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COSTING OF UNDAF KH 2011-2015. Report to: UNCT - Cambodia AUGUST 17 2011. Process. Gathering Agency information on: Outputs under UNDAF to implement programs in. Amounts and nature of source of resources. Status of confirmation of resources Analysis of resources by source and status:

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  1. COSTING OF UNDAF KH 2011-2015 Report to: UNCT - Cambodia AUGUST 17 2011

  2. Process • Gathering Agency information on: • Outputs under UNDAF to implement programs in. • Amounts and nature of source of resources. • Status of confirmation of resources • Analysis of resources by source and status: • Mobilised Resources (Core and Non-Core Sources). • Funding Gap (Including Non-Confirmed/mobilised Resources) • Determination of UNDAF cost to the Output level. • Determination of the Funding gap

  3. Outputs of Costing Exercise • A resource analysis report for the UNDAF 2011-2015 with a breakdown of source type and status of funding. • A cost projection UNDAF 2011-2015 • by UNDAF outcome • by set of Outputs • by Year • An estimated funding gap for the 2011-2015 periods.

  4. Limitations 1. Costing Process Due to the volume of submitted AWP, more time could have been necessary to sift through the data and to determine and extract the program activities that were intended under UNDAF and then cost them as thematic or single outputs. 2. Synching of UNDAF with Agency WPs Agencies have own planning and budgeting cycles and these do not necessarily work within the UNDAF 5-year (2011-2015) cycle. Resource planning and costing of the UNDAF would have been easier if country program work plans were in tandem with the UNDAF in their planning and budgeting cycles.

  5. Total Cost of UNDAF by Outcome and Year (in USD M)

  6. Definitions UNDAF • UNDAF Cost = total costed value of UNDAF 2011-2015 Funds mobilised • Mobilised and confirmed resources = funds available (core and non core) confirmed that are “in the bank” Funding Gap (2 parts) • Non confirmed resources = pipeline, under negotiation, nearly received, but not yet “in the bank” • Non mobilised and non confirmed resources = no funds on the horizon,

  7. 383 Total funding gap

  8. Analysis of Cost and Mobilisation of Funds (USD Mn.)

  9. Funding Gap By Outcome & By Year (USD M.)(Non-Confirmed Resources) Total UNDAF Cost 579 Total Funding Gap 383

  10. End Thank you.

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