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National Guard Bureau (J6/CIO). National Guard 101. Thomas H.E. Drinkwater November 2005. Outline. The National Guard Acquisition Career Management Advocate National Guard Overview State Active Duty Title 32 Status Title 10 Status Capabilities Acquisition Workforce.
National Guard Bureau (J6/CIO) National Guard 101 Thomas H.E. Drinkwater November 2005
Outline • The National Guard Acquisition Career Management Advocate • National Guard Overview • State Active Duty • Title 32 Status • Title 10 Status • Capabilities • Acquisition Workforce
The National Guard Acquisition Workforce • NGB Acquisition Career Management Officer/Advocate • “Responsible for the care & feeding of the National Guard Acquisition Workforce to include ALL Army and Air Guard military, civilians, technicians, and M-Day Acquisition personnel” • Certifying Official for Program Management, Information Technology & Acquisition Logistics Career Fields. • Career management of the Acquisition Workforce • Mentoring • Career Counseling • Course enrollments • Records updates • “Keeper of Stats & Data” • IPT Member • CAPPMIS
The National Guard Acquisition Workforce • NGB Acquisition Career Management Officer/Advocate • TF ALT & Contingency Contracting structure • Acquisition Career Record Brief Updates • Information Technology and Life Cycle Logistics Career Field FIPTs • Facilities Engineer Career Field Assimilation IPT • Board Member • Competitive Development Group • Acquisition Education & Training Experience • Others as called • Acquisition Personnel Demonstration Pay Pool Panel Member • Subject Matter Expert on Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act • Chief, J6 Joint Human Capital Management Office • J-6 ADSW Tour Manager • CIO/J-6 Special Projects
National Guard Overview • The National Guard is NOT the “Reserves” but part of the Reserve Components. • Colonial Militia: The National Guard is descended from the colonial militias which existed prior to the adoption of the Constitution. • Constitution: With the adoption of the Constitution, the federal government acquired authority to organize, arm, and discipline the militia, and to call the militia into federal service in order to execute the laws of the Union, • to suppress insurrection, and • to repel invasion. • Reserve: Additionally, federal laws passed in the early 20th century designated part of the militia as the National Guard and transformed it into a federal reserve of the Army, enhancing federal authority over the Guard in certain respects. (The Dick Act) • State and Federal: As a result of this history, the National Guard is neither a purely state nor a purely federal organization. Rather, it is both a state and federal organization.
The State-Federal Military CONSTITUTIONAL UNION President Governors SEC Defense SEC Army SEC Air Force Chief of Staff Chief of Staff Adjutants General Chief, NGB Asst AG ARNG Asst AG ANG Director, ARNG Director, ANG
State Active Duty • Under the Control of States: Normally, the National Guard operates under the control of state and territorial governors. • Use of Guard by State: In response to disasters and civil disorders, governors can order National Guard personnel to perform full-time duty, commonly referred to as “state active duty.” • Governor as Commander in Chief: When called up by the State, the National Guard personnel • operate under the control of their governor, • are paid according to state law, • can perform typical disaster relief tasks and • are not subject to the restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act (that is, they can perform law enforcement functions).
Title 32 Status • Paid by DoD but Controlled by Governor: Under Title 32 the Federal Government can call up National Guardsman to perform training or other duties. • Can be called up without his/her consent. • Receives the pay and allowances provided by federal law for military. • Operates under the control of state and territorial governors. • Use of Guard by State: Normally the Guard is used in Title 32 in response to disasters and civil disorders. • Features: When called up under Title 32, the National Guard personnel • operate under the control of their governor, • are paid according to Federal law, • can perform typical disaster relief tasks and • are not subject to the restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act (that is, they can perform law enforcement functions).
Posse Comitatus • The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the Army and Air Force from enforcing civil criminal law within the United States.
Title 10 Status • Federal Status: National Guard personnel can also be activated in a purely federal status to serve in Title 10 within boundaries of the US: • For suppression of insurrection against a state government, at the request of that government • For the enforcement of federal laws and suppression of rebellion against the authority of the United States • For the prevention of interference with state and federal laws, if that interference deprives a class of people of rights, privileges, immunities, or protections named in the Constitution • To repel invasion, • To suppress rebellion • To execute the laws of the United States. • President is Commander in Chief: National Guard personnel operate under the control of the President and receive federal pay and benefits. • Disasters or Civil Support: The President may also order National Guard personnel to federal active duty to support disasters such as Katrina or 9/11. In this case the National Guard personnel operate under the control of the President, receive federal pay and benefits, and are subject to the Posse Comitatus Act.
