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Lec 27: Refrigeration

2. For next time:Class projects due Wednesday, December 3, 2003.Outline:Refrigeration cycleIdealized cycle devicesExampleImportant points:Distinguish between heat pumps and refrigeratorsKnow what devices make up the refrigeration cycle.. 3. Refrigeration affects many areas of your life. The

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Lec 27: Refrigeration

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 1 Lec 27: Refrigeration

    2. 2 For next time: Class projects due Wednesday, December 3, 2003. Outline: Refrigeration cycle Idealized cycle devices Example Important points: Distinguish between heat pumps and refrigerators Know what devices make up the refrigeration cycle.

    3. 3 Refrigeration affects many areas of your life The obvious: Refrigerator/Freezers allow food preservation Air conditioning makes Texas inhabitable between July 4 and mid-September Refrigerated fishing boats allow preservation of catch Refrigerated trucks are used to ship fruits/meats Refrigeration makes possible medical procedures that call for lowering body temperatures

    4. 4 What we call a refrigeration cycle depends on its function

    5. 5 Schematic of the cycle

    6. 6 Four processes in cycle Isentropic compression (1 to 2) Constant pressure condensation (2 to 3) Isenhalpic expansion (3 to 4) Constant pressure evaporation (4 to 1)

    7. 7 Refrigeration cycles are often displayed on pressure-enthalpy diagrams

    8. 8 Performance of refrigeration cycles is measured by the Coefficient of Performance

    9. 9 COP for heat pumps:

    10. 10 TEAMPLAY

    11. 11 TEAMPLAY Show that the performance of a heat pump and a refrigerator are related by the expression COPHP = COPR + 1.

    12. 12 Simple view of household refrigerator

    13. 13 Heat Pump Heats a House in Winter and Cools it in Summer

    14. 14 TEAMPLAY

    15. 15 TEAMPLAY

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