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Early Years The Collaborative Approach. Why does Early Years matter?. The Evidence. The Evidence Base Brains Are Built from the Bottom Up: Skills Beget Skills.
Why does Early Years matter? The Evidence
The Evidence Base Brains Are Built from the Bottom Up: Skills Beget Skills
The Evidence Base Toxic Stress Damages Developing Brain ArchitectureTypical neuron: many connectionsNeuron damaged by toxic stress: fewer connections
Some key facts: • By 2 years of age, brain is 80% of adult size • >50% of the incidence of depression and suicide attempts could be attributed to adverse childhood experiences • Boys assessed as “at risk” at age 3 had 2.5 times as many criminal convictions at age 21 than those “not at risk”
Early years change activity • Early Years Framework (2008)- Winning Hearts and Minds but very broad in scope • Early Years emphasis in 2011 Manifesto commitments • Development of Early Years Taskforce & Change Fund • Now need to focus on priorities (like SOA discussion) • Get joint clarity about what needs to be done to achieve those priorities (Taskforce vision and priorities) • Use CPPs, the statement of ambition and the review of SOAs to achieve maximum impact • Apply Improvement methodology to effect change and improvement via CPPs
Scottish Government Champions the importance of the early Years and gives out consistent messages about what is needed to make this happen. • Ministers • Officials • Children’s Bill • EYTF & Subgroups • Leadership walkarounds • SOAs and CPPs prioritise EY Others champion and lead the Early Years agenda at a national and local level • Play Talk Read Campaign • Early Years Alliances • Parenting Strategy Parents, Families and Communities understand the importance of the early years and behave in a way that supports improvement Scotland is the best place in the world to grow up and the best place in the world to bring up children The Early Years Collaborative meets stated aims • Collaborative in place • Workstreams meet their aims • EYTF support the work • Public strand works Workforce have the capacity and capability to deliver improvement • EYTF Workforce group • Practice Development Team • Improvement Support • Learning sessions and CPD provided Clear measurement and real-time data is available and acted upon • Improvement Advisor • Early Years Indicators • Health ISD will provide data
Model for Improvement What are we trying to accomplish? What change can we make that will result in improvement? How will we know thata change is an improvement? Act Plan Study Do Langley, et al.
Appropriate Scope for a PDSA Cycle Staff Readiness to Make Change Improvement Guide, 2009
Does this ImprovementModel Work? The Evidence
EY Collaborative – progress & next steps • Launched on 1 October –Ministers, CMO, COSLA, Senior Civil Servants • Expert groups – September and November to scope out each workstreams. • Engagement with CPPs to encourage participation with the programme and learning sessions in November/December • CPPs identify leaders and virtual teams to lead each workstream at a local level • Final draft Aims to Early Years Taskforce for sign off in December • 1st learning event 24/25 January with further events in May and October 2013.