National Guard Capability Overview • The National Guard has nearly 3300 installations in over 2700 communities and has been and is part of the fabric of the response to disasters. • The Adjutant General (TAG) of each State reports to the Governor for State Missions and to the appropriate military commander when federalized by the President. • In 25 States, the TAG is dual-hatted as the Senior State Emergency Management Official (SEMO) reporting to the Governor • In 19 States the TAG is a cabinet level official equal to the SEMO; and in the remaining States there are a variety of arrangements. • The National Guard is already a key player in Homeland Defense/Security.
National Guard Capability Overview (cont) • In each State and territory, the National Guard has established a Standing Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ) that includes not only staff from the National Guard as it relates to their Federal military mission, but also includes personnel from local, State, DOD, and Federal agencies to address Homeland Security and Homeland Defense issues. • These JFHQs will support and be a key part of our information sharing between various stakeholders and provide a key resource in developing situation awareness in response to an emergency incident. • All 2700 National Guard sites are tied together with telecommunications and data capabilities. • 320 sites including all the State JFHQs are tied together by a larger broadband network with voice, video and data capabilities. • Sites can be used for information sharing, training, and other purposes.
National Guard Capability Overview • As part of the National Guard’s transformation, the National Guard’s is in the process of expanding its capability to support and respond to the needs of the War on Terrorism. • Congress has added to Title 32 a new chapter authorizing use of the National Guard by the Governors for Homeland Defense activities. • The Chief of the NGB has transformed the Bureau into a Joint organization and reorganized the NG State Headquarters into Joint Force Headquarters, State. • Additionally, the Chief has guided the development of a dual-status NG commander (Title 10 and Title 32) for use as Joint Task Force Commander who responds to two separate chains of command: one to the governor and one to the President. The dual-status JTF-State commander can command both Title 10 and Title 32 troops.
Comments • The National Guard has been preparing for an enlarged role in disasters, civil support, and homeland security. • Expect to see this preparation validated by studies and Congressional review regarding Katrina.
The National Guard Acquisition Workforce • Title 5 Civilians on NGB Joint Staff • Title 5 Civilians in ARNGC • Title 10 Military assigned to PM’s and ASAALT • Title 10 Military on NGB Joint Staff • Title 10 Military in ARNGRC • Title 32 Technicians in the States - Dual Status • Title 32 Non-dual Status in the States • M-Day 51C’s in TOE units • TTAD Officers and Enlisted
National Guard Acquisition WorkforceThe Numbers MILITARY: 116 (Need to identify Military Enlisted) TITLE 5 CIVILIAN: 107 (Need to identify Log & FE Civilians) TITLE 32 ARNG TECHNICIANS: 647* TITLE 32 ANG TECHNICIANS:289* TOTAL 1159* * FE and LOG ACF personnel need to be scrubbed Potential 3555 Life Cycle Logistics spaces: 0346: 954 2001: 88 2003: 591 2005: 1921 2010: 1 SOURCE: Monthly NGB-HR DCPDS Report
National Guard Military Acquisition Workforce 51A’s (Program Mgmnt) 10 51C’s* (Cont/Contingency Cont Officer) 43 51R’s (IT Officer) 14 51T’s (T&E Officer) 1 51Z’s (Senior Acq Officer) 15 NCO’S* (Contingency Contracting NCO’s) 9 TBD 24 TOTAL 116 * CCO’s and NCO’s in TOE units need to be further identified - Number will grow significantly SOURCE: Monthly NGB-HR DCPDS Report
