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Differentiated Accountability Initial Sustainability Review FPE

Differentiated Accountability Initial Sustainability Review FPE . September 7, 2012. FPE Profile Demographics. Our student population based on August 2012 membership. Our student demographics are as follows: 77% Caucasian 24% African-American

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Differentiated Accountability Initial Sustainability Review FPE

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  1. Differentiated Accountability Initial Sustainability Review FPE September 7, 2012

  2. FPE Profile Demographics Our student population based on August 2012 membership. Our student demographics are as follows: 77% Caucasian 24% African-American 11% Hispanic 8% Indian/Mixed 2% Asian 19% Students With Disabilities (SWD) 72% Free or Reduced Lunch (Sept. 4, 2012) <1% Migrant The average daily absentee rate for our school is approximately 7.17 % and Fruitland Park has a student mobility of 9.0% based on trend data for 2011-2012.

  3. FPE Sub Groups Grades 3-52012-2013 Total School Population (325) White (246) Black (75) Economically Disadvantaged (243) SWD (39) Hispanic (36) ELL (9)

  4. Data Anaylsis/Progress Monitoring Access Data Base monitoring system Edusoft Mini-Assessments (IFLs) Achieves Mini-Assessments CWT Data Student Data Binders Success Board Progress Checker electronic folder for every teacher including all students

  5. Reading

  6. Reading Strategies • Initiate Kagan structures schoolwide across all subjects to promote oral language skills and rich, text based discussions • Supplement reading curriculum with “Great Books” literature using shared inquiry strategies to dig deeper better preparing for Common Core • Use Fetzer strategies mirroring CIS (Comprehension Instructional Sequence lesson) to read complex text closely • Integrate FPE Reading Block Summary Card establishing a school culture for whole group instruction, guided small group instruction, stations, progress monitoring, and non negotiables • Continue DBQ for 4th and 5th grade and scaffold lessons to pilot in 3rd grade

  7. Reading Strategies Continued • Continue DAILY 5 with PLC’s targeted to teacher needs for creating and monitoring stations including Word Work, Read to Self/Someone, Work on Writing with response to text • Provide PD and build teacher resources for Words Their Way, Fetzer Phonics, and Making Words, to strengthen phonics skills • Continue utilizing special area teachers (Music, Media, Computer) and Title 1 personnel for targeted small group and individual remediation • Continue use of Thinking Maps • Continue Weekly Reader and Science Spin magazines for informational text reading activities

  8. Reading Strategies Continued Integrate the use of Achieves mini assessments in grades 3-5 for progress monitoring of benchmarks utilizing county blueprints and task cards as resources Ignite a passion for reading school wide including using Reading Surveys to uncover student interests empowering teachers as “Book Whisperers” Promote weekly student Book Talks encouraging students to recommend books to peers on morning announcements PAWS will be utilized to support struggling readers

  9. Math

  10. Math Strategies • Continue the 90 minute math block • Initiate Kagan structures schoolwide across all subjects to promote oral language skills and rich, text based discussions • Sustain the use of manipulatives and hands-on activities • Building problem solving strategies • Bridging concrete, representational, and abstract thinking • Continue the use of Thinking Maps and support teachers with their implementation • Continue to support and to train teachers in the Go Math! series and instructional strategies

  11. Math Strategies Continued • Support the Daily Instructional Focus Lessons (Wylie’s Warm-ups) and weekly mini assessments • Continue to use the disaggregated data to better align intervention and extension stations • Utilize the District Curriculum Specialist/Coach for instructional strategies, modeling lessons and PLC projects including peer observations • Continue to implement AIMS activities integrating Math with Science • Utilize additional Title I teachers for skill focused small group instruction

  12. Math Strategies Continued Integrate FPE Math Block Summary Card establishing a school culture for whole group instruction, guided small group instruction, gradual release, progress monitoring, and non negotiables

  13. Writing

  14. PARCC Model of Content Framework Chart

  15. Writing Strategies • Students will write over extended time frames for a range of discipline specific tasks, purposes and audience. • Continue to emphasize Response-to-Text tasks in the Daily 5 station structure. • Use mentor text as examples for writing craft skills to enhance clarity, support, and voice. • Continue Document Based Questions to express an opinion or make an argument. • Continue Professional Development Writing PLCs for training and support.

