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Our great food manual for better assimilation and yoga for better processing have been attracted up keeping these issues mind, to assist you with pursuing solid and insightful decisions for your stomach.
Yoga poses for better digestion
Table of contents 01 Yoga and digestion 02 Yoga to promote digestion 03 Yoga for bloating 04 Yoga for heartburn/acid reflux 05 Yoga for constipation 06 Yoga for IBS 07 Yoga for releasing air
01 Yoga and digestion Poor digestion is often strongly associated with poor health in human beings. In fact, it is also said that “bad digestion is the root of all evil”. This only goes to highlight the importance of digestion in our day-to-day lives.1 Given our food habits, lifestyle choices, and daily stresses, digestion takes a toll. So how do we improve the digestive problems due to the modern lifestyle? With the help of Yoga, an ancient meditation practice. Yoga can bring about a change in our psychology as well as physiology. Some benefits of yoga on our digestion include: Improves blood circulation to the abdomen2 Boosts metabolism by stretching2 Reduces fatty deposits in abdominal region2 Reduces stress and in turn digestion via gut-brain axis2 Alleviates digestive discomforts3 References: 1. Lichtenstein GR. et al. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2013 Sep;9(9):552. 2. Balaji PA, et al N Am J Med Sci. 2012 Oct;4(10):442-8. 3. Naragatti S, et al. Journal of Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (ISSN: 2394-6547). 2021 Jun 27;8(1&2):18-23.
02 Yoga to promote digestion Now that we have seen how yoga benefits digestion, here are some ways yoga can boost overall digestive health.1,2 Uddiyana Bandha(The Abdominal Lock) The Abdominal Lock brings your awareness to the abdomen and stimulates intestinal activity Place your hand on your knees, close your eyes and relax. Breathe in deeply, then exhale, emptying the lungs as much as possible. Bend forward and press down on the knees with the palms. Raise your shoulders and press your chin against the chest. Contract the abdominal muscles upward and inward. Hold the lock and with your breath out for as long as possible. Do not strain yourself. Release the lock and inhale. Repeat as you exhale. Stomach pumping Stomach pumping can stimulate digestive activity. Stand in a relaxed position. Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on your thighs. Inhale partially and allow your belly to expand. Hold your breath in, pump the muscles of the stomach 5 – 10 times. Now, exhale, hold your breath out and perform the Abdominal Lock. Repeat the stomach pump in the next inhalation step. Start with rounds of 5 and increase gradually. References: 1. Shree Ganesh HR, et al. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Jul;27:692-697. 2. Yoga For Digestive Health Available at https://www.yogalifeinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Yoga-Poses-for-Digestive-Health-REV.pdf
03 Yoga for bloating Some poses that can help with bloating are: Cat-Cow Pose1 Place a yoga mat on the floor. Go down on your hands and knees. Inhale and arch your back upwards, taking your tummy in. Look up and hold for a few seconds. As you exhale, round your back and look down to your belly button. Hold for a few seconds and return to the original position. Seated Wide Angle Pose2 Sit down on a yoga mat and spread your legs as wide as you can. Stretch out your feet and point your toes upwards. Inhale and stretch your spine. Exhale as you hinge your hips. Slowly, crawl your hands forward, as you bend and bring your torso towards the floor. Do not curve your spine. Ensure that your back is straight. References: 1. Yoga – Cat-Cow Available at https://apifm.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/bebetter_yoga_catcow.pdf 2. Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend: How to Practice Upavistha Konasana Available at https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/wide-angle-seated-forward-bend/
04 Yoga for heartburn/ acid reflux Yoga practice comprising Kapalbhati and Agnisar Kriya can help relieve acid reflux symptoms.1 Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire2 Sit down in a comfortable position. Place your hands on your knees or one hand on your stomach. Sit with your spine erect and look straight. You may close your eyes. Now, inhale passively or normally, and then exhale forcefully. Perform at least 20 rounds (exhale and inhale count as one round). Agnisar Kriya Agnisar Kriya is a method of contracting abdominal muscles in and out to promote improved digestion and gastrointestinal motility.1 Stand with the legs slightly apart. While bending forward, place your hands on your thighs and inhale deeply through the nose and exhale fully through the mouth. Keep your back straight and the head upright, and allow the abdominal muscles to relax. Draw the navel inwards and upwards back to the spine. Hold for a moment and then contract the abdomen backward and forwards. Do this 10-15 times while holding your breath or as many times as is comfortable. Repeat for 2 more rounds. References: 1. Kaswala D, Int J Yoga. 2013 Jul;6(2):131-3. 