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Technology Plan Overview. Kimberlea Burk Lamar University EDLD 5362 – ET8025 . Abstract. National Technology Plan State of Texas Technology Plan Manor ISD Technology Plan Summary Recommendations for Improvements. National Technology Plan. National Technology Plan.
Technology Plan Overview Kimberlea Burk Lamar University EDLD 5362 – ET8025
Abstract • National Technology Plan • State of Texas Technology Plan • Manor ISD Technology Plan Summary • Recommendations for Improvements
National Technology Plan • Transition to digital classrooms and transform learning • Create lifelong and life-wide learners • Goal is to reach by 2015 • 5 essential components of learning powered by technology
National Technology Plan • 1.Learning – Engage and Empower • Using mobile devices • Participate in online social networks and communities • Grouping • Individualization • Differentiation • Personalization
National Technology Plan • Moving away from the educator being the central focus of student education • Moving towards student as the center • Empower student to take control of their own learning by providing flexibility and engaging students with individualization, differentiation, and personalization (Ed.gov, 2010)
National Technology Plan • 2. Assessment – Measure What Matters • Move away from measuring whether students have learned • Move to assess students’ thinking during learning • Make information valuable and accessible by educators, schools, districts, and states to support continuous improvement and innovation • Use power of technology to design, develop, and validate new assessment materials and processes (Ed.gov, 2010)
National Technology Plan • “I'm calling on our nation's governors and state education chiefs to develop standards and assessments that don't simply measure whether students can fill in a bubble on a test, but whether they possess 21st century skills like problem-solving and critical thinking and entrepreneurship and creativity.“ —President Barack ObamaAddress to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, March 10, 2009 (Ed.gov, 2010)
National Technology Plan • Assess with a online system • Provides more detailed information about how students are learning • Captures student inputs and collects evidence of their problem-solving sequences, knowledge, and strategy use • Provides detailed data about “the number of attempts the student makes, the number of hints and type of feedback given, and the time allocation across parts of the problem” (Ed.gov, 2010).
National Technology Plan • “For the first time teachers will have the state assessments they have longed for. Tests of critical thinking skills and complex student learning that are not just fill-in the bubble tests of basic skills but also support great teaching and creativity in the classroom. I am convinced these new assessments will be a absolute game changer in public education” (Duncan, 2010).
National Technology Plan • 3. Teaching – Prepare and Connect • Move away from teaching practiced mostly in isolation • Online learning communities enable collaboration with peers and experts to improve student learning • Practice Connected Teaching (Ed.gov, 2010)
National Technology Plan • Practice Connected Teaching • In connected teaching, classroom educators are fully instrumented, with 24/7 access to data about student learning and analytic tools that help them act on the insights the data provide. They are connected to their students and to professional content, resources, and systems that empower them to create, manage, and assess engaging and relevant learning experiences for students both in and out of school” (Ed.gov, 2010). (Ed.gov, 2010)
National Technology Plan • 4. Infrastructure – Access and Enable • All students and educators will have access to a comprehensive infrastructure for learning when and where they need it • Broadband everywhere • Adequate performance • Abundant wireless coverage (in and out of school buildings) • Access Devices for Every Student and Educator • Ex: desktops, laptops, netbooks, mobile phones, portable digital players, wireless readers, etc.
National Technology Plan • Open educational resources • Ex: podcasts, digital libraries, textbooks, gaming, online courses, cloud computing, etc. • “Only with 24/7 access to the Internet via devices and technology-based software and resources can we achieve the kind of engagement, student-centered learning, and assessments that can improve learning in the ways this plan proposes” (Ed.gov, 2010).
National Technology Plan • 5. Productivity – Redesign and Transform • Redesign processes and structures to take advantage of the power of technology • Improves learning outcomes • More efficient use of time, money, and staff • “The fifth goal is to harness the power of technology to help schools to become more productive, to accelerate student achievement faster than ever before” (Duncan, 2010).