  16. Writing Strategies continued Continue to provide Writing Family Nights Follow best practices in the 2012-2013 District Writing Curriculum Blueprints (4th grade). Continue to coach the classroom teacher and to conduct small group instruction Continue use of Thinking Maps At-A-Glance Writing Organizers – Nancy Fetzer Writing Connections Developing a Writing Coaching Card to align the rubrics with the skills and expectations K-5

  17. Science

  18. Science Strategies • Grades K-5 will continue to integrate Science into both the Reading and Math blocks • Utilize “Picture Perfect Science” resources in each grade level integrating literature and real world applications of math and science concepts • Continue to integrate AIMS activities into Math and Science lessons • Continue STEM extension activities for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders

  19. Science Strategies continued Continue to provide support and resources for Science content during the Reading Block Sustain hands on lab activities and experiments weekly for all 5th grade classes Integrate the use of Science Achieves mini assessments in grade 5 for progress monitoring of benchmarks utilizing county blueprints and task cards as resources Continue use of Thinking Maps Support teachers in using MyScience online

  20. Positive Behavior Support • PBS Team will have Tier III training • Team will continue training of new staff on schoolwide behavioral systems • Team will complete training on Leaps Social Skills behavioral program for all teachers and specific assistants through PLC meetings • PBS team members will train teachers in the tracking of behavioral issues through the new state web site in PLC meetings • PBS team will continue to utilize a refined Check In - Check Out system with data tracking and train teachers in the revised system

  21. Rtl interventions • Continue to support and implement the Tier II and III Interventions: • Reading: Differentiated Instruction, Small groups, Literacy Stations, Earobics, Lexia, Strategic Harcourt Interventions, Fast Forward, Words Their Way, Title I teachers for skill focused small group instruction • Math: Differentiated Instruction, small groups, • Everglades Math Program, Title I teachers for skill • focused small group instruction • Behavior: Continue to implement charting on students’ • targeted behavior with the Guidance Counselor, LEAPS • Social Skill Program

  22. SWD Support • Continue training and support for Writing IEPs utilizing district support staff • Sustain the assessment of students for individual goal development appropriate for continued progress monitoring • Progress monitoring on a continued basis through routinely scheduled meetings and electronic files • Provide continued web based training and site support for LEAPS • Provide Behavioral Training to Teacher Assistants • Build the curriculum capacity in self contained classrooms • Building a deeper understanding of NGSS with Alt. Assess

  23. Core Roll Out 2011-12 • First Grade on site Professional Development Day • Nancy Fetzer on site training • Comprehension emphasis on fiction and non-fiction • Chunking to support analysis, reflection, and research • Emphasis on text coding specifically informational text • Kagan Training for all Teachers • 8 Mathematical Practices • K-2 Thinking Math Instructional Strategies

  24. Core Roll Out 2011-12 • Implementation NGSS-CORE Workshop • Curriculum Blueprints • Task Cards • Coaching Cards/Summary Cards • Continue Thinking Maps • Writing Teams • Two Close Read in-services with Kevin Smith

  25. Core Roll Out 2012-13 • Great Books • Supplemental Materials K-5 • Great Book’s “Shared Inquiry” Professional Development , CCS Leadership Team • Attended FLDOE State Common Core Training • Continued support for Nancy Fetzer’s ELA Common Core instructional strategies

  26. Fruitland Park ElementaryC2 Ready Overview Mission The mission on the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. Vision A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace.

  27. FPES Success Formula: 2B C2 READY = 2 (C+Z) THE FUTURE

  28. College & Career ReadinessInstructional Framework

  29. School Improvement Plan (SIP)

  30. CCSS and NGSS

  31. CCSS and NGSSS (Continued)

  32. Professional Learning Community (PLC)

  33. FCIM

  34. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)/(RtI)

  35. Lesson Study

  36. Guiding Questions for Fidelity • Where are we on the C2 Ready Continuum? • What is the plan to sustain this year’s work? • What actions will be taken and who is responsible? • What worked well and what do we still need to refine? • What level of support do we need from the district and what can we sustain on our own at the school level?

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