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Chapter 7 Skeletal System Study Guide Answers. Check your work as the answers appear on the screen. Ms. K. Cox Human A & P. 1. bones support the weight of the body and structures such as the head and face 2. bones protect delicate organs such as the brain and spinal cord, heart and lungs
Chapter 7 Skeletal System Study Guide Answers Check your work as the answers appear on the screen. Ms. K. Cox Human A & P
1. bones support the weight of the body and structures such as the head and face • 2. bones protect delicate organs such as the brain and spinal cord, heart and lungs • 3. bones act as levers to which muscles are attached • 4. blood cells are produced within red bone marrow
5. minerals such as calcium and phosphorous are stored n the bone matrix • 6. bones also contain nerves and blood vessels • 7. epiphyses • 8. articular cartilage • 9. diaphysis • 10. periosteum
11. medullary • 12. endosteum • 13. marrow • 14. blood cell production • 15. in spongy bone • 16. marrow that functions to store fat • 17. medullary cavitities • 18. muscles
19. osteocytes • 20. lacunae • 21. canaliculi • 22. collagen • 23. salts • 24. most bones contain a mixture of compact and spongy bone include the skull the ribs, the vertebrae and the sternum.
25. osteons • 26. transverse • 27. most bones of the body contain a mixture of compact and spongy bone. The diaphysis of a long bone is compact bone, and compact bone covers the epiphyses. • 28. bones form by replacing connective tissue in the fetus.
29. osteoblasts • 30. osteocytes • 31. periosteum • 32. a soft spot in an infants skull where the membrane has not yet completely ossified • 33. hyaline • 34. osteoblasts • 35. secondary
36. epiphseal • 37. osteoclasts • 38. osteoblasts • 39. lengthening • 40. thickness • 41.axial • 42. appendicular
43. Only 8 facial bones we are worried about: maxillae, palatine, zygomatic, lacrimal, nasal, vomer, inferior, mandible • 44. zygomatic bones • 45. vomer and ethmoid • 46. palatine bones and the maxillae • 47. zygomatic bone and the temporal bone • 48. maxillae and mandible
49. fragile, scroll-like bones attached to lateral wall of the nasal cavity • 50. pedicles • 51. lamina • 52. atlas and the axis • 53. five • 54. coccyx • 55. S • 56. spine
57. articulates with scapula • 58. trochlea • 59. radius • 60. tuberosity • 61. carpal • 62. metacarpals • 63. hand phalanges • 64. 3 • 65. 2
66. coxal bone • 67. sacrum • 68. pubis • 69. symphysis pubis • 70. femur • 71. acetabul • 72. capitis • 73. patella
74. tibia • 75. tarsal • 76. tibial tuberosity • 77. fibula • 78. talus • 79. metatarsals • 80. foot phalanges • 81. middle phalanx
82. fibrous • 83. cartilagenous • 84. bursae • 85. ball and socket • 86. condyloid • 87. gliding • 88. hinge • 89. pivot
90. saddle • 91. insertion
Now count how many you missed and multiple it by 4.4 pts. • Each question was worth 4.4 pts each. • Total points possible on this assignment was 400 pts. • On the front of the packet write out how many you missed and what you earned over 400. • Example: -35 questions * 4.4 pts= -154pts • 246/400, 62% D