1. MUSICA AFRO PERUANA Por : Abel Gálvez
2. The first Africans brought to Peru, came with few possessions. They were excluded from its main instruments of expression as the drum. Afroperuvian The old settlers managed to get new percussion instruments. Some imitated the left in Africa or improvise new ones. The first Africans brought to Peru, came with few possessions. They were excluded from its main instruments of expression as the drum. Afroperuvian The old settlers managed to get new percussion instruments. Some imitated the left in Africa or improvise new ones.
3. Origenes de la Música Afro Peruana En los años de esclavitud los Españoles prohibieron el toque de tambores por considerarlo parte de rituales satánicos.
In the years of slavery, the Spanish banned by drumming considered part of satanic rituals. But this veto did not stop Afro-Peruvians in their intentions to express their roots and so he improvised instruments to make music. In the years of slavery, the Spanish banned by drumming considered part of satanic rituals. But this veto did not stop Afro-Peruvians in their intentions to express their roots and so he improvised instruments to make music.
4. Origenes de la Música Afro Peruana Entre los principales nuevos instrumentos musicales creados por los AfroPeruanos se encuentran:
El Cajón
La Cajita
La Quijada de Burro Among the major new musical instruments created by Afro-Peruvians are: Among the major new musical instruments created by Afro-Peruvians are:
5. Las Danzas AfroPeruanas Contando con los instrumentos básicos para crear música, mas los instrumentos ya usados en la epoca, nacieron las danzas AfroPeruanas.
En estas danzas se representan la alegría y el expresivo ritmo del legado Africano. Los movimientos corporales y el nuevo estilo de música se fueron introduciendo en la sociedad Colonial.
Las canciones expresan una mezcla de las vivencias en los años de esclavitud y los años de libertad. Armed with the basic tools to create music, mas and instruments used at the time, Afro-Peruvian dances were born. In these dances are rendered expressive of joy and rhythm of African heritage. Body movements and the new style of music were introduced into colonial society. The songs express a mixture of experiences in the years of slavery and years of freedom. Armed with the basic tools to create music, mas and instruments used at the time, Afro-Peruvian dances were born. In these dances are rendered expressive of joy and rhythm of African heritage. Body movements and the new style of music were introduced into colonial society. The songs express a mixture of experiences in the years of slavery and years of freedom.
6. Principales Danzas AfroPeruanas El Festejo
Representa sentimientos festivos, los movimientos con los brazos y contoneos de caderas son caracteristicos en sus danzantes.
El festejo
It represents the feelings Celebrating holidays, arm movements and contortions of the hips are characteristic in their dancers.
El alcatraz
It’s the typical dance of the celebration, is that women have tied a piece of paper in the back of the waist and the man has to dance around it with a candle and try to burn the paper. El festejo
It represents the feelings Celebrating holidays, arm movements and contortions of the hips are characteristic in their dancers.
El alcatraz
It’s the typical dance of the celebration, is that women have tied a piece of paper in the back of the waist and the man has to dance around it with a candle and try to burn the paper.
7. Principales Danzas AfroPeruanas La Zamacueca
Es una danza que representa el galanteo del hombre hacia la mujer.
El rol de la mujer es de alentar y evitar el ascedio de su pareja.
En esta danza se combinan palmas y zapateo. El movimiento corporal es marcado por el compás del cajón.
The Zamacueca is a dance that represents the courtship of men to women. The woman's role is to encourage and avoid your partner ascedio. In this dance are combined clapping and stomping. The body movement is marked by the beat of The box. The Zamacueca is a dance that represents the courtship of men to women. The woman's role is to encourage and avoid your partner ascedio. In this dance are combined clapping and stomping. The body movement is marked by the beat of The box.
