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DART- Project Angelika Stuke State Chancellery of the Land Brandenburg. Project Partners and Map. Methodology - Activities. Exchange of experience in three main topics Economy, Education, Health and Social Services
DART- Project Angelika Stuke State Chancellery of the Land Brandenburg
Methodology - Activities • Exchange of experience in three main topicsEconomy, Education, Health and Social Services • Methodology: 1. Workshops with good practice examples to the main topics with study visits in Solvenia, Lower Silesian, Lower Austria and Galicia • 2. One conference each to the main topics with selected best practices • Economy: April 2011 in Dresden, DE Education: June 2011 in Prague, CZ Health: May 2012 in Kainuu, FI • 3. Pilot action: Development of new indicators and standards for public services to measure regional development • Intensive communication of the topic (euregia, Open Days, Demography Forum, regional events, newsletter)
Methodology – two major components • Exchange of Experiences – learning from each other • 89 presented regional good practices • 26 selected as best practices • innovative products and services • Criteria for the assessment, e.g.: • transferibility • benefits and added value • factors of success • declining or ageing region • Indicators and Standards • local investigated region • set of basic indicators • labour market, education, health • Examined indicators, e.g.: • proportion of young to aged people • out-migration rate of the youth Possible standards, e.g.: • accessibility of child care, schools, medical care, LLL etc.
Projectpartners /local areas Kainuu/FI Bevölkerung 1993: 96.268 Bevölkerung 2009: 82.634 Schrumpfung um 14,2%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 6-15 Jahre 1993/2009 um 35,1% Görlitz/ Saxony/DE Bevölkerung 1990: 367.115 Bevölkerung 2009: 281.076 Schrumpfung um 24,4%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 6-15 Jahre 1990/2009 um 59,9% Uckermark /Brandenburg/DE Bevölkerung 1993: 163.719 Bevölkerung 2009: 131.115 Schrumpfung um 19,9%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 6-15 Jahre 1993/2009 um 62,8% North-Karelia/FI Bevölkerung 1993: 178.076 Bevölkerung 2009: 165.962 Schrumpfung um 8,0%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 6-15 Jahre 1993/2008 um 23,4% Roscommon/West Region I./IE Bevölkerung 1991: 51.897 Bevölkerung 2006: 58.768 Wachstum um 13,2%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 5-14 Jahre 1996/2006 um 11,2% Klodzki/Lower Silesia/PL Bevölkerung 1995: 182.667 Bevölkerung 2009: 163.648 Schrumpfung um 10,6%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 5-14 Jahre 1995/2009 um 45,7% Parkstad/Limburg/NL Bevölkerung 1993: 244.387 Bevölkerung 2009: 240.634 Schrumpfung um 1,5%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 0-19 Jahre 1993/2008 um 14,1% Kutna Hora/Central Bohemia/CZ Bevölkerung 1993: 74.774 Bevölkerung 2009: 74.939 Wachstum um 0,2%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 5-14 Jahre 1993/2009 um 33,4% Qurense/Galicia/ES Bevölkerung 1998: 344.170 Bevölkerung 2009: 335.642 Schrumpfung um 2,5%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 6-14 Jahre 1998/2009 um 28,8% Waldviertel/Lower Austria/AT Bevölkerung 1991: 148.633 Bevölkerung 2009: 141.670 Schrumpfung um 6,7%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 5-15 Jahre 1991/2008 um 15,8% Rovigo/Venetia/IT Bevölkerung 1991: 248.004 Bevölkerung 2009: 247.164 Schrumpfung um 0,3%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 6-14 Jahre 1991/2009 um 52,4% Alba/Centru/RO Bevölkerung 1993: 412.038 Bevölkerung 2009: 373.134 Schrumpfung um 9,4%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 5-14 Jahre 1993/2009 um 40,0% Gorenjska/Kranj/SI Bevölkerung 1993: 194.472 Bevölkerung 2009: 202.903 Wachstum um 4,3%; Schrumpfung der Altersgruppe 5-14 Jahre 1993/2009 um 30,9%
What results can be expected? • The answer for a declining population can no longer be shrinking infrastructure and decreasing services. • Declining and ageing regions need qualitative solutions and innovative answers for citizens, authorities and business world. • Aim of DART: to achieve an adjustment of policies related to demographic change through the implementation of: • good practices from previous partner projects, • new products and services to maintain quality of life, especially in new business fields for SMEs and • a set of standards and indicators to benchmark regions in demographic change.
Thank you for your attention! Contact: State Chancellery of Brandenburg Angelika Stuke angelika.stuke@stk.brandenburg.de +49 331 866 1384 www.dart-project.eu