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Smelting reduction technology of Alloyed steels « Taraz process-II » - II»

Smelting reduction technology of Alloyed steels « Taraz process-II » - II». Applicant: JSC « Technopark of Kazakh National University named after Satpayev K. ». Author: Doctor of Technical Sciences , Professor Tleugabylov S. Contacts: Almaty city, Satpayev Str., 22

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Smelting reduction technology of Alloyed steels « Taraz process-II » - II»

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  1. Smelting reduction technologyof Alloyed steels «Taraz process-II»- II» Applicant: JSC «Technopark of Kazakh National University named after Satpayev K.» Author: Doctorof Technical Sciences, ProfessorTleugabylov S. Contacts: Almaty city, Satpayev Str., 22 Tel.: +7 727 293 08 90, Mob.tel.: +7 701 756 74 65

  2. Description: Productionofstainlesssteelwithnewapproachestothemechanismsofmetalreduction. Thetechnologyallowstoadjustandlimitthecarburizingprocessesofmetalduringhightemperaturemetalsrecoverycarbon - withoutagglomeration, blastfurnace, etc. Advantages: Nowadays, worldtechnologyofproductionofsteelismulti-stageandconsistsof 4-5 largedisparateunits. Thedevelopedhightechnologyis carriedoutcontinuously, startingfromoreprocessingandsmeltingoffueltothefinalproduct - productionofsteel - areexcludestravelcostsbetweenunits, reduceswasteofmaterialsandenergyby 90% and 40%. Effectiveness:CurrentlyinKazakhstanimported 300 thousandtons/yearofstructuralsteelperyear. Theimplementationoftechnology "Taraz process" providescompleteimportsubstitution, highqualitysteelwithnoadditivesexpensiveferroalloysbyadjustingthecompositionofthestartingmaterialatacostof $ 380-400/tandthemarketvalueof $ 670-700/tCreationofindustrialproductioncapacityof 300 thousandtons / yearprovidesanetprofitof U.S. $ 90mln per year.

  3. AdditionalInformation: Stagesof R&D ofinnovativeprojectsuccessfullycompleted. Pilotproductionunits, high-techmanufacturingprocessesofstructuralandtool steels willbesetupinashorttime. CurrentStatus: Published 4 scientific papersininternationaljournals, receivedinformationabouttheinterestofforeigncompaniesfromUkraine, USA. Legalprotection: 1. TheprovisionalpatentNo.12422 fortheinventionof "Reducing-meltingfurnaceandamethodofmeltingmetalfromtheshaft" 2. The patent for the invention No.6640 "A way of receiving a offerrosiliconmanganesefromwaste" 3.The conclusion ontheissueofinnovationpatentfortheinvention "Methodofcontinuoussmeltingreductionofmetal" 4. Innovativepatent "Methodfortheheattreatmentoftheconcentrateintherecyclelayeranddeviceunitforitsimplementation“ 5.InnovativepatentforinventionNo.24707 "Methodofobtaininggranulated iron crude "Suleymelt - process" andthedeviceforitsimplementation. 6.The patent No. 2026375 for the invention "A way of metallization of disperse raw materials and installation for its implementation", Committee of the Russian Federation on patents and trademarks.

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