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providerone client services card hrsa.dshs.wa

2. Review the new permanent Services Card and some features of the cardProvide details about phasing out the MAID Overview of Client Readiness MaterialsFrequently Asked Questions. Today's Agenda. 3. Services Card - Front. . Client nameProviderOne Client ID

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providerone client services card hrsa.dshs.wa

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    1. Good morning everyone and welcome to the webinar this morning. With me today is Megan Davis and Barb Hansen and they will be answering as many of the questions as possible today during our webinar and if we have time at the end of the webinar, we値l respond to your questions as well. If we are unable to answer all of your questions during the webinar today, I値l gather the questions and provide you answers and we値l create a Q&A to publish for you to reference as needed. Thank you again for patience as we being a little later than expected. Given that we were delayed, I知 confident that we値l be able to successfully complete the webinar covering the topic in its entirety. During our webinar today, the telephones will be muted. Good morning everyone and welcome to the webinar this morning. With me today is Megan Davis and Barb Hansen and they will be answering as many of the questions as possible today during our webinar and if we have time at the end of the webinar, we値l respond to your questions as well. If we are unable to answer all of your questions during the webinar today, I値l gather the questions and provide you answers and we値l create a Q&A to publish for you to reference as needed. Thank you again for patience as we being a little later than expected. Given that we were delayed, I知 confident that we値l be able to successfully complete the webinar covering the topic in its entirety. During our webinar today, the telephones will be muted.

    2. 2 Today痴 webinar will highlight the new permanent Services Card. I値l also share some additional information and details on phasing out the MAID. We致e developed all sorts of materials for Client Readiness and I値l talk more about the materials that are available to you, to staff, clients, and pretty much anyone who wants information about ProviderOne and the new permanent Services Cards.Today痴 webinar will highlight the new permanent Services Card. I値l also share some additional information and details on phasing out the MAID. We致e developed all sorts of materials for Client Readiness and I値l talk more about the materials that are available to you, to staff, clients, and pretty much anyone who wants information about ProviderOne and the new permanent Services Cards.

    3. 3 Services Card - Front Client name ProviderOne Client ID# Date the card is issued This is the Services Card that will replace the MAID.This is the Services Card that will replace the MAID.

    4. 4 Services Card - Back Provider Website Magnetic strip Instructs clients to keep and present card Customer Service telephone numbers Key point for Providers Reminder to providers to always verify identity and eligibility

    5. 5 Services Card- Key Points Services Card(s) are FREE There is no cost to clients for the Services Card Doesn稚 replace EBT or Managed Care Cards The cards are plastic, resemble other insurance cards and follows industry standard The Services Card is permanent One card will be issued per eligible household member Clients will retain cards even if temporarily ineligible Protects client privacy no personal information Can be quickly replaced if lost, stolen, or destroyed

    6. 6 Magnetic strip allows providers to use magnetic card readers to access eligibility data http://hrsa.dshs.wa.gov/providerone/Providers/Fact%20Sheets/FactSheets.htm choose #4 Services Card will not display eligibility details Client痴 name, ProviderOne Client ID, & issue date Eligibility is verified by accessing ProviderOne Confirm eligibility each time Providers deliver services Services Card helpful - but not necessary One of many ways to access eligibility information Services Card Features

    7. 7 Services Card Providers can check to verify clients eligibility without the Services Card ProviderOne Client ID number Full Name and Date of Birth Full Name and Social Security Number Social Security Number and Date of Birth To replace a lost, stolen, or destroyed Services Card, clients will call : 1-800-562-3022 or 1-800-848-5429 (TTY/TDD) to request a replacement card Replacement cards will not occur until after 5/19 when the ProviderOne system is implemented.Replacement cards will not occur until after 5/19 when the ProviderOne system is implemented.

    8. 8 Phasing Out the MAID Initial distribution to all current clients Staggered mailing by region beginning in April Spokane/Northeast : 4/13 Other Eastern WA points: 4/19 Northwestern WA: 4/23 King County: 4/28 Pierce County: 5/3 Olympic Peninsula & SW WA: 5/7 More than a million Services Cards will be distributed state-wide April is the final month ACES will issue MAID Clients should wait until at least May 20, 2010, to call about a missing card. Clients bring both their MAID and Services Card to their appointments.

