for Business Schools The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business(AACSB Intl) CHEA Recognized Scope of Accreditation AACSB International accredits degree programs in business administration and accounting at undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels. This accreditation is available globally. (2002)


    Slide 6:Accreditation for Business Schools

    U.S. Accrediting Bodies for Business Schools Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) CHEA Recognized Scope of Accreditation Degree programs in business and business-related fields at the associate, baccalaureate, and graduate levels. (2002)


    Slide 7:Accreditation for Business Schools

    U.S. Accrediting Bodies for Business Schools International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE)

    Slide 8:CHEA Recognized Accreditors

    ABET, Inc. (ABET) CHEA Recognized Scope of Accreditation Engineering programs at the baccalaureate and master's level; engineering technology programs at the associate and baccalaureate level; computing programs at the baccalaureate level and applied science programs at the associate, baccalaureate and masters level (2002). (In 2008, CHEA formally acknowledged that the ABET scope includes accreditation of programs outside the United States.) 8

    Slide 9:CHEA Recognized Accreditors

    Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) CHEA Recognized Scope of Accreditation Professional degree programs in pharmacy leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree in the United States and in other countries. (2004) 9

    Slide 10:CHEA Recognized Accreditors

    Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) CHEA Recognized Scope of Accreditation Non-engineering aviation programs at the associate, baccalaureate, and graduate levels offered by colleges and universities in the United States and throughout the world. (2002) 10

    Slide 11:Accreditation for Business Schools

    Accrediting Bodies with Offices Located Outside the United States Association of MBA’s (AMBA) 161 schools have AMBA accreditation for one or more of their MBA, DBA or MBM programs. Established in 1967. Offers individual membership to MBA students and graduates and MBA employers. Generally only schools with accredited programs are eligible for membership. Greatest presence is in Europe and Latin America. European Foundation for Management Education (EFMD) Approximately 700 members, with 115 accredited business schools. Offers member-ship to corporations primarily in Europe Over 30 years in existence. EQUIS is longstanding accreditation offering. EPAS accreditation recently introduced with both being offered on a limited scale and with an elitist approach. Accreditation services offered for corporate universities and technology-enhanced learning programmes. Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN) 170 business schools, universities, consulting companies, corporations and associa-tions in membership with 13 accredited business schools. European Council for Business Education (ECBE) 56 members, with 24 accredited business schools. Established in 1995. 11


    Slide 12:Accreditation for Business Schools

    Benefits of Accreditation Institution Support of Other Accreditation Processes ? Student Recruitment Academic Program Donor Support ? Credibility to Businesses ? Self-Study Process Students Transfer of Credits ? Tuition Reimbursement Faculty Professional Development ? Source of Pride


    Slide 13:Accreditation for Business Schools

    Global Aspects of Accreditation Most of the accrediting bodies listed in this presentation offer global accreditation except CEEMAN . The ACBSP standards state “…the curriculum must encompass subjects dealing with the specifics of the global work place and the more general aspects of global society.” Global accreditation can establish quality standards and criteria upon which to affiliate and for transfer of credit. Accrediting bodies provide global alliances for improving business curricula throughout the world.

    14 ACBSP was established in 1988. AACSB was only accrediting body at that time. Founding schools felt need for alternate: focus on teaching excellence; less prescriptive and more outcomes based; sensitive to mission driven schools; recognize faculty comes from world of work; offer accreditation to associate and diploma degree schools (2-year or 3-year); less expensive in dues and fees.

    Slide 14:Introducing ACBSP


    Slide 15:Introducing ACBSP

    Major Milestones August 1992: Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a specialized accreditation agency for business education. January 2001: Recognition from Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). September 2003: Individual membership benefits created. January 2010: 672 campuses as members. 505 have achieved accreditation.