8. Principales Danzas AfroPeruanas El Landó
Esta danza se caracteriza por movimientos lentos y con letras que muchas veces hablan de las dificultades en los tiempos de la esclavitud. Tiene sus origines en la danza Africana Landú (Angola). The Landó This dance is characterized by slow movement and with lyrics that often tell of the difficulties in the days of slavery. It has its origins in African dance Landu (Angola). The lyrics of the song "Africa Land" describes the history of Afro-Peruvian music and his birth from the suffering of slavery The Landó This dance is characterized by slow movement and with lyrics that often tell of the difficulties in the days of slavery. It has its origins in African dance Landu (Angola). The lyrics of the song "Africa Land" describes the history of Afro-Peruvian music and his birth from the suffering of slavery
9. Expressing opinions & Vocabulary After learning a little about the AfroPeruvian music, please complete the follow activity using the vocabulary and expressions of opinion.
Opinion activity.
10. Listen the song “Africa Landó” of Nicomedes Santa Cruz and fill in the blank spaces using the preterite and vocabulary.
Africa Landó song
Africa Landó lyrics
Cloze Activity
11. References Africa Lando Lyrics by Nicomedes Santa Cruz
Brief history of AfroPeruvian music
Diaspora Percussion
Ballet Perú Negro
Hugo Alcazar, Blog of Afro Peruvian Music
Marcos Napa, professional artist, dedicated to the Afro-Peruvian music and dance.
Music from Novalima – Coba, Coba
Nicomedes Santa Cruz
Song “A que muevan la cola” by Victoria Santa Cruz
The Cajón symbol of the AfroPeruvians’ cultural resistance.
12. El Cajón (Wooden Box) Es un instrumento de origen casero, basicamente es una caja de madera que en su inicio lo usaban los viajeros para transportar mercancias.
Source is a homemade instrument, basically a wooden box in his home was used by the passengers to transport goods. He started playing as a percussion instrument with the palm of your hands and you get different sounds on each side of the box . Source is a homemade instrument, basically a wooden box in his home was used by the passengers to transport goods. He started playing as a percussion instrument with the palm of your hands and you get different sounds on each side of the box .
13. El Cajón Las autoridades del Virreynato no concideraron al Cajón como un instrumento musical, por no contar con piel de animales (cueros) como los tambores.
Fue así que estas cajas totalmente rústicas, empezaron a ser utilizadas para el acompañamiento rítmico de algunos cantos y bailes. The authorities of the viceroyalty concider El Cajón not as a musical instrument, not to have animal skin (leather) and the drums. It was so totally rustic these boxes began to be used for rhythmic accompaniment to some songs and dances. The authorities of the viceroyalty concider El Cajón not as a musical instrument, not to have animal skin (leather) and the drums. It was so totally rustic these boxes began to be used for rhythmic accompaniment to some songs and dances.
14. La Cajita(Little box) Es otro improvisado instrumento que los antiguos Afroperuanos adaptaron para crear ritmo.
Se obtiene de la cajita de madera que se usaba en las iglesias para las limosnas de los fieles.
It is another improvised old Afro-Peruvian instrument adapted to create rhythm. Obtained from the wooden box that was used in churches for the alms of the faithful. The sound is caused by opening and closing the lid of the box and complements the rhythm hitting the sides with a stick. It is another improvised old Afro-Peruvian instrument adapted to create rhythm. Obtained from the wooden box that was used in churches for the alms of the faithful. The sound is caused by opening and closing the lid of the box and complements the rhythm hitting the sides with a stick.
15. Quijada de Burro(Donkey Jawbones) Este instrumento proviene del maxilar inferior del burro. Los historiadores indican que para hacer resistente la quijada. Se tiene que exponer al fuego antes de usarlo.
This instrument comes from the lower jaw of a donkey. Historians suggest that resistance to the jaw. Have to be exposed to fire before use. The sound comes from striking an end of the jaw. The loose teeth resonate with the bone producing a rattle sound. This instrument comes from the lower jaw of a donkey. Historians suggest that resistance to the jaw. Have to be exposed to fire before use. The sound comes from striking an end of the jaw. The loose teeth resonate with the bone producing a rattle sound.