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APUSH. 2 nd Semester Review. What wiped out tribal ownership of reservation land and granted 160 acres to heads of families?. Dawes Act. What historian argued that the frontier shaped America?. Frederick Jackson Turner.

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  1. APUSH 2nd Semester Review

  2. What wiped out tribal ownership of reservation land and granted 160 acres to heads of families? Dawes Act

  3. What historian argued that the frontier shaped America? Frederick Jackson Turner

  4. During the late 1800s, farmers supported free and unlimited coinage of silver mainly because they believed that it would lead to? Inflation = higher prices for farm goods

  5. What was the symbolic end to the Indian Wars? Wounded Knee

  6. What two factors that did most to stimulate rapid western settlement? Homestead Act & Railroad

  7. Why were the Railroads able to build so quickly across the western part of the U.S.? Government land grants

  8. What political party succeded in bringing about significant changes from 1892-1900? Populist Party

  9. What did William Jennings Bryan say “Thou Shall Not do? Crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.

  10. What event brought about the end of the Knights of Labor? Haymarket Bombing

  11. Who created the first Monopoly & what was the company name? John D. Rockefeller & Standard Oil

  12. What was the primary cause for most labor strikes? Wage cuts

  13. Eugene Debs was jailed during the _____ strike for refusing to obey the court _____. Pullman injunction

  14. What immigrant group faced the most discrimination in the American West? Chinese

  15. How did the big business leaders justify the economic inequality that favored them over the nation's poor? Social Darwinism

  16. Thomas Nast achieved fame as a _____________ when he brought down the corrupt rule of _________ ___________. Cartoonist Boss Tweed

  17. Who wrote & photographed How the Other Half Lives? Jacob Riis

  18. Nativists were anti,,, Immigrant & Catholic

  19. What did Muckrakers do? Reported on the problems in government, business & society

  20. What architect created buildings in harmony with nature? Frank Lloyd Wright

  21. Who designed the Brooklyn Bridge? J. Roebling

  22. The first effort to control immigration to the U.S. began with the creation of… Ellis Island

  23. Booker T. Washington helped his people by creating _________ _______, but hurt them when he proposed the ______ ______. Tuskegee Institute, Atlanta Compromise

  24. Who led the fight against lynching? Ida B. Wells Barnett

  25. Who coined the phrase “Gilded Age?” Mark Twain

  26. What supreme court decision legalized “separate but equal?” Plessy v. Ferguson

  27. What president began the Federal Reserve System? Woodrow Wilson

  28. What did the 16th, 17th, 18th, & 19thamendments do? Income tax, direct election of senators, prohibition, women’s suffrage,

  29. What caused the passage of the Pure Food & Drug Act? The Jungle

  30. The Progressive Movement represented the interest of the _____, _____ _____. Urban, Middle Class

  31. U.S. intervention is based on what addition to the Monroe Doctrine? Roosevelt Corollary

  32. Anti-imperialist objected most to the U.S. acquistion of…. The Philippines

  33. T. Roosevelt’s reform program was called the… Square Deal

  34. Name the other presidents who had their own programs & their program name: FDR: New DealTruman: Fair DealJFK: New FrontierLBJ: Great Society

  35. How did the National Origins Act restrict immigration? Quota System

  36. Which two men were most responsible for the Red Scares? A. Mitchell Palmer & Joe McCarthy

  37. What was the difference between a reservationist & an irreconcilable? One wanted to change the Treaty of Versailles and the other throw it out.

  38. Name the Big Four: Wilson, Clemenceau,Orlando, George

  39. What country was the Zimmerman note written for? Mexico

  40. What was America’s foreign policy after WWI? isolationism

  41. What trial during the 20’s was based on the Red Scare? Sacco & Vanzetti

  42. The goals of the New Deal were the 3 R’s: Relief, Recovery, Reform

  43. What New Deal law recognized the rights of Labor Unions? Wagner Act

  44. What New Deal program created jobs for young men? CCC

  45. Who proposed the “Share Our Wealth” program? Huey Long

  46. What items did the U.S. place an embargo on after the Japanese invasion of Indochina? Oil & scrap iron

  47. At what conference, did Churchill & FDR agree to allow Stalin to “liberate” eastern Europe? Yalta

  48. What caused the Dixiecrats to form in 1948? EO9981

  49. What did EO 9066 do? Interred Japanese Americans

  50. What post WWII legislation is most responsible for the prosperity of American during the 1950’s? GI Bill

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