National Guard Army Civilian Acquisition Workforce SERIES:0018 3 0801 1 0028 12 0808 2 0201 1 0810 2 0301 7 0819 1 0303 1 0830 2 0343 7 0856 3 0346 18 1102 7 0391 3 1515 1 0510 1 1640 1 0560 4 1910 10 0690 1 2003 7 TOTAL 107 * FE ACF personnel need to be scrubbed SOURCE: Monthly NGB-HR DCPDS Report
National Guard Technician Contracting Workforce Air Army 8/03 1/30/04 4/30/05 8/03 1/30/04 4/30/05 1101’s 32 53 66 52 51 51 1102’s 73 73 77 232 232 241 1105’s 31 30 26 25 25 18 1106’s 2 2 1 24 25 20 Total: 38 158 170 333 333 330 SOURCE: Monthly NGB-HR DCPDS Report
The National Guard Acquisition WorkforceMilitary PM Assignments Previous: PM Distance Training Technology (NGB Program) PM National Missile Defense – GBRP (ARNG initiative) PM RCAS (NGB Program) PM Smoke PM WMD (Direct benefit to GWOT) Current: PM Fixed Wing (Direct benefit to ARNG aviation) PM MHE (Direct benefit to ARNG units) FY 05 PMs: PM GMD-XBand Radar (COL Fellows) PM GPS (LTC Matthews) PM Trailers/Bridging (LTC Winberry) PM FCS (LTC Reynierse) PM WMD (LTC Smith)
+ + + UEy + + TSC DLA DCMA USACE Acquisition, Contingency LOGCAP FAST PEO/PMs LSE MSC/SRA Logistics and Contracting Sustainment Contracting CCTms UE UE UE Assumes 7 - 9 Bde Size Units/UEx X X X Subordinate Unit Types Subordinate Unit Types HQ Structure HQ Structure LARs x x x x x x x x x x x x SUST SUST ME ME FIRES FIRES BCT BCT AVN AVN BfSB BfSB MAIN MAIN MAIN TAC 1 TAC 1 TAC 1 MCG MCG MCG MAN MAN TAC 2 TAC 2 TAC 2 MAN MAN MAN MAN NOTIONAL UEx LSE NOTIONAL AVN BDE BLST LSE CHIEF (MIL) 1 NOTIONAL BCT BLST LSE DEPUTY (MIL) 1 TEAM CHIEF (MIL) 1 TEAM CHIEF (MIL) 1 OPS OFFICERS 2 OPS OFFICER 0 ## OPS OFFICER 1 READINESS LAR 1 AMCOM LAR # 8 # (6 - 8) AMCOM LAR 1 * (0 - 1) JMC AMMO LAR 1 CECOM LARs 1 CECOM LARs 3 AFSC SUPPLY LAR 1 TACOM LARs 1 TACOM LARs 4 ** (3 - 4) ADMIN SUPPORT 1 DS to AVN BDE TOTAL 11 (9 - 11) DS to BCT Total 10 (8 - 10) AMCOM LAR 3 DS to BCT TOTAL 10 (8) # 8 Heavy | 7 Medium | 6 Light CECOM LARs 4 * 0 AMCOM LARS for Inf BCTs ## Senior AMCOM LAR is Dual TACOM LARs 7 Hat as OPS OFCR in Avn Bde ** 3 TACOM LARs for Inf BCTs GS to UEx units Total 22 BLST = Brigade Logistics Support Team Green is a new requirement / mission Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) (Acquisition, Logistics & Technology) Functional layout Functional layout not an not an External Organizational Support Organizational + chart chart AFSB Contractor Coord Cell Logistics & Contracting Acquisition & Sustainment Support Technology FRAs BLST STAT PMO Tms Tms REF Provides a single logistics Provides a single logistics POC for the Combatant POC for the Combatant Commander at all levels Commander at all levels
FY06 FY06 FY07+ FY06 FY06 CENTCOM EUCOM NORTHCOM PACOM SOUTHCOM AMC UEy UEy UEy UEy UEy USARPAC ARCENT USAREUR USARNORTH USARSOUTH Assigned MULTI - COMPO MULTI - COMPO MULTI - COMPO MULTI - COMPO TSC TSC TSC AFSB AC FLAG AC FLAG AR FLAG NG FLAG TSC TSC CONUS - CONUS(FP) KUWAIT EAST AMERICAS AC FLAG HAWAII EUROPE 2 Star MULTI - COMPO AFSB ARNG AFSB AFSB AFSB WEST AFSB AC AC AC AC AR NG GERMANY IRAQ DCP DCP DCP KOREA DCP 1 Star DCP DCP TO TD AFSB AFSB DCP AC DCP JAPAN DCP DCP (Okinawa) DCP DCP X SUS BDE FORCE GENERATION (Assigned to CONUS TSC) x Army Field Support Brigade Logistics Life Cycle Assistance Management Program Commands 8 AFSB (7AC, 1NG) 4 AFSB for Log DCPs in ARFORGEN 1 AFSB per TSC (4) AFSB has DCP TOE & AUGTDA Army Field Support Brigades Army Field Support