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ARC @ HOME - Running compute elements on distributed virtual machines

ARC @ HOME - Running compute elements on distributed virtual machines. Michael Grønager, PhD UNI-C / Virtual Reality Center Present: Niels Bohr Institute. Talk outline. Why Screen Saver Science ? First approach: A distributed cluster Second approach: Sandboxing grid jobs for BOINC.

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ARC @ HOME - Running compute elements on distributed virtual machines

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  1. ARC@HOME- Running compute elements on distributed virtual machines Michael Grønager, PhD UNI-C / Virtual Reality Center Present: Niels Bohr Institute

  2. Talk outline • Why Screen Saver Science ? • First approach: A distributed cluster • Second approach: Sandboxing grid jobs for BOINC

  3. Idle time computing (not the complete list) • Condor (dates back to 1986): Runs on Unix and Windows. Best suited for LANs – can run arbitrary programs. • SETI (1996-1999): Mainly Windows, uses pull model so well suited for internet. Runs only one program. • BOINC (2004): A generalization of SETI (same team), Windows/Linux. Mainly added an API for other SETI programs.

  4. SETI@HOME • 3.8M users in 226 countries • 1200 CPU years/day1.7 • ZETAflop over last 3 years (10^21) • 38 TF sustained performance

  5. Motivation • BONIC/Condor is on to something… • However: • We don’t want to boinc’ify all our applications (including porting to Windows!). • Condor has a Vanilla universe, but again we need to port our code to Windows – and do we trust arbitrary code to run on our desktop? • We need secure linux cycles to run on idle windows machines – for standard batch jobs (vanilla)!

  6. I: The distributed cluster - Setup and components • How to distribute a cluster? • Front-end centralized, worker nodes distributed (geographically) • Use an intelligent batch submission system • How to contact worker nodes on other networks (behind firewalls etc.) • Office grids (do it within a trusted organization) • VPN • How to change Windows cycles into Linux cycles and “jail” the grid jobs. • Reboots • Machine virtualization

  7. Changing windows into linux cycles = coLinux • Support for Linux on Windows and Linux on Linux • Kernel runs in NT ring 0 = cooperative mode • High performance compared to other VMs • Runs several distros • 2.4 and 2.6 support through a kernel patch • Gentoo, Debian, Fedora etc. • Several network modes • Bridged network (through WinPCAP) • Routed network (through TAP device) • Shared device (through Slirp driver)

  8. Building a distributed private network = VPN • OpenVPN • Open Source • Supports one server to many clients • Supports full RSA security • The windows host becomes invisible to the virtual machine and vice versa

  9. The batch submission sys. • Condor • + support for checkpointing and migration • - above not supported for vanilla jobs • + handles dynamic nodes well • - rather big wn installation • Torque (PBS) • + small footprint • + ok support for dynamic nodes • - no checkpointing and migration

  10. Adding the grid component • NorduGRID/ARC: • Minimal intrusive • Uses a well suited frontend model • Supports Condor and Torque as LRMS

  11. ARC@HOME cluster NG GIIS Windows Desktop ARC@HOME Frontend FQHN Server: OpenVPN Nordugrid Torque XP Service coLinux OpenVPN PBS mom Slirp network Windows Desktop Windows Desktop Windows Desktop Windows Desktop Windows Desktop Windows Desktop

  12. The Windows Desktop • coLinux • 384MB partition(plain windows file) with Distro+Torque • NFS automount for /scratch/grid • NT service • net start/stop ARCHOME • Monitor for controlling the service (timed start/stop) • Setup.exe file for deployment: 43MB Automatic setup

  13. Thoughts on the distributed cluster • coLinux together with NorduGRID and Torque makes it possible for the first time to utilize windows PC’s in a production grid environment. • However some problems still exists: • Need for checkpointing • The queuing systems (Condor/Torque) accept, but really doesn’t like nodes just dying all the time. • When to mark a job failed, because it takes too long to finish? • We only keep the VPN line open to please the queuing systems • Deployment ! How do we get people to offer us CPUs?

  14. II: Sandboxing grid jobs for BOINC • What is BOINC? • Essentially a batch system for running many similar completely sandboxed jobs. • Has a lot of users in several projects (=Well deployed) • New projects can join (latest LHC@HOME). • Supports also big jobs (one Climate Modeling job takes half a year and turns over gigabytes of data…) • But how to run general grid jobs within BOINC?

  15. BOINC’ifying grid jobs ARC@BOINC Frontend Nordugrid server BOINC project server Windows Desktop BOINC Project EXE SETI coLinux++ Climate… Data SandboxedNordugrid job (sessiondir tar) Windows Desktop Windows Desktop Windows Desktop Windows Desktop Windows Desktop Windows Desktop

  16. Workflow • Nordugrid server receives job (session dir) • BOINC queuing system makes a tar-ball of job • Tar-ball is added to the list of data-packages of the ARC-BOINC server • Client connects and download some ARC data • The ARC-BOINC job starts: • The tar-ball is placed at a specific place • coLinux start, mount the tar-ball and executes • (Running jobs can be checkpointed by LSS2) • Generated data is wrapped as another tar-ball • coLinux finishes, and out-data is send back to server

  17. Conclusions • Cycle-scavenging can be used in a production grid • The important components are: • Virtualization layer • Checkpointing • Queuing system • Sandboxed grid jobs in BOINC is god for bigger runs • The distributed cluster with OpenVPN will still be superior for small tutorial like jobs.

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