    Slide 16:Introducing ACBSP

    16 Membership Overview 672 members 376 Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree 178 Associate Degree 118 Baccalaureate/Graduate and Associate 505 Accredited 80 Candidates for Accreditation 87 Not Currently Seeking Accreditation 92 Outside the United States 39 Different Countries

    Slide 17:ACBSP

    The Goal Continuous improvement in educational performance excellence

    Slide 18:The Process

    Developing and implementing systems to achieve ACBSP accreditation by meeting the prescribed standards of excellence

    Slide 19:Vision

    ACBSP will continue to be a global leader enhancing the quality of business schools and programs focused on student success through excellence in teaching and scholarly activity. That minute has arrived. Up to this point we updated you on our progress in our past activities. Now we want to look ahead at some exciting events on the horizon. ACBSP Gateway is our new Web site currently under development for launch in November. The work is being done by a company called Socious. Many of you saw their product demonstrated in Phoenix. That minute has arrived. Up to this point we updated you on our progress in our past activities. Now we want to look ahead at some exciting events on the horizon. ACBSP Gateway is our new Web site currently under development for launch in November. The work is being done by a company called Socious. Many of you saw their product demonstrated in Phoenix.

    Slide 20:MISSION

    ACBSP develops, promotes, and recognizes best practices that contribute to continuous improvement of business education and accredits qualified business programs.


    ACBSP Standards are based on the Baldrige National Quality Program’s Educational Criteria for Performance Excellence

    Slide 22:ACBSP Guiding Principles

    Focuses on student-centered learning Embraces inclusiveness including uniqueness and diversity of institutional missions worldwide Promotes continuous improvement

    Slide 23:ACBSP Guiding Principles

    Assures involvement and professional development of individual members Values accreditation Embraces outcomes and is results oriented

    Slide 24:ACBSP Guiding Principles

    Fosters scholarly activities in research, application, integration, teaching, and service Commits to meeting the needs of stakeholders in the business world Forges mutually beneficial partnerships


    Slide 25:Introducing ACBSP

    Member Benefits Individual Membership: Everyone involved in delivery of business education is a member. This includes President, Chief Academic Officer, Head of Business Unit, Faculty. No additional fees. Over 7,900 individual members. Teaching Excellence Award: Eighteen faculty members, two from each region. Business Education Week: Weekly summary of news about business education sent to each member. Region Meetings: Nine Regions including one created for Latin America in 2009. Annual Conference: June 2010 in Los Angeles, California Other: ACBSP Update, listing on Web site, public and private communities, honor societies.


    Slide 26:Introducing ACBSP

    ACBSP Gateway Branded Web site offering host of new member services: Download presentations from previous annual conferences; Professional Opportunity Advertising; Membership Directory profiles of institutions and individuals; Join a public or private community; Global Business Education Web site; Download archive of ACBSP publications. Go to www.acbsp.org

    Slide 27:Introducing ACBSP

    27 Discover ACBSP What is Special About ACBSP Focus on Teaching Excellence ? All Degrees ? Approach to Accreditation CHEA Recognition ? Global Involvement ? Emphasis on Quality Member Benefits Individual Members ? Teaching Excellence Award ? Regional Councils ACBSP Gateway? Business Education Week ? Benchmarking Tools Benefits of Accreditation Institutions ? Students ? Faculty New Products and Services Student Leadership Award ?Accounting Accreditation ? Resource Kit


    Slide 28:Accreditation for Business Schools

    More Information The Process for Obtaining Accreditation-Baccalaureate/ Graduate Schools is a 29-page booklet describing the value of accreditation and the process. The Standards and Criteria are used in the accreditation process to demonstrate performance excellence. ACBSP Gateway provides a resource library of documents, booklets, etc. ACBSP office staff at headquarters are available for personal visit or for phone conversation.