Brigades Army Field Support Brigades AMC Single Face to the Field • Integrates Acquisition, Logistics, and • Technology for UEy Oversees LSEs supporting UEx and • BLSTs supporting BCTs. Provides Logistics Assistance • Facilitates seamless logistics to UEy • Coordinates all outside ALT support to • UEy/TSC from Army and Strategic Partners Provides Contingency Contracting • OPCON to TSC (or DCP) • Designed for optimum peacetime • support to the field and for rapid transition to war AFSB with TSC in Varying Levels of Conflict Limited Conflict Low Scale Hostility Ops Functional Lay out, Ground - concentrated Ops + ++ Not organizational TSC DCP DCP (Reach Back) SUS BDE AFSB Acquisition, Logistics, Research, Contingency SUS BDE TASMG AFSB Technology Development Contracting And Contracting Experimentation ++ • Logistic Assistance Full Scale War TSC • Program & Product Mgrs • Testing & • Integrated Materiel Mgmt Center • Contracting Officers Element (LAO) • Contracting Officers Evaluation • Item Managers • Contingency Contr. • Logistic Assistance • Procurement Analysts • Field Assistance • Readiness Centers + Bns & Teams Representatives • Cost Analysts in Science and • Operational Readiness Analysis Tms DCP DCP DCP AFSB • Contractors Technology • Integrated Logistics Support Center • Logistics Civil • Forward Repair Activities SUS BDE Augmentation • Combat Vehicle Evaluation Tms SUS BDE SUS BDE TASMG AFSB AFSB Program • RESET Teams • Surge for special area of emphasis COCOM can tailor to meet the situational need
AFSB 8 AFSB Requirement Proposed TOE Personnel 80 Personnel 48 Officers 32 NCOs X 8 AFSB MOS NOMEN QTY GRD 90A00 COMMANDER (CMD) 1 06 CMD Section 51Z00 CH, ALT PLANS INTEG OFF(CMD) 1 05 92Z50 SENIOR LOGISTICS NCO 1 E9 51A00 SYSTEM ACQ PLANS OFCR 1 04 Plans and Ops 51C 00 CONTRACTING PLANS OFCR 1 04 ALT 51S00 TECHNOLOGY PLANS OFCR 1 04 51T00 T&E PLANS OFCR ((*RMK 50)) 0* 04 90A00 LOG OPNS OFCR 1 04 Requirement 92A50 OPNS NCO 1 E8 10 Personnel 92A40 PLANS NCO 1 E7 6 Officers 92Y40 LOG OPNS NCO 1 E7 4 NCOs * Provided by ATEC
Proposed Contracting Design AFSB HQ 1 per ASCC 4/(20) - PARC II II II 1 per TSC ARNG CCU 3(8) CCU 1/(8) USAR 2(8) CCU 1 per Div/Corps UEx UEx 7/(4) UEx 3/(4) 8/(4) CPT Tms CPT Tms CPT Tms 1 per BCT 2 per SUA 30/(4) CCT CCT 42/(4) CCT 19/(4) Tms Tms Tms (AC) (ARNG) (USAR) ARNG: 1 AFSB, 2 Bns, 50 BCT Teams + 3 teams per Bn = 56 + 8 Uex Teams = 64 Teams
National Guard Technician Contracting Workforce Educational Levels 2003 Air 1/044/052003 Army 1/044/05 Blank 1 3 3 3 High School Diploma/Tech Cert 74 88 89 146 146 136 <1 yr college 7 11 7 26 24 22 1 yr college 6 6 7 14 14 15 2 yr college 7 9 9 15 14 12 AA Degree 11 10 13 15 17 14 3 yr college 0 0 1 7 9 11 4 yr college 1 1 3 6 5 4 BS/BA Degree 28 28 33 79 80 93 Post BA/Prof 1 1 1 4 4 3 Masters Degree 3 3 4 15 16 15 Post Master’s0 0 1 1 1 1 Doctorate 0 0 0 2 TOTAL 134 158 171 328 333 331 SOURCE: Monthly NGB-HR DCPDS Report
ARNG OFFICER CAREER PATH PM Board PM Board Int. T-10 Tour APM AQ Developmental Common Career Path 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 S S C C G S C Br TOE ASGMT/ Detail O B C CAS3 CO CMD COL MAJ OAC LTC UTA ICAF Common Career Path T-10 Broadening Joint/Staff 2nd Funct. Area 05 CMD or CAP Assign. Functional and Broadening Experience O5 CAP Assign. CAP Assign. OSD/ARSTAFF CAP Assign. Functional Development Experience Acquisition 51 Career Track
The National Guard Acquisition Workforce NGB Acquisition Career Management Officer/Advocate - Mr. Thomas Drinkwater thomas.drinkwater@ngb.army.mil - Certifying Official for PM, Log, and IT 703-607-0163 DSN 327-0163