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The Human Genome and Human Evolution. Chris Tyler-Smith The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Outline. Information from fossils and archaeology Neutral (or assumed-to-be-neutral) genetic markers Classical markers Y chromosome Demographic changes Genes under selection Balancing selection
The Human Genome and Human Evolution Chris Tyler-Smith The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Outline • Information from fossils and archaeology • Neutral (or assumed-to-be-neutral) genetic markers • Classical markers • Y chromosome • Demographic changes • Genes under selection • Balancing selection • Positive selection
Who are our closest living relatives? Chen FC & Li WH (2001) Am. J. Hum. Genet.68 444-456
Phenotypic differences between humans and other apes Carroll (2003) Nature422, 849-857
Chimpanzee-human divergence 6-8 million years Hominids or hominins Chimpanzees Humans
Origins of hominids • Sahelanthropus tchadensis • Chad (Central Africa) • Dated to 6 – 7 million years ago • Posture uncertain, but slightly later hominids were bipedal ‘Toumai’, Chad, 6-7 MYA Brunet et al. (2002) Nature418, 145-151
Hominid fossil summary Found only in Africa Found both in Africa and outside, or only outside Africa
Origins of the genus Homo • Homo erectus/ergaster ~1.9 million years ago in Africa • Use of stone tools • H. erectus in Java ~1.8 million years ago Nariokatome boy, Kenya, ~1.6 MYA
Additional migrations out of Africa • First known Europeans date to ~800 KYA • Ascribed to H. heidelbergensis Atapueca 5, Spain, ~300 KYA
Origins of modern humans (1) • Anatomically modern humans in Africa ~130 KYA • In Israel by ~90 KYA • Not enormously successful Omo I, Ethiopia, ~130 KYA
Origins of modern humans (2) • Modern human behaviourstarts to develop in Africa after ~80 KYA • By ~50 KYA, features such as complex tools and long-distance trading are established in Africa The first art? Inscribed ochre, South Africa, ~77 KYA
Expansions of fully modern humans • Two expansions: • Middle Stone Age technology in Australia ~50 KYA • Upper Palaeolithic technology in Israel ~47 KYA Lake Mungo 3, Australia, ~40 KYA
Routes of migration?archaeological evidence Upper Paleolithic ~130 KYA Middle Stone Age
Strengths and weaknesses of the fossil/archaeological records • Major source of information for most of the time period • Only source for extinct species • Dates can be reliable and precise • need suitable material, C calibration required • Did they leave descendants? 14
Human genetic diversity is evenly distributed Most variation between populations Most variation within populations Templeton (1999) Am. J. Anthropol.100, 632-650
Phylogenetic trees commonly indicate a recent origin in Africa Y chromosome
Modern human mtDNA is distinct from Neanderthal mtDNA Krings et al. (1997) Cell90, 19-30
Classical marker studies Based on 120 protein-coding genes in 1,915 populations Cavalli-Sforza & Feldman (2003) Nature Genet.33, 266-275
Phylogeographic studies • Analysis of the geographical distributions of lineages within a phylogeny • Nodes or mutations within the phylogeny may be dated • Extensive studies of mtDNA and the Y chromosome
Y haplogroup distribution Jobling & Tyler-Smith (2003) Nature Rev. Genet.4, 598-612
Did both migrations leave descendants? • General SE/NW genetic distinction fits two-migration model • Basic genetic pattern established by initial colonisation • All humans outside Africa share same subset of African diversity (e.g. Y: M168, mtDNA: L3) • Large-scale replacement, or migrations were not independent • How much subsequent change?
