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XII Certification Program

21st XBRL International Conference “One Language, Common Vision: Role of XBRL Technology in the Post Crisis Era 19-21 October 2010 Beijing, China. XII Certification Program. Session will c over :. P urpose and structure of the program

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XII Certification Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 21st XBRL International Conference“One Language, Common Vision: Role of XBRL Technology in the Post Crisis Era19-21 October 2010Beijing, China XII Certification Program

  2. Session will cover: • Purpose and structure of the program • Who will benefit from the program/targeted participant • Roll-out strategies, current status and next steps

  3. Purpose of the Certification Program To provide users of XBRL with a reliable network of knowledge and best practices as the adoption and implementation of XBRL grows. Feedback from market: Knowledgeable advisors / consultants Knowledgeable developers Official XBRL credentials Employers’ demand for XBRL-certified resources Employee indication of competence and distinction

  4. Rationale

  5. Framework (governance) Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed

  6. Certificateframework

  7. Program Structure and Benefits to Participants Foundation • Targeted to business professionals wanting to gain a basic understanding and knowledge of the XBRL standard • Will help business managers in choosing XBRL to support actual business processes and requirements and to recognize the potential of XBRL for new solutions/business processes Professional • Target to IT professional, developers of XBRL applications and users of the XBRL taxonomies, focused on the XBRL specifications • Will be the industry-recognized professional certification to vendors of XBRL software and developers implementing XBRL applications. Will teach practical knowledge of XBRL

  8. Strategy • Short – term: XBRL Certificate (Foundational) • Develop a foundational level XBRL certificate program delivered through an online system • Mid – term: XBRL Certificate (Professional) • Develop a professional level XBRL certificate program • Long- term: Transition to XBRL Certification • Continuous education • Professional recognition • Curriculum for academic community • Scoring system • etc..

  9. Nextsteps • RFI analysis, communication and discussion with vendors • Agreement with vendor and engagement of SMEs from XBRL community and external • Implementation of governance(e.g., Certification Board)

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