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Class Arrangement

Class Arrangement. A game to revise words of Unit 1 1.Introduction to the game 2.process of the game Unit 2 Fruitful Questions 1. Before Reading 2. Global Reading. Game: Mind acts upon Mind 心有灵犀. Introduction to the Game.

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Class Arrangement

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  1. Class Arrangement • A game to revise words of Unit 1 1.Introduction to the game 2.process of the game • Unit 2 Fruitful Questions 1. Before Reading 2. Global Reading

  2. Game:Mind acts upon Mind心有灵犀

  3. Introduction to the Game • 1.全班学生分为两组,每组派1人参加,选派1人做计时员。每组派出的代表背对大屏幕,组员和派出的代表共同完成任务。每组有10个词。 • 2.针对大屏幕上的词进行描述及运用动作,但不能说出这个词中的字,否则该词作废。出现的单词可以用中文描述也可以用英文描述,但是中文描述时不能直接说出汉语翻译。 • 3.每一组有1次弃权的机会。 • 4.每组的计时员准确计时,用时最少的组为获胜。

  4. Have a try

  5. policeman \ police officer

  6. The First Group Please Play!

  7. Ready? Go!

  8. toothbrush

  9. court

  10. belief

  11. witch

  12. take one's time

  13. accent

  14. counterculture

  15. employment

  16. dismiss

  17. award

  18. Please Play ! The Second Group

  19. Ready?Go!

  20. wander

  21. guilty

  22. respectable

  23. brilliant

  24. downfall 张悟本垮台

  25. witness

  26. a couple of

  27. save up

  28. temporary

  29. casual

  30. Unit 2 Fruitful Questions

  31. Unit 2 Fruitful Questions 1 2 4 Before Reading Global reading Assignment

  32. Before Reading 1. Warm-up Questions 2. An English Song 3. Sesame Street 4. Nicolas Copernicus 5. Häagen-Dazs and Reuben Mattus 6. Edward Jenner

  33. Warm-up Questions: • Punny riddles • 1.Which month do soldiers hate? 2.Why is the river so rich? 3.Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? 4.Which can move faster, heat or cold? March (三月,行军) Because it has two banks. Mom. Because dad is farther. Heat ,because you can catch cold

  34. An English Song — I Eat the Colors of the Rainbow pitaya['pitəjə] n. 火龙果 persimmon杮子 hawthorn n. 山楂;山楂树 pomegranate石榴 leechee['li:tʃi:] n. 荔枝 longan 龙眼 Listen to an English song — I Eat the Colors of the Rainbow from Sesame Street. Can you give the names of the fruits? Which one is your favorite?

  35. I eat the colors of the rainbow... Veggies and fruit that help me grow Red...red...some of my favorite foods are: Apples, cherries, strawberries and tomatoes Orange...orange...some of my favorite foods are: Carrots(胡萝卜), oranges, peach and sweet potato(蕃薯) Yellow...yellow corn and lemon Pineapple(菠萝)and banana... Green...green spinach (菠菜) and broccoli (甘蓝) Lettuce(生菜), peas(豌豆), and kiwi... Blue...blue...The only food I eat that’s blue is Blueberries! I eat the colors of the rainbow... “Hey! What about us?” Purple, egg plant, plums ( 李子)and grapes... So every day—I eat the colors of the rainbow...

  36. Sesame Street

  37. Sesame Street Sesame Street is an educational American children’s television series designed for preschoolers, and is recognized as a pioneer of the contemporary standard which combines education and entertainment in children’s television shows. It is produced in the United States by Sesame Workshop, and broadcasted on November 10, 1969 on the National Educational Television network. Because of its positive influence, Sesame Street has earned the distinction of being the foremost and most highly regarded educator of children in the world. No television series has matched its level of recognition and success on the international stage. The original series has been televised in 120 countries, and more than 20 international versions have been produced. ■

  38. An American long running children’s television show that combines education with entertainment. One of the games played on the show is the “What Doesn’t Belong” game. It is produced in the United States by Sesame Workshop, and broadcasted on November 10, 1969 on the National Educational Television network.

  39. With the creative thinking, he became a famous scientist. Copernicus ,1473-1543,Polish Founder of modern astronomy. 哥白尼 Heliocentric Theory 日心说

  40. Heliocentric Theory 日心说 He brought up the theory ——the sun, and not the earth, is the center of the solar system, and the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, which completely changed the way universe was viewed.

  41. Häagen-Dazs and Reuben Mattus

  42. “Love me and asked me to eat Haagen-Dazs!” Häagen-Dazs and Reuben Mattus He renamed his Bronx ice-cream Haagen-Dazs and raised the price without changing the product.

  43. Reuben Mattus, a young entrepreneur with a passion for quality and a vision for creating the finest ice cream, worked in his mother’s ice cream business selling fruit ice and ice cream pops from a horse drawn wagon in the bustling streets of the Bronx, New York. To produce the finest ice cream available, he insisted on using only the finest, purest ingredients. Häagen-Dazs started out with only three flavors: vanilla, chocolate and coffee. But Mr. Mattus’ passion for quality soon took him to the four corners of the globe. The Häagen-Dazs brand quickly developed a loyal following. Then in 1976, Mr. Mattus’ daughter Doris opened the first Häagen-Dazs shop. It was an immediate success, and its popularity led to a rapid expansion of Häagen-Dazs shops across the country.

  44. Edward Jenner (1749-1823, British physician) His invention of vaccination against smallpox was an immense medical breakthrough and has saved countless lives. Discovered the vaccination by abandoning his quest for a cure.

  45. Global Reading

  46. Global analysis ◆ What type is the text? A narration B description C exposition D argumentation D 记叙文a movie 描述文a picture 说明文a lecture 议论文a debate

  47. Structure Part I (para.1-5):The author’s children teach him about paradigm shifts. Part II (para.6-8): Three examples of shifting old paradigms in history. Part III (para.9-12): The importance of shifting old paradigms. Part III (para.8-12): The author encourages people to look at information in a new way.

  48. Assignment You are given some candles, a box of matches and some thumbtacks( as shown below). Try to place a candle on the vertical wooden wall in the shortest time.

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