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HQC Occupant Emergency Plan Fire Warden Briefing

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HQC Occupant Emergency Plan Fire Warden Briefing

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    1. 1 HQC Occupant Emergency Plan Fire Warden Briefing August 21, 2007

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    3. 3 Fire Warden Designations For DLA,DTRC,DCAA,DTIC Organizations are required to assign Fire Wardens a Primary and an Alternate to areas defined by their Supervisors. When assigned as Fire Wardens the information must be passed to the Fire Marshall.

    4. 4 Fire Warden Duties Perform monthly Fire Prevention Inspection and submit to Fire Marshall Kevin.Mckay@dla.mil Help fellow employees understand their required actions during an emergency this may require interpreting announcements or reporting emergencies to security. In a evacuation, put on your red Fire Warden hat, clear assigned area, then proceed to your assembly area and complete your accountability report. Remember to close doors and leave lights on. (Recommended by Ft. Belvoir Fire Department) Accountability reports will be collected at gate 1 and front door of parking garage. For evacuations to the pond side of the building, gate 2 will also be available. Conduct training for fellow employees when requested. Fire Warden Duties During Evacuation The principal duties of the Fire Wardens during an emergency evacuation are as follows: 1. Sweep designated area to ensure that all personnel have evacuated. 2. Proceed down or up the fire escape, out the nearest front entrance and report to the security person that the designated area has been cleared. Fire Warden Duties During Evacuation The principal duties of the Fire Wardens during an emergency evacuation are as follows: 1. Sweep designated area to ensure that all personnel have evacuated. 2. Proceed down or up the fire escape, out the nearest front entrance and report to the security person that the designated area has been cleared.

    5. 5 No Candles or Other Open Flames Permitted The use of candles or other open flame devices is not permitted without a permit from the DLA fire Protection Engineer. This requirement is in accordance with the Uniform Facility Criteria 3-600-01 and the National Fire Prevention Code 1 Section 10.15.7.

    6. 6 Fire Warden Evacuation Status Reporting

    7. 7 Supervisors Responsibilities Ensure that Fire Wardens are assigned. Establish assembly points for fire and bomb threat evacuations. Assure that your office sign is posted in the assigned evaluation area. (NOTE: DESC does not have SIGNS; DESC is in the process of having signs made for each CBU). Designate assistants for persons with disabilities. Assure missing or unaccounted persons are recorded on the accountability report. SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Ensure that fire wardens and handicap assistance persons are assigned for your area as required. During an emergency, check to ensure that these persons are available and responding. 2. Assign rendezvous locations for your staff during an emergency. When people arrive at the rendezvous location take a muster. Report to security if there are persons unaccounted for after the muster is taken. SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Ensure that fire wardens and handicap assistance persons are assigned for your area as required. During an emergency, check to ensure that these persons are available and responding. 2. Assign rendezvous locations for your staff during an emergency. When people arrive at the rendezvous location take a muster. Report to security if there are persons unaccounted for after the muster is taken.

    8. 8 After Hours Evacuation Take responsibility! If the Fire Wardens are not in the office, someone must take responsibility to ensure that everyone is out of the BAY, report the status to the OEP Chief. The senior person present should assemble the staff, check for missing persons and report them to security.

    9. 9 Prevention Measures Anti-Terrorism Constant vigilance Breakdown boxes for recycling so that suspicious packages are recognizable. Report suspicious items or activity in or near the HQC to Security Operations Center (SOC) at 767-4010. Work Place Violence Know your neighbor Know about EAP Employee Assistance Programs Fire Prevention Inspections by Fire Wardens, Ft. Belvoir Fire Department Inspector and Fire Marshal monthly. NO OPEN FLAMES.

    10. 10 Building Resident Actions in Emergencies Fire emergency - Pull hand pull station. Call 911 then SOC @767-4010 or 100. Medical emergency - Call 911 then SOC @767-4010 or 100. Bomb Threat - Be Vigilant! Report suspicious objects. Report bomb threat calls to SOC by a separate telephone do not hang up on the threatening call. Remember The Police Force will search the atrium and parking lot prior to evacuating people and barricading the suspicious area. Remember dont use radios, 2-way pagers or cell phones during a Bomb Threat Emergency

    11. 11 Building Resident Actions in Emergencies Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Attack This would be an external emergency Occupants would be asked to stand clear of windows, but stay in place. The Air circulating systems would be turned off. Chemical spill / Accident / Suspicious Mail / Suspicious Substance Report situation to SOC @100 or 767-4010. Stand clear of the object or material. The area will be barricaded, air systems turned off and potentially contaminated persons will be isolated. The Ft. Belvoir Fire Department HAZMAT response team will prosecute the emergency.