    Slide 29:Global Initiatives

    ACBSP Global Outreach ACBSP Global Outreach: Created in 2005, the outreach program has resulted in the following associations agreeing to recognize ACBSP and cooperate in promoting of accreditation, conferences, and attendance at conferences and meetings. European Council for Business Education Latin American Council of Management Schools Russian Association for Business Education Association of Indian Management Schools


    Slide 30:Global Initiatives

    ACBSP Global Outreach ACBSP Global Outreach: The following associations are in discussions with ACBSP regarding the best way to establish a key partnership. Association of African Schools of Business European Foundation for Management Development National Association of Post-Graduate and Research Studies in Administration (Brazil). Canadian Association of Business Schools


    Slide 31:Global Initiatives

    ACBSP Annual Conference International Lounge: Each year the conference includes an area set aside for attendees from outside the United States to display information about their country and their school. Global Business Education Committee: This committee meets at the Conference as their in-person meeting. Attendees from outside the United States are guests. International Council of Business Schools and Programs (Region 8) and Latin American Council of Business Schools and Programs (Region 9): These ACBSP region organizations meet annually during the Conference to plan activities for the year.


    Slide 32:Global Initiatives

    ACBSP 2009 Annual Conference “Celebrating Global Diversity” was the theme for the 2009 Conference as the conference devotes an entire track to global business practices and a portion of the keynote general session. The Global Business Education Committee designed the content of the celebrating global diversity track of sessions offered during the Conference. The CLADEA Second International Relations Conference preceded the ACBSP Conference on June 24-26, 2009.


    Slide 33:Global Initiatives

    Global Business Education Committee As described in the Committee Policy and Procedures, “the purpose of the Global Business Education Committee shall be to advise the Board on the advancement of the global purposes of ACBSP and its member institutions. This includes but is not limited to, developing a database for use by the membership, designing and communicating opportunities for member institutions in global activities, promoting ACBSP to global constituencies and providing information and exchange opportunities at the Annual Conference.”


    Slide 34:Global Initiatives

    Global Business Education Web Site Created in 2006, this Web site offers members a variety of ways to make their global business accreditation contacts and to provide a wealth of resources available to members and non-members. The remaining slides in this presentation are devoted to a description of this content which is accessible by the tab “Global” on the home page of ACBSP Gateway, www.acbsp.org. While the main purpose of the GBE Web site is to provide a service to members, ACBSP does accept postings and provides access to non-members.


    Slide 35:Global Initiatives

    Global Business Education Web Site Global Home: A welcome and introduction is provided by current Chair of the Committee, Janis Petronis. Committee Members: A roster of current members of the Global Business Education Committee. Study Abroad Opportunities: This page lists study abroad opportunities offered by ACBSP members. In most cases, members has agreed to make slots available on the study abroad program for students from other ACBSP member schools to join the group.


    Slide 36:Global Initiatives

    Global Business Education Web Site Study Abroad Experiences: This page lists past study abroad experiences posted by ACBSP member schools. Typically, these are provided as examples for other to use as suggested practices for development or improvement of their own programs.  Faculty Exchanges: This listing includes any opportunity where an ACBSP member school or an ACBSP individual member is seeking a teaching opportunity within the United States or outside the United States for a set limited amount of time.


    Slide 37:Global Initiatives

    Global Business Education Web Site Suggested Practices: This page contains information about ACBSP members that have international programs and have agreed to share that knowledge with member and non-member colleges. Global Conferences: This page provides a listing of conferences being held outside or inside the United States that are offered by ACBSP Global Partners. Grants: Links and information pertaining to grants and other kinds of funding can be found on this page.


    Slide 38:Global Initiatives

    Global Business Education Web Site Links: This page provides over sixty links displaying resources on the Internet that are relevant to Global Business Education. There are six different categories of listings. International Council Region 8: Region 8 is the current ACBSP region of members located outside of North America and most of Latin America Latin American Council Region 9: Members in Mexico, Central America and South America.


    Slide 39:A Look Ahead

    2010 Annual Conference June 25-28, 2010 J.W. Marriott, Los Angeles, California International Lounge has dedicated space Education Track focused on Global Landscape of Business Education Six other tracks focused on education and accreditation Meeting of Region 9 on Saturday afternoon More information at www.acbsp.org

    Slide 40:ACBSP Accreditation Standards and Criteria

    Leadership Strategic Planning Student and Stakeholder Focus Measurement and Analysis of Student Learning and Performance Faculty and Staff Focus Educational and Business Process Management


    Slide 41: Thank you Questions and Discussion

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