Fluctuations in climate Ice ages Antarctic ice core data Greenland ice core data
Possible reasons for genetic change • Adaptation to new environments • Food production – new diets • Population increase – new diseases
Debate about the Paleolithic-Neolithic transition • Major changes in food production, lifestyle, technology, population density • Were these mainly due to movement of people or movement of ideas? • Strong focus on Europe
Estimates of the Neolithic Y contribution in Europe • ~22% (=Eu4, 9, 10, 11); Semino et al. (2000) Science290, 1155-1159 • >70% (assuming Basques = Paleolithic and Turks/Lebanese/ Syrians = Neolithic populations); Chikhi et al. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 11008-11013
More recent reshaping of diversity • ‘Star cluster’ Y haplotype originated in/near Mongolia ~1,000 (700-1,300) years ago • Now carried by ~8% of men in Central/East Asia, ~0.5% of men worldwide • Suggested association with Genghis Khan Zerjal et al. (2003) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 72, 717-721
Is the Y a neutral marker? • Recurrent partial deletions of a region required for spermatogenesis • Possible negative selection on multiple (14/43) lineages Repping et al. (2003) Nature Genet. 35, 247-251
Demographic changes • Population has expanded in range and numbers • Genetic impact, e.g. predominantly negative values of Tajima’s D • Most data not consistent with simple models e.g. constant size followed by exponential growth
Selection in the human genome time Negative (Purifying, Background) Positive (Directional) Neutral Balancing Bamshad & Wooding (2003) Nature Rev. Genet.4, 99-111
The Prion protein gene and human disease • Prion protein gene PRNP linked to ‘protein-only’ diseases e.g. CJD, kuru • A common polymorphism, M129V, influences the course of these diseases: the MV heterozygous genotype is protective • Kuru acquired from ritual cannibalism was reported (1950s) in the Fore people of Papua New Guinea, where it caused up to 1% annual mortality • Departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the M129V polymorphism is seen in Fore women over 50 (23/30 heterozygotes, P = 0.01)
Non-neutral evolution at PRNP McDonald-Kreitman test Resequence coding region in ? humans and apes N S Diversity 5 1 Divergence (Gibbon) 2 13 P-value = 0.0055 Mead et al. (2003) Science300, 640-643 ‘coding’ ‘non-coding’
Observed Expected Balancing selection at PRNP • Excess of intermediate-frequency SNPs: e.g. Tajima’s D = +2.98 (Fore), +3.80 (CEPH families) • Deep division between the M and V lineages, estimated at 500,000 years (using 5 MY chimp-human split) 24 SNPs in 4.7 kb region, 95 haplotypes
Effect of positive selection Neutral Selection Derived allele of SNP
What changes do we expect? • New genes • Changes in amino-acid sequence • Changes in gene expression (e.g. level, timing or location) • Changes in copy number
How do we find such changes? • Chance • φhHaA type I hair keratin gene inactivation in humans • Identify phenotypic changes, investigate genetic basis • Identify genetic changes, investigate functional consequences
Inheritance of a language/speech defect in the KE family Autosomal dominant inheritance pattern Lai et al. (2000) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 67, 357-367
Mutation and evolution of the FOXP2 gene Chr 7 7q31 Nucleotide substitutions FOXP2 gene silent replacement Enard et al. (2002) Nature418, 869-872
Positive selection at the FOXP2 gene • Resequence ~14 kb of DNA adjacent to the amino-acid changes in 20 diverse humans, two chimpanzees and one orang-utan • No reduction in diversity • Excess of low-frequency alleles (Tajima’s D = -2.20) • Excess of high-frequency derived alleles (Fay & Wu’s H =-12.24) • Simulations suggest a selective sweep at 0 (0 – 200,000) years Constant rate of amino-acid replacements? Positive selection in humans? replacement (non-synonymous) dN silent (synonymous) dS Orang Gorilla Chimp Human Human-specific increase in dN/dS ratio (P<0.001) Enard et al. (2002) Nature418, 869-872
A gene affecting brain size Microcephaly (MCPH) • Small (~430 cc v ~1,400 cc) but otherwise ~normal brain, only mild mental retardation • MCPH5 shows Mendelian autosomal recessive inheritance • Due to loss of activity of the ASMP gene ASPM-/ASPM- control Bond et al. (2002) Nature Genet. 32, 316-320
Evolution of the ASPM gene (1) Summary dN/dS values Sliding-window dN/dS analysis 0.62 0.52 0.53 1.44 0.56 0.56 Orang Gorilla Chimp Human Human-specific increase in dN/dS ratio (P<0.03) Evans et al. (2004) Hum. Mol. Genet.13, 489-494
Evolution of the ASPM gene (2) McDonald-Kreitman test Sequence ASPM coding region from 40 diverse individuals and one chimpanzee N S Diversity 6 10 Divergence 19 7 P-value = 0.025 Evans et al. (2004) Hum. Mol. Genet.13, 489-494
asp Microtubules DNA do Carmo Avides and Glover (1999) Science283, 1773-1735 What changes? • FOXP2 is a member of a large family of transcription factors and could therefore influence the expression of a wide variety of genes • The Drosophila homolog of ASPM codes for a microtubule-binding protein that influences spindle orientation and the number of neurons • Subtle changes to the function of well-conserved genes
Genome-wide search for protein sequence evolution • 7645 human-chimp-mouse gene trios compared • Most significant categories showing positive selection include: • Olfaction: sense of smell • Amino-acid metabolism: diet • Development: e.g. skeletal • Hearing: for speech perception Clark et al. (2003) Science302, 1960-1963
Increased expression Decreased expression Gene expression differences in human and chimpanzee cerebral cortex • Affymetrix oligonuclotide array (~10,000) genes • 91 show human-specific changes, ~90% increases Caceres et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA100, 13030-13035
Copy number differences between human and chimpanzee genomic DNA Human male reference genomic DNA hybridised with female chimpanzee genomic DNA Locke et al. (2003) Genome Res. 13, 347-357