2. Yoga For Digestive Health Available at https://www.yogalifeinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Yoga-Poses-for-Digestive-Health-REV.pdf 3. Agnisar Kriya - Stimulating the Digestive Fire Available at https://yogaindailylife.org.au/blog/2013/06/18/agnisar-kriya-stimulating-the-digestive-fire
05 Yoga for constipation Constipation is the reduction of bowel movements to three or fewer times per week. Practicing yoga can give a massage to your digestive organs and initiate a regular bowel movement, especially the bending and twisting postures.1 Here are some yoga poses to relieve constipation: Dhanurasana or The Bow Pose This asana strengthens the muscles in the abdominal region and helps relieve constipation.2 Lie on your stomach with your feet apart. Bend your knees and take your hands back such that they are holding your ankles. Lift up your chest as you inhale and bring your legs towards the back. Now, look straight ahead. Relax and take deep breaths as you stabilize in this pose. After 15-20 seconds, gently come back to your original position. Vajrasana or The Adamant Pose This is a fairly simple pose to improve circulation in the abdominal region.2 Place a yoga mat on the floor and kneel on it with your toes touching and heels separated. Sit down in the gap formed between your toes and heels. Place your hands on your knees, palms facing upwards, and close your eyes. Align your head and spine to be erect. Hold the pose for 5-10 minutes. References: 1. Naragatti S, et al. Journal of Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (ISSN: 2394-6547). 2021 Jun 27;8(1&2):18-23. 2. Top 7 Yoga Poses for Constipation Relief and Easy Yoga Tips Available at https://theyogainstitute.org/top-7-yoga-poses-for-constipation-relief/
06 Yoga for IBS Yoga can not only alleviate the symptoms of IBS but also provide relief from anxiety and depression commonly experienced by these patients.1 Vrukshasana or Tree Pose1,2 Stand straight with your feet together. Place your hands on your hips and lift your right foot up to your thighs. Now, bring your hands towards the chest and join them. Hold for a few counts and resume to the original position. Repeat for the left leg. Matsyasana or Fish Pose1,3 Lie down on your back on the floor or the yoga mat. Keep your feet together and place your hands underneath the hips. Inhale and lift your head and chest up. Keeping your chest elevated, bring your head down to touch the floor or mat. Relax and hold for as long as you can. Now, lift your head up and lower your chest to return to the original position. References: 1. Kavuri V, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:398156. 2. Tree Pose: How to Practice Vrksasana - Yoga Journal Available at https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/tree-pose-2/ 3. How to do Matsyasana (Fish Pose) Available at https://www.artofliving.org/in-en/yoga/yoga-poses/matsyasana-fish-pose
07 Yoga for releasing air Yoga poses that stimulate the muscles in the abdominal region can help to relieve gas effectively.1 Pavanmuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose2 Lie down on your back with your feet together and arms on your side. Breathe in and exhale while bringing your right knee towards yourself, with your thighs touching your stomach. Clasp your hands around the knee and bring your chin towards the knee. Hold and take a deep breath in and out. Slowly return to the original position. Repeat with the left leg, and then with both the right and left legs together. Balasana or Child Pose Kneel and sit on your knees. Bend forward and rest your forehead on the floor. You can either keep your arms next to your legs or in front of your forehead, stretched out. Hold for at least 8 counts before returning to the starting position. References: 1. Yoga For Digestive Health Available at https://www.yogalifeinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Yoga-Poses-for-Digestive-Health-REV.pdf 2. Yoga Asana - Pawanmuktasana for Gas Problem | Constipation | Wind Relieving Pose | The Art Of Living Global Available at https://www.artofliving.org/yoga/yoga-poses/wind-relieving-pose 3. Child's pose - Mayo Clinic Available at https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/multimedia/childs-pose/vid-20453580