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Update on Large Angle Beamstrahlung detector for SuperKEKB

Update on Large Angle Beamstrahlung detector for SuperKEKB. J. Flanagan, K. Kanazawa, KEK H. Farhat, R. Gillard, G. Bonvicini, Wayne State University Goal: to build a 1% monitor of beam-beam interaction parameters. Admin. status. 2 graduate students added

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Update on Large Angle Beamstrahlung detector for SuperKEKB

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  1. Update on Large Angle Beamstrahlung detector for SuperKEKB J. Flanagan, K. Kanazawa, KEK H. Farhat, R. Gillard, G. Bonvicini, Wayne State University Goal: to build a 1% monitor of beam-beam interaction parameters

  2. Admin. status • 2 graduate students added • Hosei Yosan $50,000 spent for first prototype hardware • WSU in-kind contribution of $43,000 (graduate students salary) • Nichibei $5,000 (not spent yet) • NSF 2 proposals pending

  3. What is beamstrahlung • The radiation of the particles of one beam due to the bending force of the EM field of the other beam • Many similarities with SR but • Also some substantial differences due to very short “magnet” (L=z/2√2),very strong magnet (10T at KEKB). Short magnets produce a much broader angular distribution • Discrimination against machine backgrounds done MOSTLY by angular collimation. At SuperKEKB, small leftover backgrounds to be further subtracted through spectral analysis • Beamstrahlung POLARIZATION at specific azimuthal points provides unique information about the beam-beam geometry.

  4. Some examples of Large Angle BMST pattern recognition

  5. ¼ CESR Set-up principal scheme • Transverse view • Optic channel • Mirrors • PBS • Chromatic mirrors • PMT numeration

  6. Set-up general view • East side of CLEO • Mirrors and optic port ~6m apart from I.P. • Optic channel with wide band mirrors

  7. On the top of set-up • Input optics channel • Radiation profile scanner • Optics path extension volume

  8. Main CESR results page • Signal(x) strongly correlated to I+I-2 • Signal strongly polarized according to ratios of vertical sigmas • Total rates consistent with expectations at 10.3 mrad

  9. DESIGN OF THE SuperKEKB DETECTOR • Numerous changes compared to CESR device provide far better signal, signal stability, control of systematics, detector uniformity • Current test bench aims at characterization of detector spectral response to 0.3%, and test bench measurement of angular acceptance

  10. Most important change: much stronger beams at SuperKEKB. Comparison at =5mrad, =300-600nm, 0.5mrad2 acceptance)

  11. Beam pipe insert • View port location at ±90 degrees minimizes backgrounds, polarization measurement errors, and provides redundancy against beam orbit errors • To be located anywhere between 5 and 10 mrad from the beam direction at the IP • Suggested mirror and window sizes: 1.5X2mm2 and 1.7X1.7 mm2 (we could go lower at 10 mrad)

  12. Beam transport and optics box • Light is transported to optics boxes by means of simple (and replaceable) black-anodized pipes (2.5 cm ID) and mirrors • Device consists of achromatic telescope with pinhole optics, pol. Splitter, and two gratings illuminating 4 PMT with filters (total system 32PMTs) • Many adjustment screws throughout system

  13. Current activities

  14. Current activities (all measurements to 0.1% except absolute calibration of PMTs) • Characterization of PMTs (nearly done) • Spectral characterization of all optical components (mirrors, windows?, splitter, gratings, PMTs) • Uniformity of all components • Build plywood optics box, check optics, achromaticity and focus • Build and test optics box

  15. Some results

  16. Extra slides

  17. CESR mirrors technical design

  18. Check for alignment @ 4.2GeV

  19. Directionality • Scanning is routinely done to reconfirm the centroid of the luminous spot.

  20. If the angle can be considered large and constant… • Assuming (atan(z/)+atan((L-z)/ ) as the field profile, one gets (u=s,c=cos,sin())

  21. Large angle beamstrahlung power • Total energy for perfect collision by beam 1 is: P0=0.112re3mc2N1N22/(x2z) • Wider angular distribution (compared to quadrupole SR) provides main background separation • CESR regime: exponent is about 4.5 • ILC regime: exponent is very small • KEKB: exponent is small

  22. 2nd major change: much better event record • CESR record contained BMST data, bunch-by-bunch currents, luminosity monitors, independent measurements of vertical heights, energy, as well as other unused quantities. Beam length and beam horizontal size were computed by measuring size of luminous region using CLEO hadronic events. • Need at least Beam Position Monitors near the IP to monitor beam shifts both in quads and in detector-beam axis angle

  23. Properties of large angle radiation • It corresponds to the near backward direction in electron rest frame (5 degrees at CESR, 2-4 degrees at KEKB/SuperKEKB, 7 degrees at DAPHNE) • Lorentz transformation of EM field produces a 8-fold pattern, unpolarized as whole, but locally up to 100% polarized according to cos2(2), sin2(2) with respect to direction of bending force (Bassetti et al., 1983)

  24. Beam-beam interaction (BBI) d.o.f. (gaussian approximation)

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