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Leo Bigger

Leo Bigger. « Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker , but whoever is kind to the needy honors God .» The Bible , Proverbs 14:31. « Poverty is created by you and me as a result of refusing to share with others .» Mother Theresa.

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Leo Bigger

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leo Bigger

  2. «WhoeveroppressesthepoorshowscontemptfortheirMaker, but whoeveriskindtotheneedyhonorsGod.» The Bible, Proverbs 14:31

  3. «Povertyiscreatedbyyouandme asa resultofrefusingtosharewithothers.» Mother Theresa

  4. I. Don’tturn awayfromtheneeds!

  5. «Like a prayer – becauseifoneconfesses, itishopedthatoneisforgiven. I feltliketheworstpieceofdirt on earth!» TorreroAlvaro Munera

  6. «Isit not toshareyourfoodwiththehungryandtoprovidethepoorwandererwithshelter — whenyouseethenaked, toclothethem, andnot to turn awayfromyourownfleshandblood?» The Bible, Isaiah 58:7

  7. II. Do something in yoursurrounding!

  8. «The greatestevilisthe lack ofloveandcharity, the terrible indifferencetowardsone’sneighbour.» Mother Theresa

  9. «The Spirit ofthe Lord is on me, because he hasanointedmetoproclaimgoodnewstothepoor. He hassentmetoproclaimfreedomfortheprisonersandrecoveryofsightforthe blind, tosettheoppressedfree, toproclaimtheyearoftheLord’sfavor.» The Bible, Luke 4:18-19

  10. ... proclaimgoodnewstothepoor, • singleparents, workingpoor, people in need, etc.

  11. ... proclaimfreedomfortheprisoners, • youngpeoplewhocan’t find an apprenticeshipplaceor a job

  12. ... proclaimrecoveryofsightforthe blind • theidol Mammon hasclosedtheireyesfromthetruth

  13. ... tosettheoppressedfree • physicallyillpeoplewiththeirneeds, fearsandillnesses

  14. «Thenyour light will break forthlikethedawn, andyourhealing will quicklyappear; thenyourrighteousness will gobeforeyou, andthegloryofthe Lord will beyourrearguard. Thenyou will call, andthe Lord will answer.» The Bible, Isaiah 58:8+9

  15. «Don’tlookforbigthings, just do smallthingswithgreatlove. The smallerthething, thegreater must beourlove.» Mother Theresa

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