    12. 12 Building Resident Actions in Emergencies Demonstration / Disturbance / Hostage / Violent Person Situation Report the problem to Security and your supervisor. Stand clear. Power Outage / Elevator Malfunction / Utility Related Emergency Report the problem to Security Use the emergency phone in the elevator for elevator problems.

    13. 13 Building Resident Actions in Emergencies Earthquake / Severe Weather / Building Exterior Emergency Building is constructed to withstand 120 mph winds We approach hurricane preparation in a methodical manner to remove loose items from the grounds. For Tornado alerts, building occupants will be told to stand clear of windows and may be asked to move to more secure areas of the building fire stairs, auditorium, lower level parking lot side office spaces.

    14. 14 During Emergency Evacuation Check/Clear all persons out of assigned bay/areas including restrooms, conference rooms, etc. Once persons are clear, close all doors and leave lights on. Secure classified material. Use any fire exit stair or exterior door, exit by the shortest route (you can use the open stairs). Do not reenter the building. Fire Evacuation In the event of a fire emergency, the fire alarm will sound in one or more of the fire zones within the Headquarters Complex. It is highly UNLIKELY that the alarm will activate for the whole building. Evacuation actions are as follows: * General procedures --- Proceed via the fire exit stairways to the first floor and out the building on the parking lot side. Rendezvous with your organization in pre-designated locations near the sidewalk along the front of the building. NOTE: If you are smoking in the rear of the building, DO NOT reenter the building -walk around the perimeter of the building to the prearranged rendezvous area. * For persons with disabilities --- Proceed with your designated assistance person to the nearest elevators. Press the button to call the elevator. If the elevator call button does NOT stay lighted, proceed horizontally on the same floor to another set of elevators and try to use this set of elevators and so on. NOTE: the elevator call light will NOT stay lighted if there is smoke in one of the elevator lobbies in that bank of elevators. IF none of the elevators can provide service due to the fire condition, then proceed to the external balcony at either end of the building (these are Safe Havens) and await assistance from the fire department personnel. The designated assistance person should report the location of the person to security. We have alerted the fire department to be prepared for this emergency. Rendezvous with your organization as soon as possible. Fire Evacuation In the event of a fire emergency, the fire alarm will sound in one or more of the fire zones within the Headquarters Complex. It is highly UNLIKELY that the alarm will activate for the whole building. Evacuation actions are as follows: * General procedures --- Proceed via the fire exit stairways to the first floor and out the building on the parking lot side. Rendezvous with your organization in pre-designated locations near the sidewalk along the front of the building. NOTE: If you are smoking in the rear of the building, DO NOT reenter the building -walk around the perimeter of the building to the prearranged rendezvous area. * For persons with disabilities --- Proceed with your designated assistance person to the nearest elevators. Press the button to call the elevator. If the elevator call button does NOT stay lighted, proceed horizontally on the same floor to another set of elevators and try to use this set of elevators and so on. NOTE: the elevator call light will NOT stay lighted if there is smoke in one of the elevator lobbies in that bank of elevators. IF none of the elevators can provide service due to the fire condition, then proceed to the external balcony at either end of the building (these are Safe Havens) and await assistance from the fire department personnel. The designated assistance person should report the location of the person to security. We have alerted the fire department to be prepared for this emergency. Rendezvous with your organization as soon as possible.

    15. 15

    16. 16 Emergency Evacuation Pod 10/DTRC Pod 10/DTRC: Floors 1 4 exit on the 1st floor through the front entrance Basement level 1 exit out the rear doors on the Pond side do not exit through the loading dock (unless the path to the other doors is blocked) Basement level 2 exit up to the basement level 1 and out the rear doors on the Pond side. (Be sure to meet at your rally point)

    17. 17 Emergency Evacuation for Persons with Disabilities PODs 1 through 9 With designated assist person, proceed to the nearest elevator. Evacuate through the nearest exit. If this is not possible, proceed to the safe haven areas- external balcony for Pod 1 and the fire exit stairwells in Pod 9. Assist person will report your location to security Fire Department will use Evacu-Chair to evacuate persons needing assistance out of the building

    18. 18 Emergency Evacuation for Persons with Disabilities POD 10/DTRC With designated assist person, proceed horizontally to Pod 9, if clear Proceed to the nearest elevator Evacuate through the front entrance If this is not possible, proceed to the safe haven areas- external balcony for Pod 1 and the fire exit stairs in Pod 9 Assist person will report your location to security Fire Department will use Evacu-Chair to evacuate persons needing assistance out of the building chairs located on floors 4, 2 and sub-basement level in the DTRC.

    19. 19 Evacuation Chair

    20. 20 Building Re-entry OEP Chief gives the All Clear Re-entry based on FPCON level in effect

    21. 21 Conclusion Questions? Thanks, Capt Kevin McKay 767-1265

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