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AMAZON RIVER. By yash dipan and shauryan. Content. Introduction History of the Amazon river Amazon river basin Amazon river helping people bibliography. Introduction.

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  1. AMAZON RIVER By yash dipanand shauryan

  2. Content • Introduction • History of the Amazon river • Amazon river basin • Amazon river helping people • bibliography

  3. Introduction • The Amazon River in South America is generally regarded as the second longest river in the world and is by far the largest by waterflow

  4. History of Amazon river • The Amazon started to form over 200 million years ago when its highlands were formed on Gondwanaland. The Amazon River, newly formed, flowed west to the Pacific as there was no barrier to stop it.   140 million years ago, Gondwanaland split apart and South America was left adrift. • When the South American plate collided into the Nazca plate, the impact crushed the young rocks of Southern America to form the Andes. This fresh mountain range blocked off the former mouth of the Amazon River, creating a huge fresh water lake.

  5. Continued……. • Over the next 50 million years, the continent began to tilt. Eventually, this caused the freshwater lake to burst through its stony barriers and form the Amazon River Basin.

  6. Amazon river basin • Amazon River Drainage Basin At its widest point the Amazon River can be 11km/6.8 mi wide during the dry season.

  7. Amazon river helping people • As the river meanders away from the Andes, it looses some of the sediment-rich water, dropping it on the “vareza”, the Amazonian Flood Plain. It is here that the rich nutrients from the Andes range go into the ground to create immensely fertile soil, soil more fertile than in any other area of the Amazon. After the long meanders by the “vareza”, the Amazon finally empties out to the Atlantic with a mouth over 205 miles across.

  8. Continued….. • It pushes fresh water out into the sea for 155 miles, going around a island in the center of the mouth named Marajo which is about the size of Switzerland. With the speed of 10 million liters per second, the Amazon once again proves its might.

  9. Bibliography • https://www.google.co.in/search?q=amazon+river+basin • Google images • http://library.thinkquest.org/21395/textonlyb/river.html

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