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Leo Bigger

Leo Bigger. « Like a lion , Israel crouches and lies down; like a lioness , who dares to arouse her ?» The Bible , Numbers 24:9. Lions live in the light : I live authentically ! . «The wicked flee though no one pursues , but the righteous are as bold as a lion . »

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Leo Bigger

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leo Bigger

  2. «Like a lion, Israel crouchesand lies down; like a lioness, whodarestoarouse her?» The Bible, Numbers 24:9

  3. Lions live in thelight: I live authentically!

  4. «The wickedfleethoughnoonepursues, but therighteousareasboldas a lion.» The Bible, Proverbs 28:1

  5. I live authenticallywithoutshame

  6. «You will againhavecompassion on us; you will treadoursinsunderfootandhurl all ouriniquitiesintothedepthsofthesea.» The Bible, Micah 7:19

  7. I live authenticallywithoutdisappointments

  8. «Thereforeput on thefullarmorofGod, so thatwhenthedayofevilcomes, youmaybeableto stand yourground, and after youhavedoneeverything, to stand. Stand firm then, withthebeltoftruthbuckledaroundyourwaist, withthebreastplateofrighteousness in place, andwithyourfeetfittedwiththereadinessthatcomesfromthegospelofpeace... The Bible, Ephesians 6:13-16

  9. ... In additionto all this, takeuptheshieldoffaith, withwhichyoucanextinguish all theflamingarrowsoftheevilone.» The Bible, Ephesians 6:13-16

  10. I live authenticallywithoutguilt

  11. «In orderthat Satan might not outwitus. Forweare not unawareofhisschemes.» The Bible, 2 Corinthians 2:11

  12. Howtemptationfunctions:

  13. Howtemptationfunctions: • longing

  14. Howtemptationfunctions: • longing • doubt

  15. Howtemptationfunctions: • longing • doubt • deceit

  16. Howtemptationfunctions: • longing • doubt • deceit • disobediance

  17. «Forfromwithin, out ofyourhearts, comeevilthoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arroganceandfolly» The Bible, Mark 7:21-22

  18. Lions hunt in thedarkness: I live with a vision!

  19. DiscoversGod’s power byvisualising

  20. DiscoversGod’s power byvisualising

  21. DiscoversGod’s power byvisualising «Nowtheearth was formlessandempty, darkness was overthesurfaceofthedeep, andthe Spirit ofGod was hoveringoverthewaters. AndGodsaid, “Lettherebe light,” andthere was light.» The Bible, Genesis 1:2-3

  22. Walt Disney

  23. Dr. David YonggiCho Dr. David Yonggi Cho, pastorofthelargestevangelicalchurchin theworld, 1 millionmembers

  24. Ifyouput a thimblebeforeGod, He will fillthethimble.

  25. Ifyouput a cupbeforeGod, He will fillthecup.

  26. Ifyouput a bucketbeforeGod, He will fillthebucket.

  27. Ifyouput a bathtubbeforeGod, He will fillthebathtub.

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