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email mcmoccasions@aol.com Telephone- Maxine 07843 945905, Colin 07826 789621 or Mandie 07990548459. MCM Special Occasions. Wedding Breakfast Seating Plan. MCM Special Occasions.
email mcmoccasions@aol.com Telephone- Maxine 07843 945905, Colin 07826 789621 or Mandie 07990548459 MCM Special Occasions Wedding Breakfast Seating Plan
MCM Special Occasions For anything larger than a small, informal reception, a wedding seating plan is likely to make a significant difference to the success of your reception. A wedding seating plan will almost certainly help things run more smoothly. Guests are saved from the mad panic of trying to find a seat on a table with their friends/family, and you can place people where they'll be happiest! The wedding meal may last for 2-3 hours and is a significant part of the day. If your guests are sitting with people they get along with, it will make a big difference to their enjoyment of the day. When it comes to doing a wedding breakfast seating plan, you may need a little help, there are a number of simple general tips to seating plans. first you need to decide what table shape you will be having – round, square, rectangular how many people will determine the number of tables, but make sure you don’t leave a few people seated on a table on their own, share out the shortfall across several tables to make it more even don’t make things complicated, you don’t red to ask who people would like to sit with try to keep the older generation together on one table try not to do boy, girl, boy, girl all around the table, this will make singles feel awkward on round tables partners are seated beside each other, on rectangular tables they are seated opposite each other. very young children should be seated with their parents, even if you are having a children’s table. use pieces of paper with names written on to play around with and move around until you get it right don’t feel pressurised into having the traditional top table, if you want to sit on a table with friends, do so, it’s your day. don’t have a whole table full of singles, mix it up, or they will feel uncomfortable.
MCM Special Occasions Top Table • It makes logical sense to start with the top table, this is the easy part. • The traditional order for the top table is as follows, from left to right (as you face the table): Deciding a seating plan when there are parent separations, divorces or tension between people you would like to include on your top table or divorced, however it is still usual for only the natural parents to sit at the top table. Other family members, such as step-parents, are not part of the traditional bridal party but are treated as honoured guests. As honoured guests, they should be given importance by being seated on a table close to the top table. Having an honoured guests’ table also solves the problem of where to sit bridesmaids and ushers. Since these helpers are also honoured guests, they would join step-parents, and partners of separated parents, on this special table – although young bridesmaids and page boys should sit with their parents Chief Bridesmaid Groom’s Father Bride’s Mother Groom Bride Bride’s Father Groom’s Mother Best Man
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MCM Special Occasions Guest Tables Etiquette- “A little common sense goes a long way”. You might want to put people next to people they know, or you might want to split them up a bit so they meet new people. Top tips try to put each person next to at least one person they know, your guests are more likely to get on well if they are similar ages or have similar interests. avoid mixing age groups too much. Young children should be seated with their parents. However older children can be seated with their parents, or on a table together. generally you should try to put families together and put work colleagues together. if you know people don't get on, try to seat them at separate tables, it is worth breaking with tradition to have a stress free event. try to create balanced tables, with even numbers of males and females, it is traditional to alternate male-female-male-female guests. try to avoid putting guests on the same table as ex-partners resist the temptation to have a ‘leftovers’ table of all the people who didn’t fit on other tables. It is probably better to distribute such guests evenly. iIfyou are having speeches or announcements, try to place the people giving them are seated where they won't have their back to anyone. try to place pregnant, elderly and disabled guests and guests with small children where they have easy access to toilets and other facilities. Don’t seat them at tables that are going to be removed to make space after the meal. older guests will generally have poorer hearing and eyesight. Do try to put them where they can see and hear any speeches. Do not put them next to loud music, they won’t appreciate it. Put children’s tables in the least favourable locations, they have better hearing and won’t be too interested in the speeches anyway. You can also keep them occupied with “table top” colouring books and colouring pencils
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MCM Special Occasions Wedding Breakfast stationary Top Tips Guests will need to know which table they are seated at so they don’t have to walk around every table to find their place. This is usually achieved by displaying a seating plan prominently at the entrance to the venue. If you have a large number of tables you might want to also display a floor plan to show where the tables are Seating Plan and Easels • Guests will need to know which table they are seated at so they don’t have to walk around every table to find their place. This is usually achieved by displaying a seating plan prominently at the entrance to the venue. • Table number cards are placed on tables to display the number or name of the table. If you have a large number of tables you might want to also display a floor plan to show where the tables are Table Number Cards- • are placed on tables to display the number or name of the table. • should be large enough to read without having to walk right up to the table. • are usually large tent fold cards or they can be flat cards in a holder, make sure they aren’t so tall that they prevent guests seeing each other over the table. Place setting cards are:- • are placed at each place setting to ensure guests sit in the designated seats. • are only required if you have assigned guests to seats (not tables). A goo idea is to print the guest’s name on both sides so that other guests on the table can also read it. • names will usually be in the format “Mr John Smith”, but you can use “John Smith” or “Mr J. Smith” depending on the level of formality you are happy with. • guest names can also be written on personalised menus or favours instead of using place cards. For some thing different why not ask MCM Special Occasions for their section on table seating boards & easels, table number cards, place settings and favours. email mcmoccasions@aol.com Telephone- Maxine 07843 945905, Colin 07826 789621or Mandie 07990548459
MCM Special Occasions Heart Name Card Holders Butterfly Name Card Holders email mcmoccasions@aol.com Telephone- Maxine 07843 945905, Colin 07826 789621or Mandie 07990548459