    9. Services Card issuance Initial issuance begins April 13th A second card mailing will begin on May 10th and will include all eligible clients from March 27th onward Services Cards will be issued and mailed daily 7-10 days mailing time Clients call MACSC @ 1-800-562-3022 for free replacement cards Services Cards cannot be tracked until May 10th when ProviderOne system is available 9

    10. 10 Outreach - Key Education Points All Audiences Services Card does not guarantee eligibility; lack of a card does not mean clients are ineligible Services Card is free and does not replace EBT card or Managed Care Plan card (if applicable) Services Card will be issued to each eligible member in a household When a client has both a Services Card and a MAID, they should take both cards to appointments. Once they no longer have a MAID, they should just use their Services Card. DSHS Medicaid eligibility rules used to determine eligibility are not changing because of the Services Card Providers Lots of options for verifying eligibility including option for magnetic card reader Must bill with the ProviderOne Client ID rather than the Personal Identification Code (PIC); otherwise claims will be denied Clients may be eligible regardless of the presence of a MAID or Services Card Eligibility information will be near real time and more comprehensive (includes Spend-Down)

    11. 11 Goals of Client Readiness Raise awareness of new Services Cards Prepare staff, providers, and advocacy groups to help clients transition to the new Services Card Anticipate delivery of Services Card Recognize the Services Card when it arrives Understand who will receive a Services Card Clients understand how to use the Services Card Know when to begin using the card Keep the card - even if temporarily ineligible for services Have card handy when making appointments Understand importance of carrying and keeping card Know what to do if card is lost, stolen or destroyed Know how to access care without Services Card

    12. 12 Client Readiness materials September MAID insert April MAID insert Services Card Posters FAQs, Fact Sheets, & Talking Points Brochures Services Card New clients

    13. 13 Client Readiness Outreach Listserv External Newsletters Presentations Staff Advocates & Community Based Organizations Services Card Live Webinars Refresher presentations start in April Services Card Video Brochure Available in April Listserv email updates to more than 400 subscribers External Newsletter articles have been published in Children痴 Foster Parent newsletters Presentations to various administrations, staff meetings, & Advocate/CBO meetings began in 2008 and continue. (WCOMO, First Friday Forums, SHIBA Conference) Client Advisory Group these folks continue to help with educating clients about the Services cards. The group consist of staff and reps from various administrations, Foster Parents, clients, Providers. Webinars currently in process and will begin the month prior to go-live. Refreshers about the cards. Services Card Video Brochure underdevelopment currently and anticipate available one month prior to go-live. Here痴 a view at the final draft of the video brochure. Listserv email updates to more than 400 subscribers External Newsletter articles have been published in Children痴 Foster Parent newsletters Presentations to various administrations, staff meetings, & Advocate/CBO meetings began in 2008 and continue. (WCOMO, First Friday Forums, SHIBA Conference) Client Advisory Group these folks continue to help with educating clients about the Services cards. The group consist of staff and reps from various administrations, Foster Parents, clients, Providers. Webinars currently in process and will begin the month prior to go-live. Refreshers about the cards. Services Card Video Brochure underdevelopment currently and anticipate available one month prior to go-live. Here痴 a view at the final draft of the video brochure.

    14. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will staff in the local office be able to issue replacement cards? A: No. Anyone needing a replacement Services Card must call 1-800-562-3022. Q: When will the last MAID (medical coupon) be issued? A: April was the last month of the paper medical coupons. There will be no MAIDs issued in May. Q: Will a client痴 ProviderOne Client ID number ever change? A: No. The ProviderOne Client ID number will always be the same. Q: Will QMB recipients receive a Services Card? A: Yes. This is a Medicare Savings Program and a Services Card will be issued to eligible individuals. Q: Will the Services Card contain any Managed Care information? A: No. The new permanent Services Card will only contain the client痴 name, ProviderOne Client ID number and the date the card is issued. 14

    15. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How will providers verify if the patient/client has other insurance? A: Details of other insurance (i.e. HMO, Medicare) will be available in ProviderOne. Clients that have HMO will have a Managed Care card from their plan. Q: If a client/patient comes to an appointment w/o their Services Card, how will be verify their eligibility? A: The provider will be able to access ProviderOne to verify patient/client eligibility with any combination of their name, social security number, & date of birth. Q: Will Take Charge/Family Planning eligible clients receive a Services Card? A: Yes. Eligible clients who receive benefits from this program will receive a Services Card. Q: What other options are available to check client eligibility? A: Client eligibility can be verified in WAMEDWEB and via the IVR at 1-800-565-3022 15

    16. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Do we use the PIC or ProviderOne Client ID to bill claims? A: When you submit claims, you must use the ProviderOne Client ID and not the PIC #. The PIC # should no longer be used, only the ProviderOne Client ID number regardless of the dates of service. Q: Are the new Services Cards free? A: Yes. Services Cards are free and clients will not be contacted by the department or asked for any personal information to replace a lost, stolen or destroyed card. Q: Will ProviderOne have a history to look up retro eligibility? A: Yes. ProviderOne will have a four year history to look up and verify retro eligibility. Q: What if an individual shows for their appointment without their Services Card? A: Eligibility can be verified without the Services Card. Any combination of the patient痴/client痴 Name, DOB, or SSN will verify eligibility. 16

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