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Ayurved & Relevance to Research

?. Ayurved & Relevance to Research. Dr. Narendra Bhatt, . Ayurvedic Consultant, Mumbai. ?. Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research. HEALTH - Harmony. BRAHMANDA. MACROCOSM. PINDA. MICRO. PINDA - BRAHMANDA MICRO & MACRO-COSM BIO & COSMO-SPHERE. ?.

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Ayurved & Relevance to Research

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  1. ? Ayurved & Relevance to Research Dr. Narendra Bhatt, Ayurvedic Consultant, Mumbai

  2. ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research HEALTH - Harmony BRAHMANDA MACROCOSM PINDA MICRO

  3. PINDA - BRAHMANDA MICRO & MACRO-COSM BIO & COSMO-SPHERE ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research The Balancing Act VataAir KaphaMoon Sun Pitta

  4. ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research TREATMENT AT DIFFERENT LEVELS MEDA SHUKRA RASA RAKTA MANSA ASTHI MAJJA          DOSHA            SROTAS PITTA PITTA VATA VATA KAPHA KAPHA


  6. CHIKITSA- TREATMENT Swasthsya Urjskaram : Prophylactic Vrishya,Rasayanam Aartasya Rognut : Curative Devyapashraya- Mantra,Aushadhi, Mani, Mangal, Upahar, Homa, Niyam, Prayachitta,Upavasa, Swastyayan Upavasa,Swastyayana, Pranipatagamanadi  Yuktivyapashraya-Anta-Bahi-Parimarjana & Shatra Pranidhana  Satvavjaya-Ahitebhyo arthebhyo manonigraha. ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  7. K R I Y A K A L ADISEASE DEVELOPMENT - 6 STAGES SANCHAYA : Summation  PRAKOPA : Provocation  PRASARA : Diffusion  STHAN SANSHRAYA : Localization  VYAKTI : Manifestation  BHEDA : Differentiation ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  8. 3 ROGA MARGA - DISEASE PATHS AABHYANTARA - KOSHTA - Abdomen? Mahastrotas - Digestive Tract BAHYA SHAKHA - Tissue Systems Rakta- Blood, Mansa-Muscle, Meda-Fat, Asthi- -Bone, Majja-Marrow, Shukra-Repr & Twak-Skin MADHYAM - Vital & Skeletal Marma- Sensitive Points & Organs Mutrashaya,Hridaya, Murdha , Kantha, Nabhi, Guda & Asthi, Sandhi, Snayu, Kandara ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  9. DIABETES Sub Types - Ayurved? Different Stages of Disease Development & Clinical Expression - New Contribution? 19 of 20 described to develop Madhumeha (Diabetes mell.?) Role of DHATWAGNI in identifying Potential Groups and Different Treatments Ayurvedic Treat. in Diabetic Complications? ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  10. ASTHMA Definite Potential in understanding the Causative Factors & Process Bronchitis - Primary Treatment based on Kapha and Pitta Concepts Allergy Related : Novel Approach ‘Soft’ Treatment in Young & Pregnant and in respiratory conditions arising as complications of other ailments ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  11. AGE RELATED DISORDERS Rejuvenation / Vitalizing Therapies Mental Dementia - Potential Therapeutics for Memory or Neuromuscular Conditions as for Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s? Concept of “RASAYANA” required to be understood in terms of ‘Ageing Process’ as VAAT Phase III of Life ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  12. CANCERS?? Are All ‘Cancers’ Similar? If no, what Ayurved has to offer? Gulma - Mesenteric, Mutraghat - Bladder,Granthi - Lymphatic Tumors, A Type ofKushta - Skin Cancer and such many more Learn about Potential ‘Curable to Incurable’ Stages & Difference in Treatments: A G N I Compliment. for Immune / Liver Protection ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  13. RHEUMATISM /ARTHRITIS Several Musculo-skeletal Conditions described in Ayurved (98) Different Drug & Treatment Approaches based on Clinical Variation Definite Role in Metabolic(Rheumatoid or Ankylosing type) or Degenerative (Oseto Arthritis) ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  14. AMA -DISTURBED METABOLISM CAUSES Abhojana - Undereat. Atibhojana - Overeat. Visham Ashan - Wrong Foods, Asatmya Ahar - Incompatible Diet, Dushta - Vitiated Food SYMPTOMS Headeche, Bodyache, Low Back Pain, Anorexia, Thirst, Dizziness, Depression etc Different Levels LEADS to different disorders ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  15. DIGESTIVE TRACT DIS. Treatment in Difficult Situations of Acid Peptic Disorders IBS Collitis etc. ‘AMA’ CONCEPT CAN OPEN UP DIFFERENT AVENUES ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  16. CHKITSA - The Treatment THE TRIAD OF HETULAKSHANAUSHADHCausative Signs Drugs Factors & & Symptom Therapies RESEARCH POTENTIALS ? Ayurved  Clinical Wisdom  Research

  17. Nourish/Replenish/Medicinal Similars / Dissimilars Promotive / Corrective Host Factor Significance Natural Sources Therapeutic Principles ? Ayurved – Research :Therapeutics

  18. More than 1100 plants Animal / Mineral Origin Thousands of Formulae Synergy ! PHARMACEUTICS Principles for Usage Vast Pharmacopoea ? Ayurved – Research :Therapeutics

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