Texas Technology Plan • Promotes academic excellence in 4 areas: • Teaching and learning • Educator preparation and development • Leadership • The infrastructure for technology (Adames, 2011)
Texas Technology Plan • 1. Teaching and learning • Engage all learners individually • Provide real-world learning experiences • Provide student access of technology tools, services, and sources anytime, anywhere
Texas Technology Plan • 2. Educator preparation and development • Educators should graduate through well prepared technology programs • Educators should be provided ongoing extensive technology training • Educators should “create new learning environments that use technology as a tool where the collaborative, interactive, and customized learning predominate” (Adames, 2010)
Texas Technology Plan • 3. Leadership • “Calls all leaders to develop, implement, budget, and monitor the dynamic technology plan to meet needs of the constant changes in the workforce economy, using the data efficiently” • “Leaders should expect a environment that involves the use of online communities, digital learning, and distance learning” (Adames, 2011)
Texas Technology Plan • 4. The infrastructure for technology • Safe and secure • In time technical assistance • Support teaching and learning 24 hours/7 days a week
Texas Technology Plan Priorities • Provide all teachers with the technology that they need to teach. • Software, printers, scanners, and other peripheral hardware • Administrative support • Increase electrical and utility use • Provide with distance learning equipment and resources • Improve students-to-computer ration access • Improve the technical support • Improve the professional development in technology • Develop technology leadership • Students become proficient in the technology applications TEKS. • Restore the Texas Library Connection to provide equitable access to resources for students and teachers (Adames, 2011)
Manor ISD Technology Plan • The mission of Manor ISD is to provide: • Effective teaching and learning experiences for all students and staff members • Ready access to current technology, software tools, and applications will be available to ensure seamless technology integration throughout the district • Rigorous professional development • Consistent development of curriculum and instructional strategies, infrastructure, and hardware to ensure that all students are guaranteed opportunities for success (Manor ISD, 2007)
Manor ISD Technology Plan • Manor ISD’s Vision: • Educators are proficient in technology application skills, software applications, and integration strategies • Students master technology application TEKS by the completion of their 8th Grade year • Seamless integration of technology is a focus and priority on every campus • Teachers and administrators attend professional development because they have the desire to improve the technological world of their students (Manor ISD, 2007)
Manor ISD Technology Plan • Manor ISD’s Vision continued: • Teachers use technology as a tool, versus a glorified worksheet • Instructional technology specialists employed on each campus • Tech support within 72 hours is available on each campus • Technology plans are created and implemented on each campus • Hardware and network upgrades maintained annually (Manor ISD, 2007)
Recommendations for Improvements • Increase use of mobile devices • Expect teacher focus on teaching through student individualization, differentiation, personalization • Empower student to take control of their learning • Develop assessments that measure how students are learning • Set expectations for assessments to require 21st century skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity • Increase use of online system assessments • Create and implement individual campus technology plans
Recommendations for Improvements • Expect teachers to actively participate in online learning communities • Provide time and opportunities for teacher collaboration • Increase student and educator access to devices such at Netbooks and iPads • Increase access to open educational resources such as digital libraries and online courses • Increase efficiency of time, money, and staff to improve learning outcomes • Focus on integration of technology on every campus • Expect participation in technology driven professional development
References Adames, L. (2011, January 30). Texas Long Range Technology Plan 2006-2020 Summary. Retrieved May 14, 2011, from http://deafluz.blogspot.com/2011/01/texas-long-range-technology-plan-2006.html Duncan, A. (2010). Arne Duncan talks about the 2010 National Technology Plan. Retrieved May 13, 2011, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0PctTd_plE Ed.gov. (2010). Retrieved May 12, 2011, from National Education Technology Plan 2010: http://www.ed.gov/technology/netp-2010 Manor ISD. (2007). Retrieved May 11, 2011, from Three Year Long Range Technology Plan: http://www.manorisd.net/technology/pdf/docs/2008-11techplan.pdf